Chapter 55

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(3 days later)

So today is my last full day in Canada, and if I’m going to be completely honest I’m sort of glad that I am going home tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong I love Canada it is such a beautiful place but all I have been doing every day is just sitting at Justin’s grandparents’ house watching TV… alone. Every morning I wake to the same note from Justin telling me that he has gone out with the boys, and I’m fine with that but I don’t understand why I’m here to be honest because I don’t do anything and Justin seems to forget I’m here until he comes home at about 10 or eleven at night and by that time I’m usually asleep on the floor, Justin will then come and pick me up and put me in his bed with him. But all I can keep thinking is that I am only here to help him sleep other than that he doesn’t want me here. yes I understand that he is here to see his old friends but I do want some attention, I haven’t spoken to him in two days and yet he is staying in the same house as him.

Once again I woke in Justin’s bed and shocker… he wasn’t next to me and in his place was a note next to my pillow I sighed as I read it ‘gone out with the boys, you looked to cute asleep –Justin’ hmm how lovely, not even an ‘I love you’, I’m starting to get angry with him and I know I shouldn’t but I just can’t help it. I scrunched the paper up and threw it across to the bin, although it missed I didn’t even care. Today I was not in the mood. I threw the covers off my body in frustration as i grabbed any clothes from my suitcase and then I stomped out of the room and into the bathroom trying to calm myself down… why was I so angry with him? I’m jealous that he wasn’t spending time with him, I know that but it wasn’t just that I was annoyed with him, I was annoyed because he brought me here for no reason, all I have done is just sat in this house for four days. Exciting huh? but don’t get me wrong I love Bruce and Diane, they are possibly the nicest people I have ever met! Diane isn’t stupid she knows exactly how I am feeling and why, she has even talked to me about it but I’m not going to talk to Justin about it because I don’t want to seem like a clingy, needy girlfriend because I’m not. I turned on the shower as I slipped off my clothes and climbed in allowing the hot water to bounce off my tanned skin, I was hoping that by showering it could was away my anger, but nope it didn’t I was still as angry as I was when I climbed in. I wrapped the warm towel around my body as I then dried my body and slipped into these trousers: and this top: i left my hair to dry and didn’t bother putting on any make up, I mean why would it matter all I am going to be doing is sitting in this house watching TV. I slumped down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Diane making some tea ‘morning sweetie would you like a cup?’ she asked referring to the boiling kettle ‘oh yes please’ I replied sweetly with a smile ‘I’m going to the grocery store today, do you want to come with me? I know you haven’t been out of the house in days’ she said giving me an apologetic smile ‘sure!’ I replied happily, I was thankful I was finally going to be getting out of the house! ‘the men have left us! Justin’s gone out and Bruce is out fishing’ she said laughing and shaking her head making me laugh. She handed me my tea as she began to make some breakfast for us both, It was only ten o’clock so I can’t even imagine what time Justin got up this morning, yeah he’s not a morning person my arse! 

After breakfast we both headed off to the grocery shop, I still didn’t bother to put any make up on because I was too lazy to be honest. ‘I’m sorry about Justin’ Diane said breaking the silence in the car ‘don’t be sorry!’ I said giggling ‘I understand it, he misses his friends and hasn’t seen them in a long time’ I said shrugging ‘you’ve changed Justin’ Diane said not breaking her gaze away from the road, and my heart froze, have I changed him I stayed silent for a moment, thinking. Does Diane not even like me? ‘oh no! YN I meant in a good way!’ she said quickly looking at me with guilt in her eyes ‘oh’ I said letting out a sigh of relief ‘what I meant was before he met you he was a changing become big headed and he started to forget who he was and where he came from, so thank you because now I have my Justin back’ she said smiling with tears in her eyes ‘wow, I mean it’s my pleasure, I love him so I’d do anything for him’ I said telling her the truth ‘and I have no doubt he loves you!’ she promised me that made me smile even though I don’t like Justin right now. We climbed out of the car and made our way into the supermarket when I got stopped by two boys around my age ‘are you YN? One boy who was tall with dark brown hair, almost black asked me, and I have to admit he was good looking. ‘yes’ I smiled sweetly ‘can we have a picture?’ the other one asked who also had a strong Canadian accent he was a lot smaller than the first boy not as good looking as him either, but I should not be checking these guys out when I have a boyfriend…. Aye what harm can a little looking do?;) ‘of course!’ I smiled as I walked in to the middle of them as they both wrapped their arms around my shoulders as Diane took a picture as we all smiled ‘thank you’ I said smiling and waving at them ‘you must get a lot of male attention?’ Diane questioned nudging me whilst giving me that famous cheeky Bieber look, I shrugged ‘I don’t really know I don’t really pay attention to it, but I know whenever a boy asks for a picture Justin gets jealous’ I said giggling and blushing ‘he always did get jealous’ she told me making me laugh.

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