Chapter 9

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(1 week later)
Today is the day of the premier and i am so excited, the premier didn't start until about 8pm so i had all day to do anything and get ready, i haven't seen Justin in a week but we call and text every day so i am looking forward to seeing him tonight and every other celebrity there i think it will be amazing to catch up with everyone especially Demi and Miley i haven't seen them in so long! Kendall wasn't coming to this event but i didn't mind because i would mainly be with Justin anyway. i am also very nervous because everyone is going to be wondering whether or not me and Justin are a couple yet and to be honest i don't think either of us either know and also i am guessing that i am going to meet his family and i just hope that they like me, wait why am i stressing? we aren't a couple just friends, but like Justin said friends don't hold hands, go to premiers together and play footsie under tables. i don't even know if we are 'seeing' each other, this is confusing! I haven't spoken to Kendall all week because she is always to busy with Zack and i am happy that she is happy i just don't want her to get hurt from him because i have a feeling that he is using her just like he tried to do with me, but i have warned her and there is not much else i can do. I rarely speak to my mum at the moment only when i have to and usually it is about my work so i just listen to her, i am not sure what has happened to her she is so protective over me and josh at the moment and i'm not even sure why, i just hope she will get over it soon because Justin isn't a bad person, i judged him before i met him, and i was wrong, he isn't a player or he isn't one anymore, and the fact that mum doesn't want Josh to date Kylie is crazy because she has met Kylie millions of times and loves her, but for now i guess i am just going to have to sneak around with Justin.

I rolled out of bed and threw on my sweats and jumper that were on the floor next to me, i was so tired because i didn't get home until around half twelve last night from a photo shoot, we just ran over. i grabbed my phone from the side of my bed and took it off charge and checked the time, oops 12:00pm i slept in, oh well i deserved it and i was super tired. i groggily walked down stairs, pulling the hood of my jumper over my face, i shoved my hands into my jumper pocket and walked into the kitchen i sat down on a stool and pulled the laptop on the counter in front of me, i loaded it up and decided to go onto twitter, i am preparing myself for the worst for the worst hate i can get people telling me to kill myself, when my time line loaded i decided to flick through that before i read my mentions. there was not anything very interesting on my time time so i just sucked it up and clicked on my mentions, the first one i read was 'back off Justin you whore' hmm standard i read the next one 'you're a user and pathetic, go die' that one stung, telling people to go and die is the worst but i mean what are they are going to do, they are sitting behind a computer telling me to go and die, it hurts but i just need to learn to deal with it and ignore it, i mean me and Justin aren't even dating! i scrolled through some of my mentions i had a few from boys asking to marry me, people asking me to follow them, i re-tweeted, replied and followed as many of them as i could, then i read a tweet which put a smile on my face it said 'i think @____ and @justinbieber make an amazing couple, leave them alone!' i did want to re-tweet it but i couldn't because me and Justin aren't even dating, i clicked off my mentions and scrolled through my timeline again then i saw Justin had tweeted something '@justinbieber: looking forward to today, have a feeling it's going to be good' i smiled knowing that it was about me as he text me last night telling me how he was really excited to see me and how he had a feeling that it was going to be amazing, i thought i would match that tweet, i took a picture of my self wrapped up in my jumper with a warm cup of coffee, i had my hair falling down my face, i wasn't wearing any make up but i didn't mind, a lot of people have seen me without it already i tweeted 'good way to start a good day' with the picture attached, within minutes i had people changing there icon's to the picture i just tweeted and people telling how much they love me and inspire them, i decided to stay on twitter a little longer and tweet as many people i can. my mum then walked in she saw me and smiled 'morning' she said 'morning' i mumbled back, my phone then began to rang. THANK GOD i wouldn't have to endure in any awkward conversation with her, i grabbed my phone out of my pocket, i hoped it wasn't Justin just because my mum was in the room and i would have to leave and she would just get angry, but luckily it wasn't it was Kendall! i smiled and picked up the phone 'hey you!' i said 'hey!' she matched back to me, my mum gave me a look as if too say 'who are you talking to?' so i groaned and put it on loudspeaker so she would leave me alone 'what are you doing today?' Kendall asked me 'i am going to a premier later, but i am free now?' i said 'YAY! come to mine it has been so long' she added 'okay, let me just get changed and i will be on my way' i said as i began to leave the room 'see you soon' she sang down the phone 'bye Ken' i said as i hung up, i quickly threw on my jeans and a baggy top, i put a little natural make up on, i grabbed my car keys and phone and ran down stairs, i went into the living room and surprise surprise Josh was playing video games 'i'm going to Kendall's wanna come?' i asked him, his face lit up and he nodded his head 'bye mum!' we both called out as we left, i climbed into my black range rover and began to drive, as soon as we left my house we were surrounded by paparazzi, ever since i went shopping with Justin they haven't left me alone, it's crazy 'erg, MOVE!' i screamed to the pap who was standing in front of my car, Josh was laughing at me in the passenger seat 'they are so annoying!' i sat as i began to drive away from them all, although they all jumped into their cars and began to follow me 'i know, but your reaction to them is so funny!' Josh said as he began to laugh once again 'shut up!' i said as i smacked his arm and laughed a little. As soon as we arrived at Kendall and Kylie's house we jumped out and sprinted to the door not wanting to wait any longer for the paps to arrive. Seconds after i rang the door bell Kendall opened it 'hey!' she said as she threw herself at me bringing me into a hug 'hey Josh, Kylie is up in her room' she told him, he nodded in agreement and walked away upstairs 'lets go to the living room' she told me as we began to go there, i sat back onto the couch and Kendall just stared at me with a smirk 'what?!' i asked 'you, Justin Bieber?!?!' she practically screamed 'oh' i blushed a little 'spill' she demanded 'there isn't really anything to spill, we aren't dating or anything, just like getting to know each other but my mum doesn't want me to see him so whenever we meet up from now on it has to be in private so no paps get any pictures' i explained 'oh, i thought you guys were i mean those pictures from the mall you guys sure looked like a couple' she said raising an eyebrow 'well we aren't' i said matter-of-factly 'so er, you know me and Zack?' Kendall asked me 'yeah?' 'we are dating' she said with a massive smile 'aww that's so sweet just please be careful i don't want you getting hurt' 'i won't trust me' 'you better not or i will kill him' i said with an innocent smile, i couldn't help but think that they got into a relationship so soon, and i just don't want her to get hurt, i wonder if Zack knows that we are friends, because that is a little awkward, not for me, for him! 'me Zack, you and Justin should all have like a movie date here, that would be so cute' she said 'Ken, me and Justin aren't dating' i said, there was a little part of me that wishes we could be 'just a matter of time my friend, just you wait' she said and winked at me, i kind of wish she was right about that but who knows?
after hours of talking and catching up it was now 5pm and my mum text me telling me that the hair and make up artists were at my house to help me get ready for tonight 'i gotta go' i said standing up, giving her a hug and walking to the door 'Josh we gotta go!' i called up the stairs a few minutes later Josh walked down the stairs 'thanks for having us, i'll call you later or something?' i said as i walked over to my car with Josh following behind me. as soon as i got into my house i was being pulled in all different directions by people trying to put my make up on and do my hair. they decided to do my make up first, i had fairly light face make up on, then i had false eye lashes and quiet heavily eye liner on. Then they began on my hair the hairdresser decided that i would have my hair straightened, i had it in a middle parting, my hair when it is straight falls above my hips, overall my hair and make up took one and a half hours and it was now half seven, Justin was picking me up around now, so i sprinted upstairs to slip my dress on, trying to keep my make up in order and not smudge it, i put on my necklace and slipped on my shoes, i grabbed my clutch and shoved my phone in it with some money. just when i was finished i heard a knock at the door, i'm assuming it was Justin, i suddenly got really nervous, i heard my mum open the door, oh dear lord please don't be a bitch to him, please please please! i took a deep breathe and walked out of my room and began to walk down stairs, as soon as Justin heard the clicks from my shoes his head snapped up towards me 'yo- i- beau- wow' he breathed out as he stuttered to get any other words out, i blushed and looked down as i walked over to him and gave him a long warm hug 'you look beautiful darling' mum said 'thank you' i replied 'ready to go?' Justin asked, i nodded 'bye, thank you' i said as i waved to my mum, Josh and the hair and make up artist. As soon as we closed the door Justin took my hand in his 'you look beautiful' he said as he kissed my cheek, i blushed 'thanks, you look really handsome too' i said Justin opened the door of the limo for me as i climbed in, as Justin climbed in after me. There weren't many people in the limo i only knew Scooter 'hi' i said to everyone shyly Justin sat directly next to me our legs touching he rested his hand on my bare thigh 'YN, this is my mum Pattie, my body guards Kenny and Moshe, and this is my manager Scooter that you have already met' Justin said as he pointed to each of them 'it's nice to meet you all' i said 'and everyone, this is YN' Justin smiled, they all responded with hello's. i felt more relaxed now. the journey to the premier was short with us all making small talk expect Moshe he doesn't really speak. when we arrived Justin climbed out first, he held out his hand for me to take so i did and i climbed out the car, the clicks and flashes become much more violent and frequent as soon as Justin arrived, we began to walk down what would usually be a red carpet but in this case it was purple, we stopped and Justin wrapped his arm around my waist and i wrapped mine around his, bringing our bodies so close, the journalists and few paparazzi's aloud in were all going crazy taking pictures, i felt Justin's hand get lower and lower until it was resting firmly on my bum, and he knew full well that i couldn't do anything about the fact that it was, i just remained still and smiled into the camera's after a while Justin began to walk away so he moved his arm to my waist so no one would catch him, sneaky boy! we both tried to avoid all the questions knowing that they would ask either of us about what was happening between us to. some one tapped me from behind, i turned around and there was Miley and Demi, 'HEY!' i screamed as they both attacked me into a hug, Justin stayed at my side with his arm firmly wrapped around me 'hey Justin!' Demi said giving him a hug, Miley did the same as we just stayed and talked for a while 'so you two?' Miley questioned giving us both a wink me and Justin just slightly laughed, neither of us knowing what to say 'well we aren't dating, just..' Justin began 'getting to know each other' i said finishing his sentence 'i told you!' Demi screamed causing me to laugh and blush a little, they both walked along the purple carpet taking several pictures together 'thanks for coming with me' Justin whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine 'thanks for inviting me i said as we walked off the purple carpet, as soon as no camera's were in sight Justin pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head 'lets go enjoy the party' Justin said as he took my hand in his and we walked into the party, it was packed, full of celebrities and the music was blaring. Pattie walked straight up to us and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek 'i'm so proud of you' she told him 'thanks ma' 'and you' she said looking at me 'you look beautiful' she said pulling me into a hug, i released my grip on Justin's hand so i could return the hug fully, as soon as i let go of the hug Justin's hand instantly found it's way back to mine as he intertwined our fingers and occasionally squeezed my hand, i had a feeling that tonight was going to be good.


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