Chapter 47

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I threw on my dark blue skinny jeans with this top:;=-1&clr=Black&un_jtt_v_carousel_p=4 hanging loosely over my body, I threw on my black vans and shoved my phone deep into my back pocket before walking back to Josh's room. I knocked lightly on the door 'Josh are you ready?' I asked standing outside the door 'yeah meet you down stairs in a minute!' He yelled back at me, I chuckled and walked down stairs, it's good to be back home. 'Mum, I'm going out' I said walking into the kitchen where I was greeted with what's his name... William? He was there and not my mum. 'Oh sorry' I said awkwardly and smiled weakly at him 'it's okay, come sit have a chat. Karen had just popped out' he said patting the stool next to him, I sat down and sat there fiddling with my fingers not saying a word, I mean what am I supposed to say to a random guy I just met that's is also dating my mother 'I get this may be a little uncomfortable for you' he said looking at me I just nodded in agreement, I know that you shouldn't judge people before you know someone but I was judging him for trying to fill the spot of my father and that wasn't going to happen. 'YN, let's go!' I heard Josh call out to me from the front door 'coming, i-er-i-er see you later' I said to William as I waved awkwardly and walked out 'where are we going?' Josh asked as we walked out of the front door 'don't know, let's just go for a walk' I suggested 'LEGGO' he yelled reminding me so much of Justin 'dork' I muttered shaking my head at him. As soon as we walked out of the gates of my house there were a few paps snapping pictures of me... Maybe 4 paparazzi? But I don't understand why they want to take pictures of me... I'm just going for a walk with my little brother. Nothing very interesting 'YN, YN ARE YOU STILL DATING JUSTIN?' One yelled at me but I didn't answer, I never answer the questions 'morning' I said to them all as I smiled and waved at them, I thinks its just easier to be nice to them then block them out of the way because when you do that they tend to leave you alone and not bug you as much. 

'So everything good?' I asked Josh walking along the road 'yeah things are better than before' he said laughing slightly before continuing 'I spoke to mum about school' he added 'what did she say?' I asked 'she actually believed me when it came out of my mouth so she makes sure I work hard and I have a tutor' he said smiling at me 'good! And talk to me whenever you need' I said giving him a side hug 'thanks' he mumbled 'mmmm let's get ice cream' I told him as I walked into the ice cream bar near us 'get me chocolate please!' Josh called out to me 'will do!' I called back to him. I bought to chocolate ice creams, one for me and one for Josh then joined him at the table. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Josh eating it and tweeted 'family time' 'i hate you, you've just gone and ruined my swag' he said popping his imaginary collar 'Josh you have no swag' i said laughing at him and taking a spoon full of ice cream 'coming from you?' Josh asked cocking his left eyebrow high 'shut up! have you seen me?!' i said jokingly 'you're such a loser' he muttered 'i heard that' i told him, we both let out a roar of laughter 'i missed you being home' Josh told me truthfully 'i missed being home' i confessed to him, he smiled at me as we continued to eat out ice cream. Once we finished we decided to go home, as we were walking home my phone vibrated in my back pocket 'two and a half months<3' was what it said and i already knew that it was from Justin... two and a half months, that's all 'til i get to see you<3' i replied with a smile. when we got home we walked in laughing a bit and walked back into the living room 'hey Josh' i said whispering to him 'what?' he asked furrowing his eyebrows at me 'does William live here?' i asked not knowing the answer of having a clue, I've been gone two weeks but it seems like a lot has changed, and i'm not sure if i like how it has changed. 


Stressed. That's how I feel, and the only thing that's keeping me going is knowing that as the days go on... I'm closer to seeing YN again. I'm glad everything is okay again and I'm never going to let anything like that happen ever ever again, never. It killed me just to know she hated me and didn't want to speak to me, but what killed me even more was knowing that I couldn't just be with her and hug her kiss her make sure she knows I love her. Two and a half months, just two and a half months. Scooter and me have not being getting on so well lately, he's always on my case and he completely lost it at me when i asked to go home and make up with YN and ever since he has just been really pissy with me telling me i don't work hard enough when i am clearly working my ass off. he tells me i've changed but i haven't changed i have just grown up and that was going to happen but no matter what i will always be that little boy that grew up in Canada but i'm just not so little anymore. i have just finished my show over here in Australia and have another five here over different cities, i pulled out my phone and tweeted 'AMAZING SHOW HERE IN OZ #ILOVEMYFANS#BELIEBERS' and as soon as i tweeted it everythong and everyone went crazy! i laughed at some of the girls replies but replied and re tweeted as many people as i could, i haven't been able to tweet so much lately just because i have been so busy. i took a picture of myself looking all sweaty with Alfredo and then tweeted it saying 'work hard play hard #LEGGO'. i really want to tweet at YN but i just don't want any hate to be sent for me talking to my girlfriend because i hate it when my beliebers think that i don't love them because i do with every fiber in my being and i love that they protect me and i love being able to protect them but sometimes i just wish i could tweet a picture of something swaggy me and YN are doing or some dorky but cute picture me and YN ave taken but i can't because i don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. so i just settled with sending her a text 'two and half months<3' i sent her and i got a reply almost instantly 'til i see you<3' was her reply, i tapped away on my phone when someone snatched it out of my hand 'whoa' i said standing up and snatching my phone out of Scooters hand 'on the bus. now' he said extremely pissed off, guessing he has another thing to nag me about. 

---two and a half months later---

over the past two and a half months everything has been good, i'm back in the swing of touring although i still miss home like mad. mum came on tour with me for a few weeks and it was great having her here i never get to see her anymore so i like to spend as much time with her as i can. me and YN have been amazing, i mean yeah we argue but what couple doesn't argue and it just makes it harder that i'm so far away from her but no matter what we always sort everything is the day that i finally get to go home and see my baby, hold me and tell her i love her to her face and not through some screen. if i am being honest i'm starting to forget what her lips feel like on mine, what he laugh sounds like to my ears, what her touch feels like against my skin. but i don't have to worry because today i'm going home and everything is going to be alright. 'FREDO HURRY UP!' i screamed from outside of his hotel room, i was eager to get home, so eager that i got up at six thirty just to try and get home as soon as i could, but nope this clown decided that he wasn't going to set his alarm clock, everybody else is up and ready in fact everyone's bags are already loaded in the cars to take ups to the airport, well everyone expect Fredo that is, what a dick. 'bro can i have the key to his room?' i asked Scooter as he had a spare key to all of our rooms just in case something like this happens, he looked at me as if he wanted me to say something else 'please?' i asked sweetly and pulled the puppy dog face 'here' he said handing me the key. i rushed over to the door and opening it before storming in and jumping on the bed 'BRO GET THE FUCK UP!' i yelled and started to throw punches at him and kick him 'JUSTIN LANGUAGE' Scooter yelled for outside the door 'sorry!' i yelled back before i began to punch Fredo again 'what?!' Fredo groaned placing a pillow over his head in attempt to drown out any noise 'get up, now! we were supposed to leave like half an hour ago!' i said sounding slightly pissed Fredo then muttered something before sitting up and walking off to the bathroom, i smiled satisfied that he is now awake before walking back of the room and handing Scooter the spare key back 'he's up' i said simply 'i don't think anyone could sleep through that kid' Scooter said patting my shoulder and i just shrugged my shoulders. About five minutes later Fredo appeared out of his room looking a MESS, i couldn't help but snap a picture of him and upload the picture up on to twitter saying '@AlfredoFlores is NOT a morning person #notswaggy' i laughed and then tweeted again saying 'home today need a rest but don't worry #BELIEVETOUR will be back for all you ladies;)' i was in an extremely good mood today for one reason and one reason only... i was seeing my baby today.


i woke up at around eleven o'clock and jumped out of bed and having a warm shower, my heart was beating so fast and for one reason... my baby was coming home today and i was so excited. Justin asked me to pick him up fro the airport and of course i said yes. i climbed out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body as i walked back out to my wardrobe, i want to look nice today but not too overdressed, i want Justin to remember why he loves me, and i want to look good... for him and him only. the sun was shining today so i decided with these shorts: and this top:;viewAllFlag;=&amp;catalogId=33057&amp;storeId=12556&amp;productId=6650143&amp;langId;=-1&amp;categoryId;=&amp;searchTerm=bralet&amp;pageSize=200which was cut low at the sides. i only wore a little bit of make up on and left my hair to dry naturally. i threw on my old now less white vans and grabbed my car keys and began to drive to the airport to wait for Justin to appear out of the tunnel and scoop me up in his arms 

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