Chapter 110

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'YN' I yelled out to her, running down the stairs, dragging the last suitcase behind me, I really should have packed before the day I leave to go back on tour. Oh well. 'Yes?' She replied singing,walking out of the front room and leaning on the door frame crossing her arms in front of her chest 'can you give me a lift to the airport... Please' I smiled cheekily walking over to her 'sure' she giggled as I pressed my lips to hers 'now?' She questioned, pulling away as she leaned back against the door frame. Looking down at my watch then back at her 'yeah' I sighed. I was not ready to go back on tour, I hadn't prepared myself for the possible things that might happen on tour, HE is going. I can't even bare to say his name.'Let me grab my keys' she clapped her hands together dragging me away from my thoughts.

As we pulled up to the airport, the air grew thick between me and YN as both of our eyes set on HIM. Neither of us had spoken about it to be honest, and I don't want to. Just the thought of the situation was enough to make my fists ball up, so I was ready to punch someone. Noticing my anger bubbling inside, YN reached across and grabbed my hand, quickly glancing over at me shooting me a warm smile. YN continued to drive round to the private section of the airport where no fans or paparazzi were aloud. 'And we're here' YN sighed 'yeah' I muttered 'come to the gate with me' I smiled at her 'sure' she giggled, turning the engine off and jumping out the car. Jumping out of the car as well, I jogged to the boot of the car and began pulling out all of the cases, YN occasionally helping. 

'JUSTIN!' I heard someone call, I snapped my head in their direction and saw Scooter and the rest of my crew jogging over, Fredo trailing far behind, but his eyes immediately found YN's who was oblivious, keeping my eyes locked on Fredo as if to worn him off. 'AYE!' I yelled back, giving them all hugs 'hey YN' Kenny smiled 'hi' she waved as he engulfed her in a hug. Laughing she pulled back 'kid, the flight has been delayed a few hours so we're just going to have to sit in the gate and wait' Scooter informed me 'oh' I replied 'baby, you going to go home? Or are you going to wait by the gate with me?' I murmured turning my attention to YN and grabbing her waist pulling me into me a little bit 'I'll wait with you' she bit her lip 'if that's okay' she asked 'of course it is' I chuckled pressing my lips to hers heavily. Making sure, EVERYBODY could see.

'Keep the PDA to a minimum kid' Scooter slapped my back as I pulled away, laughing at him 'you're just bitter' I smirked 'yeah, yeah, say what you want kid' Scooter shook his head. A few security guards came over and took my suitcases inside. 

'Let's go inside' I muttered in YN's ear kissing her cheek as I wrapped my arm over her shoulder, before we all walked he airport through the back door, that lead directly to our gate. I could feel someone's gaze on me and YN, and I knew immediately who it was, Fredo. I shot him a glare as my grip tightened on YN pulling her into my side even more than before. 'Just ignore him' YN' told me, looking up at me, wrapping her arm around my waist 'sorry' I muttered 'but he shouldn't be staring' I growled 'let him stare' she shrugged un phased by his constant stare. 

Walking into the airport, we all sat down on the chairs. I pulled YN down on my lap and wrapped my arms around her stomach, she leaned back against me as I rested my head on her shoulder, kissing her neck. 'I'm going to miss you' I murmured so only she could hear 'I'm going to miss you to' she sighed 'but it's only three months... Then we get to move into the new house' I said squeezing her sides making her giggle 'I know!' She squeaked 'I need to pack all the boxes away' she groaned, rolling her head back onto my shoulder 'well why don't you wait until I get back, then I'll help' I shrugged 'I want to move in as soon as possible, so I'll make a start' she nodded. 'Are you working much when I'm away?' I asked her licking my lips 'a bit, I have no interviews or anything, just a few photo shoots the usual' she shrugged 'but I'm going to be planning the wedding as well, so I won't get bored' she giggled 'okay, well I want you to email me things about the wedding' I told her 'and' I sang 'don't get stressed out' I said nuzzling my head into her shoulder 'I'll try' she sighed happily.

All the crew sat down and carried on their own chats, expect for Fredo, who was stood up, and glanced around the room, looking for a spare seat to take. Everyone had noticed that something must have happened between Fredo because usually we would be laughing and joking around but instead we hadn't said a word. Fredo's eyes continued to search around the room, until it landed on the only spare seat, next to me. Fuck.

YN saw Fredo walk in our direction, 'justin' she muttered, nudging me in the ribs 'I know' i growled in her ear 'just ignore him' she told me 'but if he even tries to speak to me I'll-' 'justin' she cut she off 'ignore him' she said sternly 'fine' i sighed giving in, not wanting to start an argument with her, leaning forward to kiss her cheek, I shot Fredo a strong glare, warning him to not sit next to us, but regardless the asshole sat there.

'Hey' Fredo muttered as he sat down in the seat next to us awkwardly 'fuck off' I said emotionless, not looking at him 'seriously?' He muttered as I laced my fingers with YN's 'what?' I asked him raising an eyebrow at him 'you' he spat 'excuse me?' I asked taken back 'you're rubbing it in my face' he sighed 'I didn't ask you to sit here, you chose to do that bro' I shot back, kissing the tip of YN's spine 'fuck you man' he shook his head, before standing up and storming away. 

'Dick' I muttered under my breathe, squeezing my eyes shut. 'Justin, can I er- speak to you?' Scooter asked as he stood in front of me and YN 'sure' I said patting YN's thighs indicating for her to get up. She jumped up and then sat back down as I walked off with Scooter. 

'What's up?' I asked 'what's going on kid?' He asked conceded 'you don't even want to know' I shook my head 'i do, you seem in a funk' he furrowed his eyebrows 'Fredo, is.. In love.. With my finance' I gritted my teeth just at the thought 'what?' Scooter said almost laughing at how ridiculous it seems 'yep' I sighed 'when I went to that meeting with you, Fredo stayed at mine with YN, then when I came back he was trying to kiss her' I growled 'don't kid with me' he checked 'I wish I was' I shook my head 'wow' was all Scooter said 'then we had an argument' I shrugged 'justin' he shook his head 'what?!' I asked 'come on, Fredo's you best friend-' 'was' I cut him off, Scooter shook his head ans stayed silent.

'can you swap buses with him?' I begged 'I think you should try and work it out with him, you're friends' he told me in a fatherly tone 'no' I shook my head immediately 'no way' 'come on, just try it, talk it out, and if you still wanna swap after a few days we will' he told me 'deal?' He questioned 'do I have a choice?' I asked him 'no, not really' he laughed slightly 'fine' I sighed 'good' he smiled, patting my shoulder before walking off. 

Turning on my heels, I was about to walk back over to YN, when I saw Fredo, sitting next to her, trying to talk to her, desperation plastered on his face. Sounds pathetic, but anger bubbled inside of me as I stormed over 'you don't know when to stop do you?' I scoffed standing in front of them 'I'm just talking to her' Fredo said standing up, raising his hands in surrender 'well don't' I snapped louder than intended 'justin' YN sighed, grabbing my hand in hers, standing up and dragging me behind her 'I told you to ignore him' she muttered quietly still holding my hand as she leaned against the wall, away from the others so our conversation couldn't be heard, but near enough that we could still be seen.'I'm sorry' I shook my head stepping into her 'I know' she smiled weakly 'he probably wants you to get annoyed, don't give him what he wants' she muttered 'I know' I sighed, she was right 'its harder said than done though' I sighed 'you'll be fine' she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck.

'I think I'm going to go, I've caused enough' she giggled lightly 'okay' I mumbled, not wanting her to go 'call me when you land?' She asked hugging my waist 'like always' I chuckled 'good' she sighed pulling away and staring at me 'I love you' she sighed 'I love you more' I smirked 'don't start this' she shot me a glare 'okay, okay' I laughed 'I'll see you In three months' she said as her smile dropped 'three months' I repeated 'it'll fly by' I comforted her, keeping my arms securely around her waist 'yeah' she nodded slightly 'and if you need anything-' I began but she soon carried on for me 'don't worry I'll call you' she giggled 'good' I smiled.

Running my hands down her body until they rested on her thighs 'jump' I told her, she jumped as I swung her legs around so they were tightly around my waist, she laughed as she had her arms loosely wrapped around my neck 'now kiss me' I demanded, YN pushed her lips to mine, before pulling away not wanting to have a full out make out session with me in front of everyone 'want me to walk you out to your car?' I asked her, placing her back down on the floor 'no, its fine' she smiled 'I love you' I mumbled resting my forehead against hers 'love you too' she sang 'see you later' I sighed as she waved, walking away from me 'bye everyone, have fun' she giggled waving at everyone, before flashing me a smile and walking away. 

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