Chapter 149

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Feeling a cold freeze rush across my arms, I dragged the duvet further up my body, covering up to my neck as I curled up into the fetus position, shuffling over to Justin's side of the bed hoping to cuddle into his chest, but I was disappointed when I couldn't feel his warm body beside me.

Reaching out my arms I stretched them out and ran them across the mattress, still searching for Justin, even though I still had my eyes closed.

After coming to the conclusion that he wasn't there, I peeled my eyes open from one another as I pouted my lips in disappointment wanting Justin to be in bed.

Rubbing my- still- flat stomach I laid flat on my back as I glanced around the room, looking for any signs of where Justin could be, but nope. No clue.

'Justin?' I called out, waiting for a response that never came 'Justin!' I called out louder this time, hoping he was in the house because he never goes out in the morning unless he says bye.

'YN' I heard Justin reply, mocking me, I couldn't help but smile at him 'where are you?' I whined 'making breakfast, I'll be back up in a minute, don't worry' he shouted back up the stairs 'oh, okay, thank you' I sang as I rolled back onto my side as I faced the door, keeping a hand on my stomach.

Hearing Justin's loud footsteps come up the stairs, and soon enough his face appeared with his usual messy morning hair, holding a tray in his hands, sporting a broad smile.

'Morning' he chirped 'morning' I smiled softly as I sat up in bed leaning against the door frame 'sleep good?' Justin asked handing me the tray before slipping back under the covers, lightly pressing his lips to my cheek 'mm yeah, did you?' I asked him looking up at him 'sure did' he smiled looking down at me 'good' I said kissing his jaw.

'What's all this for?' I asked Justin, gesturing to the tray of food in front of me 'well I saw you made dinner for us yesterday but I was home really late so I missed it, and I wanted to make it up to you so... I made us breakfast' Justin explained 'awww' I giggled 'well you shouldn't have because I only ordered food yesterday' I smiled taking a bite of toast 'but you still made the effort' Justin told me.

'So, how was the studio yesterday?' I asked once we had finished eating, placing the tray on the bedside cabinet and laying back down properly, resting my head on Justin's bare chest as I played with the waistband of Justin's waistband.

Justin grabbed the covers pulling it over both of us as he kissed my forehead before replying 'really good... We finished it' he beamed 'finished it?' I gasped snapping my head to look up at him 'as in completely finished? Every song?' I sat sitting up and climbing on top of him- straddling his waist so I could study the expression on his face to see whether he was telling the truth or not.

'Yep' Justin smiled, running his hands up and down my thighs softly 'every single song, all finished' Justin breathed out happily 'no way! That's amazing!' I screeched as I grabbed his face in my hands and hauled his face to mine, smashing my lips against his without warning.

Clearly Justin was stunned by my sudden action but he soon responded as he ran his thighs back up my thighs one last time before sliding his hands under my top- well his top- and grasping my hips in his hands.

Pulling away I gasped for air as I quickly pecked his lips before sitting up straight again 'I'm so proud of you, well done!' I smiled as I outlines his jaw with my index finger 'thanks' he chuckled 'maybe I should work more if I know I'm going to get a kiss like that every time I finish an album' Justin wiggled his eyebrows at me 'who knows, you might get something else if you keep it up' I winked jokingly 'right that's it, I'm off to the studio' Justin exclaimed playfully making me laugh and slam his chest as he pouted his lips at me.

'So when are you releasing it?' I asked as I rolled off him and wrapped my arm around his torso, as I laid on my side 'December' he nodded 'so soon?' YN asked 'yeah, Scooter said the sooner we get it out the better' he shrugged 'I'm excited!' I squeaked as I grabbed my phone, preparing to send out a tweet.

'Wait, can I tweet about it?' I asked him 'yeah' Justin nodded his head quickly.

'Make sure you all get @justinbieber's new album out this december!!!' I tweeted before smiling up at Justin and placing my phone back on the side and laying on my back.

'Hey just think in december you're going to be...' He thought for a moment 'five months pregnant' Justin beamed 'oh my gosh' I gasped 'that's crazy' I smiled as I watched Justin roll my shirt up so it was above my stomach as he rubbed my stomach 'and no doubt our little baby will be showing' Justin beamed as he leaned down, kissing just above my belly button making me smile.

'You know we haven't really spoken about this little one' Justin chuckled as he continued to rub my stomach 'what do you mean?' I asked as I watched Justin roll onto his side so he was supporting himself on his elbows.

'Well, are we going to find out the sex of the baby, when we can?' Justin asked 'I always said to myself that I would want it to be a surprise but I don't think I will be able to wait!' I giggled 'but what would you want to do?' I asked him 'I want to find out!' Justin said his eyes widening like a small child on christmas 'do you think we should?' I asked 'yeah' he nodded his head furiously as I giggled.

'And also have you thought about when we're going to tell everyone?' He asked 'honestly, no' I mumbled shaking my head 'neither' he sighed 'when do you think we should?' I asked tracing the outline of his tattoo's on his chest.

'I don't know, I just know that for the first month its going to be hard for us, and I just want to make sure you're safe' Justin muttered, not knowing what respond I just lightly kissed his neck as Justin continued to rub my stomach.

'But we're going to have to do it soon before your bump is visible' Justin sighed quietly 'but we don't have to do it now, this is my first pregnancy so I doubt my bump will get big, maybe it'll start to show at around for or five months, we can wait, talk about it, don't rush into it' I told him soothingly.

'I know, wait, maybe we could tell everyone about our little one at my release party' Justin suggested 'you'll be four... No five months' Justin said, his whole face lighting up 'we could, but I wouldn't want it to take the attention away from your album' I murmured 'you're being ridiculous baby' Justin laughed 'how?' I asked 'I couldn't care about the attention on my album, of course I want my album to do well but I want to show of my beautiful wife and the fact that we are having a little baby' Justin smiled.

How is he so perfect, so sweet, so... I don't even know, its like he can do no wrong!

'So, launch party?' I asked, biting my lip 'launch party' Justin nodded.

Now, I have to admit, I'm shit scared. I was ridiculously scared to even ask my mum to come to the doctors with me to see if I was pregnant, and oh god, I felt like I was going to pass out when I told Justin.

So I can only imagine what its going to be like when the whole world knows.

I can just already tell that things are going to be crazy, fans, paparazzi asking thousands of questions.

But I know I cannot stress, or let anything that people tell me or say about me bother me.

I can't get stressed because stress is not food for the baby and all I care about is making sure that my... Our baby is safe, I don't care about anything else as long as me, Justin and out little baby are safe and happy.

'How do you think people are going to react?' I asked quietly 'I don't know' Justin shrugged small, 'and honestly I don't care, there is going to be postive things said and of course negative, but just promise me that you'll ignore it. No matter what I'm there for you, nothing is going to change that as long as you, me and our little baby are safe that's all that matters' Justin spoke broadly as if he read my mind.

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