Chapter 19

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I was shocked, gobsmacked, upset but the wort of it i was angry actually saying i am angry would be an understatement. i couldn't believe what i just read. it was a text from Kendall it said 'do you know why i invited you round today? to see if you had the decency to tell me the truth but clearly you don't, i have had it with you, why are you so jealous of me? why can't you get your own life and stop trying to be like me? Zack told me everything. how you told you are using Justin to get back at him for moving on from you, telling him that i was no good for him and that you two were "meant to be together" i can't believe you, you need to get over yourself and know that you aren't even very pretty, i hate you, don't ever speak to me again.' remember how much of s good mood i was in? yeah fuck that i's pissed off, but the fact she said all that to me makes me want to brake down in tears but i can't i am not going to let her do that 'i'm going to fucking kill' him i yelled as i stood up and stormed out of my house grabbing my car keys on the way out with Justin hot on my tail 'babe, babe what is it?' Justin asked as he jumped in to the passenger seat of my car 'ZACK, I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM' i screamed throwing my phone to Justin with the text open 'is he kidding?' Justin asked in a sarcastic tone 'he better fucking be because i will kill him' i said trying to keep my voice down because Justin didn't deserve to have me being pissed off, he didn't do anything 'babe where are we going?' Justin asked 'to Kendall's' i said simply keeping my focus on the road 'are you sure you want to?' he asked sounding concerned 'yes, i'm sure you just have to trust me and believe me when i say that NONE of that is true' i said quickly glancing over to him 'baby of course i believe you' he said and took one of my hands in his and quickly kissed it then releasing it allowing me to use both hands to drive.

As soon as we good to Kendall's i jumped out of my car slamming it with Justin still hot on my tail 'baby stay calm it will be okay' he said as wrapped his arm around the small of my back and for a short moment i did believe him that everything would be okay but that quickly changed as soon s Kendall opened the door before she had time to shut the door i pushed it open allowing enough room for me to walk past. i stormed into the living where Zack was sat 'you have got some fucking nerve' i said walking up to him 'excuse me?' he asked all innocently as Kendall and Justin followed in after me you know he should be an actor as well as a model he is so fucking good at it. 'you know what, how dare you turn Kendall against me, YOU told ME three weeks ago that you wanted me and not Kendall and that "we are meant to be together" so don't you dare act like it was me, i'm finally happy in my life so don;t you try to ruin it' i yelled getting right in to his face 'stop lying' he said said with a sarcastic laugh 'fuck you just watch the truth will get out' i spat in his face 'and you' i said turning to face Kendall without giving Zack enough time to reply 'you have some nerve believing some prick over your supposed to be best friend so don't you dare come running to me when you find out he is lying because i won't be having any of it' i warned her and i walked out slamming the door on my way out Justin following me out. and do you know what i did as soon as i got out side of the house? i ran to the back of my car slide down it until i hit the floor, hugged my knees and burst into tears. i act tough but i'm not 'baby no' Justin said softly as he joined me on the ground 'i can't do this' i said in-between sobs 'you need to stay strong for me, i believe you and if she doesn't then she isn't worth your time baby please' he pleaded pulling me into his toned chest. everything he said was right and i knew it was but i didn't what to accept it, i have always been there for Kendall and for her to throw it back in my face.. today i have finally seen the real her.. a bitch. and i can't believe it. and i know for a fact that when she see's the real Zack she will come running back to me and i will not be so easy letting her back into my life she wants me out of hers and that's what i will do 'i feel like a mug' i said bringing myself together after i finally stopped crying 'no your not i'm surprised you didn't hit him, i mean i want to and i'm not even you' he said and kissed my forehead 'it's the fact that he blamed me' i said as i stood up to straighten out my clothes and wipe any left over tears falling down my face 'i'm such a mess' i muttered to myself as i climbed into the drivers seat as Justin walked round and got into the passengers seat 'don't say that' Justin said 'say what?' i said as i looked into the mirror and wiped the tears of mascara away from my cheeks 'you're beautiful no matter what. baby you could be wearing the worlds most ugliest outfit and you would still look beautiful' he said as i faced him and he wiped away a fresh tear falling from my eyes. sometimes it's good to cry to let all your emotions out let them be heard, don't torture yourself and keep them in, it makes things worse 'i love you' i told him 'i love you too' he promised. the drive home was quiet but peaceful just what i needed i didn't want a fuss to be made out of me and Justin knew that so he didn't keep asking questions. why was he so perfect? what did i do to deserve him? honestly i don't know but i am thankful that i have him.

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