Chapter 120

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Me and Justin are off to Canada today... Finally! We're both excited to see his friends and family, spend quality time with them. No work, no paparazzi, nothing to distract either of us, its been a long time since we've had the opportunity to do that.

It'll be good to just have a full week of relaxing with friends and family. Even though when I'm not at work back here in LA, I always have something to do, whether its helping organise the wedding- which seems to be sprinting towards us at the speed of light- or still working from home on new projects and talking to potential investors. See's like I'm forever working non-stop, I need a break and this week seems like heaven... In Canada.

Only kidding, I love Canada. Sounds crazy, but I love the cold weather it has 80% of the year, I love being able to wrap up warm. I love how nothing is hectic up there, I love how there are no interruptions, feels like a place where I can really be at peace. Unlike LA with thousands of flashing lights and questions being thrown at you ten to the thousand. I can definitely see myself living in Canada in a few years with Justin, settling down, starting a family, raising our kids. That sounds like the perfect life to me

Although- because of work- I can only stay in Canada for a week, Justin wants to stay longer, which is fair enough. So he is going to stay for 3 weeks, and every time I have a few days off I'll fly back to see him.

We've even persuaded Mum, Millie and Josh to come to Canada with us for a week to get to know te soon to be in-laws better, they've only met a few times. There's no hurt in getting to know them better anyway!



'Here they are!' My mum exclaimed, scowling me and Justin a if we were school children for our lateness 'sorry... There was... Traffic' I quickly lied knowing if I told her the truth- that we over slept- she wouldn't be happy 'yeah, traffic' Justin agreed awfully. Mum sent us a look as if to say 'I know you're lying but I won't push it any further'

'Hey Josh!' I smiled going over to give him a hug, only for him to pull a face and walk in another direction away from me, teenagers 'hey' I pouted 'hey mum' I smiled giving her a hug before crouching on the floor down to Millie 'hey cutie!' I giggled as she reached out to touch my cheek 'come and say hey to Justin' I laughed, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

'Hey baby!' Justin beamed scooping her away from me and kissing her button nose. She squeaked and clapped her hands repeatedly. 'Oh Justin! You should have seen her the other day' my mum laughed 'she saw your music video on tv, and started screaming, clapping her hands and wiggling, it was too funny' she giggled 'awww!' Justin laughed 'looks like I've got a fan' he laughed, kissing her forehead once more before handing her back to mum.

Justin slipped his hand into my back pocket of my jeans, pulling my closer to his side 'our flight just got called so we better go' My mum said nodding her head in the direction of our gate 'okay' I smiled as I followed her and Josh into our gate.

As usual- Justin insisted on us having a private jet and paying it for all of us. This boy. 'I can't wait to see everyone' Justin sighed happily kissing my temple 'me either' I beamed 'its been too long... Christmas was the last time I saw grandma and grandpa' he sighed 'well that'll change!' I giggled 'I know' he chuckled 'just sucks you have to leave after a week' he mumbled as we stepped on the plane 'I know, I'm sorry' I sighed as I followed him over to the seats.

'Don't worry baby, you're still coming so that's all I'm bothered about' he smiled warmly 'I guess' I smiled warmly back 'come sit down' Justin patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him and stared at him, taking in every inch of his features.

The way his forehead knots up as he frowns, or his lips perch together when he's thinking. The way he tried to fight a smile but always fails, his oh too famous smirk, they way his eyes are so inviting, so welcoming, the way-

'Checking me out?' I heard Justin smirk as I blinked a few times to regain my concentration 'n-no' I shook my head, blushing at the fact my fiance caught me checking him out... Shouldn't it be the other way round?

'It's fine, don't worry baby. I'd be lying if I said I didn't check you out 99.9% of the time' he winked 'I do not need to hear that!!' I heard a grossed out Josh from behind us 'this is nothing bro!' Justin laughed, flashing Josh a playful smirk before facing me once again. Crashing his lips onto mine without warning. Making obnoxious kissing noises just to annoy Josh.

Thinking I should have some fun with this, I kissed back with just as much force, only making those obnoxious kissing noises louder than before.

'YN, JUSTIN. CUT IT OUT. NOW' my mum screeched at the top of her lungs. Immediately we both pulled away embarrassed, like when two teenagers get caught making out behind the bike sheds at school.

'Sorry mum' 'sorry Karen' both me and Justin said at the same time. Although my face was as bright as a tomato, I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. This is what I miss sometimes, not taking things seriously. Having fun.

'Don't sweat it baby, we can continue this later' Justin said trying to act smooth and wiggling his eyebrows, although I knew he was embarrassed, maybe even more embarrassed then me because I'm sure having your fiances mum catching you make out isn't the most enjoyable thing in the world.

'Please take your seats, our flight will be taking off shorty, our estimated flight time is two hours until we arrive in Canada, hope you enjoy flying with us, thank you' the pilot said as we all took our seats, buckling our seatbelts, preparing to take off.


(Two hours later)

Surprisingly the two hour flight seemed to fly past, but never the less. I was happy to get off the plane, I always am.

We stepped off of the plane. Mum in front with Millie on her hip, resting her sleepy head on her head. Me and Justin hand in hand, side my side and smiling. Josh trailing behind glued to his phone, teenagers huh?

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