Chapter 136

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So for the rest of mine and Justin's honey moon we just relaxed and had a good time, but today is the day that we're back home, back to reality and truth me told, I don't want to go back.

As soon as we step foot off of the plane I know for a fact that everything will be crazy, fans and paparazzi will be on our case immediately, asking questions, following us around more than before, stalking our every moment, begging us to tell them information on our wedding, but what don't people understand that a wedding day is supposed to be special, be something not to share. Do they not understand?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about getting back to LA, sounds so stupid be scared of going back, but I am because I know people have already judged me from the few wedding pictures that have been released, which means people have had their say on why I looked like on my special day, I don't really care about what other people think, but its never nice to see people hating on you, especially when the picture is from your wedding day, the day that I'd supposed to be your happiest day of your life.

And I know for sure that people have judged me on just that one picture Justin had posted on twitter of me where I was wearing nothing but his shirt, and was straddling him when he was only in his boxers. The shirt was only slightly buttoned up, you couldn't see anything to explicit, but my boobs were slightly visible from the unbuttoned shirt. You should see Justin's bare waist in the picture as my hands rested on his chest. Regardless of how many times Justin says he loves it I hate the picture, I look like a slut and apparently that's what most of his fans think too. I begged him to take it down, but Justin being the stubborn person he is, he said no and said that his fans would have to get used to it because 'we're married now and he doesn't want to have to hide everything and wants to be able to show me off' so I eventually gave up knowing that whatever I said he would find a reason to change the subject.


Stepping onto the plane I let out a deep breathe I was unaware I was holding in as I swung mine and Justin's linked hands back and forth lightly 'I don't wanna go' I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued down the private jet and sat down in the seats.

Justin ignored my comment and just sat down in his chair, resting his head on top of mine, picking my legs up and placing them over his and resting his hands on my thighs. Justin has been pretty silent this whole trip to the airport, and I have no clue why.

'Justin, are you okay?' I asked him, lifting my head away from his, lifting my left hand up and running my fingers through his hair in a relaxing manner, hoping he would open up to me and explain everything that was going on.

'Yeah, I'm fine baby don't worry' he cracked a small, weak but sincere smile 'I want to worry though' I told him 'its pretty stupid though' he shook his head pointlessly 'I'm sure it isn't' I persuaded.

'Its just that we're going back to LA and we have to go back to work, back to normal and I guess I don't wanna go back, I was enjoying my time here, not having to worry about being followed or bugged just spending time together' he mumbled and shot me another soft smile

'That wasn't stupid, what's stupid is that you're worried not to tell me. You seriously think I want to leave here? Its like paradise' I giggled 'I know but I don't want to hear about what every gossip magazine has been saying about us' he mumbled 'we will do what we always do and ignore them, like you told me. Nothing matters as long as we are both okay and happy' I smiled as I dropped my arms to his neck 'I guess' he smiled softly again 'good' I smiled pecking his lips as I sat back in my chair as we took off.


Half way through the flight, Justin turned his attention away from the film we were watching and stared at me 'what?' I giggled keeping my eyes glued to the small tv screen 'I've been thinking' Justin smiled as I looked at him 'oh that's never a good sign' I joked 'hey' he pouted 'I was kidding' I smiled as I kissed his still pouted lips.

'So what have you been thinking about?' I asked him curiously 'so, it's just a thought' he said 'okay...' I furrowed my eyebrows 'we're married now and you know how the pattern works people get married and then have a family' he smiled weakly 'so I was thinking, maybe you would come off of birth control?' He asked, well more mumbled as if he was scared to hear my answer.

'I-err' I stuttered slightly, unsure of what to sat. I'm twenty! That's so young to have a family, I've just got married I've always wanted to be a young mum, but I don't want to. But then again at the same time I want nothing more than to have a family with Justin.

'Don't worry, forget it' Justin sighed as he turned back to face the TV 'no' I shook my head and sighed 'you know I'm really excited to have a family with you but we're twenty, you're still working on a new album, I've got loads of work coming up' I explained as he meekly nodded 'I guess, but I'd stop writing as soon as I found out you were pregnant to support you, you know that' Justin caressed my cheek 'I can't let you do that Justin' I shook my head 'your music is so important to you' I told him 'I know but you and my family is more important' he protested.

I knew Justin was going to be stubborn about this and I wouldn't win, but I didn't feel confident with being pregnant at twenty, I was still working basically every day. I guess a big part of it I was scared, scared that if I did get pregnant, Justin wouldn't be able to cope with it and he'd pack up and leave just like that jerk did to my mum when she was pregnant with Millie.

Clearly Justin had noticed me silence because he spoke up once again 'baby? You okay? What's wrong?' Justin asked frantically 'n-nothing' I lied avoiding eye contact 'just talk to me' Justin sighed, lifting me up into his lap forcing me to look at him.

'Its just- are you ready for a baby?' I muttered 'of course I am, why would I keep asking you if I wasn't sure' Justin stated 'yeah, but how do you know that when I get pregnant you don't leave?' I murmured 'YN' Justin said softly 'come on baby, you know I would never do that, I can never leave you' Justin murmured into my ear his forehead resting against my temple, kissing my exposed skin 'but what if it gets to much? And you don't want to stay? We're only just married' I whispered.

'Okay YN, stop look at me' Justin demanded, looking over at him, I quickly looked down, only to be forced to look at him by Justin raising my chin with his index finger.

'I love you more than I have ever loved anything else. The thought of not being with you kills me, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, that means that no matter what life will ever throw at us we will make it through, together. You are my main priority and I just want you to be happy more than anything. I understand what you mean about us being too young, we probably are and I guess that I'm just a bit keen and excited but that's just because I love you, I know that whenever we are ready we will know, but just understand that when we do have our little baby, I will never leave you and I'll be more excited than you' Justin said softly rubbing my stomach lightly.

Smiling softly at him I rested my head on his chest and linked my fingers with his 'its not that I don't want to have a baby, I do' I sighed 'its just I think we should take time to be newly weds and be... Us, we're working all the time right now I just think it wouldn't fit in with our lifestyle at the moment' I explained softly 'I know and it was just me being excited you know that I love you and I'm just keen' Justin chuckled small before he kissed my forehead and laid his head on top of mine.

'I love you baby, just never forget that' Justin whispered in my ear kissing my neck 'I love you too Justin' I smiled looking up and him and kissing his soft plump lips.

'Hey what about we make a deal?' I asked Justin 'what kind of deal?' Justin raised an eyebrow 'when we turn 21 I'll come off birth control and then we can see what happens' I suggested. Justin eyes lit up making me realize how much he wanted a family, I wanted a family too so much I just didn't want to rush into it, I wanted to give this child what he or she really needed.


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