Chapter 145

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My eyes shot open wide as I could feel it rising from my stomach, fast. I sprung up and threw the covers away from my body viciously before I jumped out of bed, grasping my hand to my mouth to prevent the sick pouring out of my mouth as I then sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me to the bathroom before diving to the toilet and throwing up directly into the bowl.

Clutching onto the toilet bowl, I gasped for air as I tried to regain my breath before the next load appeared and forced it's way out of me. And in no time at all, the next batch of sick arrived.

And I'm guessing the morning sickness starts now.

The things I do for this baby and he/she isn't even here yet!

Feeling someone smoothly collect my hair and hold it back into a loose pony tail, I knew it was Justin, but I didn't really have enough time to thank him before the next load riveted through my body, urging to come out.

Taking deep breathes in and out I was finally convinced that I wasn't going to be sick anymore, the weird thing was, I felt fine, I felt perfectly well, as if I hadn't just been sick a total of three times. The only thing that was bothering me was the nasty puke breathe I was left with after- to put it nicely- chucking my guts up.

Lifting my head slightly I closed my eyes tightly as I felt Justin kneel down beside me and gently rub my back, soothing me as I coughed lightly before sighing and standing up.

Throwing my hair up into a bun, I quickly grabbed my tooth brush and squeezed a pea sized amount of tooth paste onto my brush and shoved it into my mouth before turning around, leaning against the bathroom sink as I looked at Justin, smiling weakly at him.

I wasn't in any mood to smile, but truth was, with Justin looking the way he was, it's hard not to smile. His hair was spiked up ridiculously in different places as he calls it his 'peacock morning hair', making him look undeniably cute and adorable as if he was a small child. His deep brown, inviting eyes were fighting to stay awake and open, as playful yet caring and concerned smile wore away at his lips as his arms hung sheepishly by his side, his black boxers sitting perfectly as he stood there staring at me, looking completely lost and confused.

He looked well... Perfect.

'Thanks' I smiled sheepishly as I weakly brushed my teeth wishing for the lasting taste of sick to leave 'it's okay, are you feeling alright?' Justin asked as he closed the toilet lid, flushing it and then walking over to me, washing his hands 'yeah, morning sickness' I merely shrugged 'oh' he nodded in understanding.

'Have you had this before?' Justin asked 'no, the doctor told me it was likely to start soon though' I mumbled through my tooth paste filled before spinning on my heels and spitting it out into the sink, washing my tooth brush and placing it on the side before turning back to face Justin.

'So are you okay? Do you have a head ache or anything?' Justin asked me, still concerned 'no I'm fine' I giggled 'did you not learn anything about morning sickness?' I asked him 'probably, but I don't really remember' he laughed, shaking his head lightly.

'You coming back to bed then?' Justin asked as he yawned, stretching his arms above his head before rubbing his eyes 'I don't know, I doubt I'll be able to get back to sleep now' I smiled softly 'okay, how about we watch a film or something then?' Justin asked as he looped his arms around my waist pulling me into his bare chest.

'Okay' I smiled as Justin kissed my forehead before walking back into the bedroom with me following.

Laying down on the bed, me and Justin began to watch a film, although neither of us were watching the film, it was mainly just small back ground noise.

'Hey Justin, what's the time?' I asked as I stiffed a yawn. Leaning away from me Justin grabbed his phone 'half seven... Am' he smiled down at me before placing his phone down and pulling me into his chest once more, placing a light hand on my stomach.

'oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you' I smiled apologetically 'don't be stupid baby, I'm going to be there for you no matter what I told you that, so whatever time you wake up from this little trouble' Justin rubbed my stomach lightly 'I'll be there' he promised 'I love you' I bit my lip 'I love you too' he smiled.

'So even when I'm being a hormonal bitch and an emotional wreck, you still going to be there?' I asked him 'wouldn't miss it for the world, and I'm going to try my best to make sure you're happy at all times, no matter what' Justin promised 'you're the best' I sighed happily.

'You know... I still can't believe your pregnant, I'm so excited' Justin laughed 'same, I wanted to get pregnant for so long but it just wasn't happening' I mumbled 'but when the doctor told me I was, I was so happy I can't even begin to explain, we're going to be parents Justin' I smiled 'can you believe it?' He asked me 'no' I shook my head.

'YN?' Justin asked 'yeah?' I asked softly as Justin rested his head next to mine 'you said you found out you were pregnant on friday... But you told me yesterday, why didn't you get me to come to the appointment with you?' Justin asked, his voice didn't sound hurt or annoyed just curious.

Sighing lightly before I began speaking 'you remember when you thought I was pregnant, but I wasn't?' I asked him as I shuffled closer to him, resting my head on his chest as I traced my finger over his tattoo's 'yeah?' Justin muttered 'when you found out you were so upset and hurt, I didn't want you to have to go through that again, so I figured I'd go with my mum so you didn't have to worry or anything, and I also thought that if I was pregnant, I could tell you on our wedding anniversary, and that would be pretty good' I giggled lightly at the end 'thanks' Justin smiled small, kissing my forehead 'and it was more than pretty good, it was amazing, I wasn't expecting it, at all, but I guess good things come to those who wait aye?' Justin asked 'I guess they do' I sighed content as I snuggled closer into Justin.

'So do you think its a little girl or boy?' Justin asked after a few short moments of peaceful silence 'I'm not sure, seems to early to tell' I giggled as Justin nodded in agreement 'what would you prefer?' I asked him 'I wouldn't prefer either, I'm just so blessed that we're having a baby, I'll be over the moon no matter what' Justin smiled 'same, although I always pictured having a boy first' I shrugged 'yeah, and we could dress him up just like me' Justin laughed 'oh gosh, two Justin's that's just what I need' I scoffed playfully 'oh please, baby, you would love it' he gasped 'mmm maybe I would' I shrugged 'but maybe I wouldn't' I winked playfully.

'When do you think we should tell your mum?' I asked Justin 'I don't know, soon before any pictures speculate rumors, I want her to know from us not some gossip magazine, but I can just imagine the look on her face now' Justin laughed shaking his head lightly 'do you think she's be excited?' I asked 'yes!' Justin exclaimed 'probably too excited' I laughed

'Hey maybe we should invite everyone round for a meal, even your dad and Erin, then we'll tell them' I suggested 'sounds good!' Justin smiled 'feels as if I haven't seen the kids in ages as well' Justin sighed 'then we'll do it and they can stay for as long as they want' I beamed, already excited to see them 'I'll call dad later and see when he is available to come to LA' Justin nodded

'What are we going to do about the paparazzi and everything?' I asked Justin quietly 'what we always do, we'll prove that we're still strong and nothing can phase us' Justin shrugged 'we'll have to announce it though' I mumbled 'of course we will, but we'll do that later, when your bump is showing, but just remember, no matter what I love you, we'll get through it. People are going to go crazy for a little while but we just ignore it, whatever other people say doesn't matter to us' Justin explained 'as long as you, me and our little baby' Justin rubbed my stomach once again 'are okay and healthy, that everything is good for us, nothing else matters, I promise you that everything is going to be okay' Justin smiled softly down at me as I looked up at him, pressing my lips to his gently, but the kiss was gentle but still full of love and passionate, sparks still flying around my body as I pulled away from him, looking up at him.

'Promise?' I checked 'I promise'

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