Chapter 160

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My eyes shot open wide as I felt an almost winding sensation in my stomach, I rested my hands on my stomach, worrying about what it was.

The pain happened once again towards the bottom of my stomach, although it wasn't really a main, almost as if someone was punching me, kicking me? KICKING! No way... Dylan! Dylan just kicked!

Immediately I wasn't tired anymore, excited and happy, although I knew it was going to be some ridiculous time in the morning but I didn't care, my little baby boy just kicked and I couldn't be more excited, I've got to tell Justin.

'Justin' I whispered excitedly as I quickly shoved chest lightly, only for another snore to leave his lips. 'Justin, come on, wake up!' I practically begged, I wanted him to wake up because I wasn't going to let him miss the first time Dylan kicked, our baby.

Fuck sake, why does Justin have to be such a heavy sleeper.

'Justin!' I hissed loudly, kicking Justin's legs hard with the sole of my foot making his eyes shoot open and stare at me 'what the fuck was the for?' He cursed as he clutched onto his leg.

'Dylan, he-' I began but was soon cut off 'what's happened? What's wrong? If he okay?' Justin panicked, his face became less angry and more worried, concerned 'calm down!' I giggled 'he kicked' I beamed as Justin's face lit up.

'No way' he smiled 'yeah' I nodded as I laid down 'give me your hand' I said quietly, holding my hand out for him, Justin shuffled closer to me and placed his hand in mine. I then placed his hand on my stomach as I rested mine over the top of his.

'He'll kick again soon' I smiled 'this means he's healthy, right?' Justin asked as he shuffled even closer to me and rest his head on my collar bone, keeping his hand on my stomach 'yeah, means he is developing right as well, so all his limbs are functioning' I smiled down st Justin.

Feeling another kick, Justin smiled 'that's so cool' he said, purely amazed 'I can't believe that' he whispered keeping his hand there, most likely waiting for another kick.

'Doesn't it hurt?' Justin muffled into my body after out baby kicked once again 'a little, but I don't mind, I'm just happy to know he's healthy' I smiled 'he can sure kick hard though, that's my boy' Justin laughed sheepishly, clearly still tired.

Dylan stopped kicking for a while as I felt my eye lids close slightly, I could feel Justin's steady breathe on the crook of my neck, proving to me that he was asleep, his hand still rested on my stomach.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when Dylan kicked once again making me groan in pain, he really does kick hard. Feeling Justin's eye lashes flutter against my skin 'come on buddy, you're hurting mummy' Justin mumbled quietly as he rubbed my stomach.


An few hours later and Dylan still hadn't stopped kicking. Every moment I was about to drift off to sleep, Dylan would kick forcing me to wake up once again.

Justin stayed curled up to me, his hand stayed on my stomach, rubbing it every time Dylan kicked, it just seemed that his kicks were getting harder each time but then again I'm not sure if that is just due to the fact that I was getting increasingly more tired.

'Come on Dylan, please stop kicking, me and mummy just really want to go to sleep' Justin practically begged, sleepless Justin equals a grumpy Justin and I was in no mood to deal with that.

'Justin just go to sleep, I'm not bothered I'll just go watch some TV or something' I sighed 'I can't, he keeps kicking' Justin mumbled 'yeah well no one asked you to put your hand on my stomach' I hissed grabbing his hand and throwing it off my stomach. 'Oh, sorry for wanting to be a good husband' Justin hissed 'well right now you're not being a good one' I muttered mostly to myself. 'What's wrong with you?' Justin growled 'nothing, just go to sleep' I sighed as he rolled over and closed his eyes, maybe he won't be so grumpy in the morning.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight, so I reached over and grabbed my phone, checking the time half six, am. Wow, I guess I won't be sleeping this morning. Ridiculous, I haven't been asleep since before three am, I just want to sleep, but apparently Dylan didn't want to sleep, I guess this is just practice for when he really is here, wow and if Justin is going to act like this, I don't know what I'll do.

Throwing the covers over my body I stood up and walked out of the bedroom, well more stomped, slamming the door behind me. I was pissed off I have every right to be. Justin just switched, I was more than happy to go and watch some TV whilst he slept, but nope. Not happening.

Add hormones, a pregnant women, a dick of a husband all mixed with sleep does not work well together.

Storming down the stairs I walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch I pulled a blanket cover me to warm me up- considering I was still wearing only a t-shirt, I was actually enjoying the peace, without the TV on.

Hearing a loud mutter of swear words under his breath followed by stomping of loud footsteps down the stairs.

'YN?' I heard Justin's voice stern say, ignoring him I turned on the TV so at least I can I didn't hear him.

'Why are you ignoring me? And why are you down here?' Justin mumbled, clearly tired 'I can't sleep and I don't feel like annoying you and keeping you up, because I don't want you to be grumpy' I sighed, keeping my eyes locked on the shit that was playing on TV 'I'm not the grumpy one, and I clearly didn't have an issue with you not being able to sleep, you were the one that got all pissed off' Justin grumbled 'oh, fuck off' I hissed as I didn't even look at him.

'No, no I won't, fucking hell YN, all I ever do is look after you and do whatever you fucking want me to, and now you're being a bitch!' Justin hissed running a frustrated hand through his hair 'I'm not being a bitch Justin' I shook my head 'but you're being a dick 'I said to you I was more than happy to let you sleep but then you just- I don't even know' I shook my head, not wanting to carry on with this conversation, but clearly Justin had other opinions.

'I just don't get what I'm going wrong?!' Justin exclaimed 'all I ever fucking do, I treat you like a princess and you're just being a bitch!' He practically yelled 'yeah, well I can't fucking help it Justin? Can I? I didn't ask for dylan to kick and keep us up all night!' I exclaimed, finally turning to face him, Justin stayed silent so I just scoffed quietly and turned my attention back to the TV.

'Move over' Justin murmured quietly, shocking me, I thought he had gone. But apparently I was wrong.

Snapping my head towards him, I saw him leaning against the door frame smoothly in his boxers, and unreadable expression on his face as he stared at me.

'What?' I asked him, hoping I heard him right 'I said,move over' Justin repeated himself 'what? Why?' I asked him, suddenly feeling upset, hormones I guess. 'Just do it will you' Justin whispered as he stood up straight and walked over to me.

Doing as I was told, I moved so I was further into the middle of the couch, staring at Justin as he walked over to me and sat down on the couch just where I was previously sitting.

I continued to stare at him as he looked right back at me 'why you sitting so far away?' Justin murmured quietly 'because you hate me' I whispered as I looked down at my lap.

Suddenly Justin grasped my waist in his hand and pulled me closer to him, pulling the blanket over both of us.

'I don't hate you YN, I never could, even if I tried' Justin whispered as he rested his head on mine 'and I'm sorry about being a dick' Justin murmured 'sorry for being a bitch' I murmured back.

See it's times like this I love my life, don't get me wrong, I hate fighting with him, but look at us, not even five minutes later and we're making up, just proves we love each other.

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