Chapter 38

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YN then sighed in defeat before turning back on her heels and walking towards the exit, I mentally sighed as I watched her walk away ‘don’t actually go!’ I called out to her as I handed Jaxon to Josh, he had Jazzy attached to his neck whilst Jaxon was clinging tightly onto his leg ‘one second’ I said to him as I ran over to YN who was still walking and ignored me ‘sure’ Josh mumbled. I ran over to YN facing her ‘what?’ she snapped at me aggressively as I caught up to her, she stopped running and faced me ‘don’t go’ I mumbled ‘I though that’s what you wanted?’ she gritted through her teeth ‘I just said it, I didn’t actually want you to go’ I mumbled again knowing I was being a prick. Why did I even get mad for her because she wanted to pay? I think it’s mainly because Jazzy and Jaxon haven’t even spoken to me since YN and Josh have got here, it’s just they used to always be about me and I’m just not used to them not wanting me to carry them or play with them. ‘Then why did you say it?’ she snapped back at me people at this point had their phones out and were either taking pictures or recording us and I really didn’t want the whole world to see that we were having an argument ‘please just stay’ I begged her ‘fine’ she mumbled before storming off back to Josh, Jazzy and Jaxon, I sighed before rubbing the back of my neck and ignoring the people taking pictures of me. I quickly followed behind YN as she walked back to the others ‘hey Jaxon’ she said in a baby voice as she picked her up and rested him on her hip, Jaxon lightly giggled and nuzzled his small baby head into her shoulder and now I feel like shit. My girlfriend, my little brother or little sister doesn’t want to spend time with me ‘ready to go on some rides?’ I asked smiling at everyone ‘YAY!’ Jaxon called out screaming and nodding his head ‘I want to see the princess’ Jazzy said as she jumped back onto Josh’s back, I’m starting to feel a little sorry for him having a little girl glued to him when she isn’t even his sister but hey… He doesn’t seem to mind! ‘We will princess’ I said giving her forehead a quick kiss causing her to let out a small giggle ‘come on boyfriend!’ Jazzy yelled out to Josh ‘boyfriend?’ I said snapping my head around to them; Josh just looked at me and laughed lightly shaking his head whilst Jazzy just stared at me, confused. ‘Jazzy no boyfriends’ I told her ‘BIEBER!’ She whined hiding her face in Josh’s back ‘man, you’re growing up so fast’ I muttered to myself we all began to walk so I caught up to YN who was still holding Jaxon, she was supporting him with only one hand leaving her right hand hanging down by her side ‘hey’ I said softly as I stood next to her brushing my hand against hers, and surprisingly she didn’t move her hand away but she still ignored me talking, I moved my hand closer to hers but she still didn’t move it away. I finally took her hand in mine but as soon as I did she jerked it backwards and moved her hand away supporting Jaxon with both hands ‘hey Jax where should we go?’ YN asked Jaxon in the most adorable voice ever, I can’t help but think of what an amazing mother she would make to our children. OUR. Not hers and some other dude… OURS. Me and YN. YN and me. I can’t picture my life with anyone else and it just sucks that I have to leave her for three months in 4 days. I go for three months, then come home for a month, then back on tour for five months, without her and I know she is going to be visiting me whenever she can… But for me that’s still not enough, I need her with me all day, every day. I sighed heavily and continued to walk next to YN and Jaxon with my hands shoved deep into my pockets. Jaxon pointed to one of the biggest rides here well out of the children’s rides and stared at it with big eyes ‘come on then!’ she said giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek, and yes I got jealous, right now she prefers my little brother to me. When we got in the queue I pulled my hat far down in hope to hide my face whilst YN dropped her head down but still played with Jaxon. 

‘I’m scared’ Jazzy said behind us as the people in front of us climbed onto the carriage, it was an eight seater, four in the front and four in the back. My plan was to go and sit with YN and Jaxon just so I could at least be near her ‘why princess?’ I asked her picking her up off of Josh’s back which he has been carrying her around on all day ‘I’m scared’ she mumbled ‘you’ll be fine, you have Josh with you!’ I said trying to get her to go on ‘will you come on with me and Josh, Bieber?’ she asked me smiling at me, fluttering her eye lids pulling that famous puppy dog face that she knows full well that I cannot reject ‘come on then you’ I sighed as our carriage pulled up. YN and Jaxon walked onto the front of the carriage, followed by a boy around our age and a little girl around four who I’m guessing is his sister. The boy then sat next to YN and began talking to her as people checked all the straps were on properly, I got jealous she was talking to some other kid whilst I was sitting right behind her, she clearly knew what she was doing.


As I climbed onto the carriage Jaxon began to cry, I tried to sooth him and calm him down but nothing worked ‘you scared little buddy?’ I heard a male voice from behind me say, a voice that was not Justin’s. I turned around and saw a boy around my age with blonde spiked up hair, he was good looking… I guess, I smiled weakly at him and turned back to Jaxon, he was nodding shyly ‘you’ll be okay, I’ve been on here before, it’s great fun!’ the boy said over enthusiastically Jaxon began to giggle and nod ‘told you so little bud’ I said kissing the top of his head he giggled and nodded before leaning back in his seat ‘thanks!’ I said smiling at the boy ‘welcome, hey are you YN?’ he asked me looking a little shocked ‘that’s me, and you are…?’ I asked ‘Callum’ he replied right before the ride started. It was only small so I barely screamed, but Jaxon was screaming loudly beside me making me laugh, he was just so adorable. When the ride stopped we all climbed off, but Jaxon wanted to hold my hand and walk instead of walking ‘sorry but can I have a picture with you?’ Callum from the ride asked me as we walked out of the exit ‘sure!’ I said smiling wide, I could feel Justin’s eyes burning through my body as the boy gave his phone to a random passer-by ‘smile’ the women said taking the picture as Callum stood very close to my body and smiled ‘thank you’ he said taking his phone back ‘welcome! It was lovely to meet you’ I said smiling giving him a short brief, friendly hug ‘bye!’ he said and waved as he walked off with his little sister. ‘Who was that?’ Justin asked as me and Jaxon walked over to the others ‘fan’ I shrugged not looking at him, I knew he was jealous but he had no reason to be, he needs to trust me. Jaxon let go of my hand and ran over to Justin tugging on his leg Justin then scooped him up in his arms and rested him on his left hip, Jaxon reached up and whispered something into Justin’s ear ‘come on then’ Justin replied ‘be back in a minute, just going to the toilet’ he said looking directly at me, I looked away and just nodded, I heard him sigh and then the footsteps behind me got quieter and quieter. I walked over to Josh and Jazzy and smiled ‘we’re getting married!’ Jazzy called out ‘aww, can I be your bridesmaid?’ I asked and fluttered my eyelashes, she nodded and then began to speak ‘can I be one at yours and Biebers wedding?’ she asked smiling, I giggled and blushed a little ‘of course you can!’ I said smiling ‘YAY!’ she called. Within a few minutes Justin and Jaxon came back hand in hand looking adorable ‘can we go on this one?’ Jaxon asked in a cute baby voice. Justin nodded as we walked over to the ride ‘I think I’m going to sit this one out’ I said not joining the queue ‘err me too, Josh will you be okay with these two?’ Justin said asking Josh, Josh nodded and took both of their hands before joining the queue. I walked away leaving Justin behind me; I walked over and leaned against a small fence crossing my arms looking off into the distance. Justin came and stood next to me. He then wrapped his hands around my waist and tried to pull me into his body ‘get off me Justin’ I sighed as I tried to remove his hands from my waist I was annoyed at him, he was being a prick to me for no reason so I wasn’t going to be nice to him. Justin then took my hands in his and dragged me over to him so I was standing in front of him but so my back was against his chest ‘Justin get off me’ I sighed again and I tried to realise myself from his grip ‘baby please, I have four days left just let me hold you’ he said with his voice in just above a whisper, his voice was filled with desperation, his voice was sad, hurt. I couldn’t push him off me, I just couldn’t my body wasn’t allowing me too, I just sighed defeat and just let him hold me. He wrapped his arms tightly around my stomach pulling my body impossibly close to his, I leaned back into his body and rested my hands on his, and Justin rested his head on my shoulder ‘I love you YN’ he whispered before kissing my neck once sweetly. I turned to face him, his hands now wrapped around my back ‘I love you too’ I mumbled he just nodded ‘what happened earlier?’ I asked him staring at his face ‘I don’t know’ he muttered and I sighed ‘I’m sorry’ he added ‘I know baby’ I said resting my forehead on his ‘I love you YN… so much’ he said sincerely ‘I love you too Justin… so much’ I promised him right before he crashed his sweet lips onto mine… it’s going to be hard to say goodbye. 

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