Chapter 76

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2 months have passed since I left and everyday seems to be dragging on more than the last, I kept trying to tell myself that it was only one month left and then I would be back home but that didn't seem to be working either. I seemed to be hating everyone around me for basically forcing me to go on tour without YN, I was pissed off at everyone and everything, I was being a dick to everyone as well, I have no proper reason I just was. I missed YN and I guess that's a lot of the reason but it annoyed me how they think they can boss me around for no reason when they can't and for them to think they can pisses me off. You name them I have been a dick. Dan? I’ve been a dick to him. Scooter? I’ve been a dick to him as well. Heck I've even been a dick to Fredo and that never happens, I just can't help it I feel so... Alone? I feel as if nobody understands me here and nobody understands the pressure everyone puts me under. Being famous is harder than people think. YN gets me though, she understands how I feel and why I feel that way but she seems to be the only one, I don't know if that is because she is famous as well or just because she is the only person I really open up to. I don't open up to anyone the way I have with her recently, she doesn't judge me or make me feel weak or pathetic. Just thinking about her makes me miss her even more than I thought was ever humanly possible. Ever day I do the same thing, wake up on the bus alone, go out and eat basically ignore Fredo's attempts to make me happy and cheer me up, Scooter tells me to stop acting like a brat, and that I have changed and I'm not the Justin he found on YouTube years ago we argue because I always tell him that I haven't changed I am just in a bad mood but then every day he tells me that it is impossible to be in a bad mood for 2 months straight. I tell him to fuck off and then go and perform then as soon as its over I go back into my room on the bus and call YN hoping she would pick up, and luckily she does. So far the only time I have been happy over these past two months is when I'm performing, knowing I make people smile makes me smile.

I've just finished another show here and I have another one tomorrow 'great show kid, I'm really proud of you' Scooter said patting me on the back which is strange because that is the nicest thing he has said to me in months, but everyone has been acting strange with me lately it's as if they are trying to hide something from me 'thanks' I mumbled giving him a weak forced smile. Even fredo has been acting like that with me, and that's just another thing that has been pissing me off 'I'm going to bed, I'm tired' I said to everyone leaving the group I was tired but I wanted to call YN. As soon as I got into the bus I grabbed my phone and text her 'just finished my show can I call you?xxxxxx' I wasn't sure if she would reply because of time difference but I smiled when she did 'yeah!:)xxxxxx' she replied so without further hesitation I called her 'baby' I sighed into the phone 'hey' she giggled 'oooooooooo' I heard someone in the background say 'where are you?' I asked getting protective 'I'm at Miley's sorry, I'm literally walking out the door hold on' she said before I heard a few muffles of goodbye and a door shut 'hello' she chirped into the phone 'I miss you' I whined 'I miss you too. How was your show?' She asked starting her car 'baby don't drive when you're on the phone' I muttered 'you're on loudspeaker it's fine!' She exclaimed as I chuckled at how protective I am over her 'sorry' I muttered 'it's fine, how was your show?' She asked 'good' I told her 'I'm glad! Are you still being mean?' She asked me and I could just tell that she was smirking 'no, well I guess' I sighed 'justin' she groaned 'sorry but they're being mean to me as well' I said in my defence 'yeah yeah' she murmured 'baby I really have to go, I have to go back to work, I'll call you later though I love you' her sweet voice promised 'okay' I sighed 'have fun at work, I love you too' I said before hanging up, jumping in the shower and going to sleep just like every other day, 1 month to go, that's all.


Okay so I lied, I wasn't going back to work, but I couldn't exactly tell him I was packing to come and be on tour with him for a month now could I? I was so excited to go, I have just missed him so much and I can only imagine what his face will be like tomorrow, every time I speak to him it's so hard not to just blurt it out and tell him but I have gone a month so I am sure I can last one more day. Everyone in his crew knows apart from him so I can't wait! My flight leaves around eleven thirty tomorrow but the flight takes a while so I will only be there a few hours before his performance, so I need to pack and be ready, I'm going to watch Justin's show tomorrow but Justin isn't going to know. I get to pick the one less lonely girl as well; I just need to keep a low profile tomorrow so that Justin doesn't see any pictures of me at the airport. So as soon as I got home I rushed upstairs and rummaged through my draws and wardrobe deciding what clothes to take and what to wear tomorrow. Once I was packed I had a hot shower allowing the water to bounce off my body heating up my skin and bouncing straight off again, I wrapped the white towel around my body and wondered back into mine and Justin’s bedroom, I saw my phone lighting up with a text so I opened it up and read it ‘I’m going to sleep, I love you lots xxxxxx’ I smiled knowing it was from Justin ‘I love you too, night xxxxxx’ I replied before plugging my phone into charge and throwing on a pair of Justin’s sweats and top he left here. They smelt of him only making me miss him more, but I was seeing him tomorrow so I didn’t need to be sad. I felt bad for Justin though because I could tell by his voice he was sad and that broke my heart; let’s just hope that he isn’t sad when he sees me tomorrow.

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