Chapter 172

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*10 years later*

I cannot even begin to explain what has happened in the past ten years, it's been a dream, all of it, and I have to admit, I am the luckiest person in the whole wide world, ever.

After I gave birth to Dylan, now ten years ago, I got back into modelling, but only for a little while, until I decided that I didn't want to do it anymore, so I started my own modelling agency, and for me, it's the perfect job! I also still do a few shoots now and again, although I prefer being of camera now, although that doesn't happen with my life.

Justin is still in the music industry, creating his own albums, producing them all himself, although now, he helps write, produce and even mentor some new and upcoming artists that were just like him when he started, it's crazy to think that, that is how Justin started off... just look at him now. His fan base... they haven't left him, they have grown up, he doesn't have the crazed obsessed fans following his every movement, stalking him everywhere he went. The paparazzi don't harass him too much either, it's a lot more calm now, which makes it better, and nicer when we go out with our kids.

Yes kids, as in multiple, four to be exact. Each and every one of them, just as the next, and I couldn't picture my life without them.

We have Dylan, who is now ten, growing up to be just like his dad, loving music wanting to play every musical instrument ever invented, drums, piano, guitar... the list goes on. I can see that he looks up to Justin, and to be honest, I'm glad, because Justin is a great role model.

Next we have Harry, now seven, Harry looks more like me that Justin, but he has Justin's eyes, something each and every one of our children have inherited. Harry is the opposite to Dylan, he loves sports, plays them all to, every day he has a different sport to play, typical boy, likes play fighting, but then again... so does Dylan... and Justin... guess that's just boys heh?

Lastly... we have our beautiful baby girls, twins, Sydney and Kayden... now four, little bundles of screams and happiness, always smiling wide, both of them are typical daddy's girls, it's adorable really. Both of them, light brown curly hair, both look just like Justin, just like the others again!

I still remember to this day, giving birth to Dylan I swore to myself that I would never put myself through the pain of having children again... oh, that didn't last long... four children later! WOW, let me tell you, giving birth to twins, weren't the most enjoyable experience ever. But I don't care because the pain was nothing in comparison to seeing my babies.

It's crazy to think how far my life has come, just in ten years. I remember being worried about raising Dylan, I didn't want to spoil him so he wouldn't understand the values of life, but I still wanted to make sure he knew he was loved, but truth be told, everything just flowed naturally, as if me and Justin were born to be parents.

And I guess by the time Syd and Kayden came along, we didn't have any worries, we had already done it twice before.

Family life is the most important thing for me, me and my family, as long as I have them I feel as if I don't need anything else, cheesy... but oh so true.

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"Mummy!" a crying Sydney ran into the kitchen, Kayden following after her "awww, baby, what's wrong?" I asked, pouting as I crouched down to their level, Sydney threw her arms around my neck and sobbing uncontrollably.

"Harry and Dylan broke Lizzy!" Kayden explained as she also pouted, Lizzy, she is Sydney's favourite toy ever, she takes it everywhere she goes, the boys hated the doll, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did break it.

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