Chapter 33

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‘Let’s go somewhere’ Justin said his voice was still quiet and vulnerable ‘I don’t want you to spend all your money’ I told him ‘it won’t be expensive.. Please? I just want to be normal for a bit’ he mumbled ‘where would we go?’ I asked him looking at him although his head was still down and he was playing with his fingers in his lap ‘anywhere and it’s getting darker now so we won’t be seen’ he said still not looking at me and it’s true it must be around seven o’clock now and the sun is slowly beginning to set we must have talked for hours and not realised ‘okay’ I said with a smile ‘you might want to get changed and put some warmer clothes on, I don’t want you to get cold’ he said finally looking up to me and looking straight into my eyes. His eyes had so much love and so much passion in but still I could see the hurt and that broke my heart ‘Justin?’ I said ‘yeah?’ he asked ‘be happy please’ I told him ‘I just want to see you happy and that’ll make me happy’ he told me gently resting his hands on my hips ‘I am happy’ I told him ‘than so am I’ he told me although I knew that wasn’t true but he didn’t want to admit to me or himself for that matter, but he wants to take me out so I will let him. I’m not too bothered about going out but he said it would make him happy and that’s all I want, for him to be happy. I broke away from Justin’s grip and walked over to my wardrobe… I put on light blue jeans with this top: this jacket: and black vans.. I didn’t dress up I didn’t want to dress up I just wanted to look casual. I didn’t bother adding anymore make up or adjusting my hair I couldn’t really be bothered ‘ready?’ I asked walking out of the wardrobe ‘yeah’ Justin replied forcing a fake half smile ‘let me go and talk to my mum quickly’ I said as I ran down the stairs shoving some money my phone and keys In my pockets as I walked past my bag ‘hey mum’ I said walking into the kitchen ‘hey sweetie’ she said softly ‘me and Justin are going out and I wanted to apologise for being rude earlier’ I said honestly ‘oh honey it’s okay I know it’s stressful’ she said walking over and smoothing out my hair ‘thanks mum’ I said kissing her cheek ‘hey Karen’ I heard from behind me, I turned around and Justin was there smiling and giving my mum a hug ‘hello Justin’ she said hugging him back ‘we’re going now, bye’ I said giving her one last hug before walking out the front door. Justin opened the car door for me as we decided to go in his car, I still didn’t know where we were going and although Justin said he didn’t know either I still had a feeling he did know where he was taking us. Justin didn’t really say much for the car journey until we appeared at a Carnival place with fun fair games and rides ‘is this okay?’ he asked turning the engine off ‘it’s perfect’ I smiled I haven’t been to a carnival for years we used to come to them a lot as a kid I loved them. Justin quickly ran around to my side of the car and opened the door for me ‘thank you’ I smiled kissing his cheek ‘it’s alright’ Justin said kissing my hair I smiled and held his hand as we walked over to the carnival. There were lights flashing, noises coming from every stool announcing either a winner or a loser, everyone was happy. Everyone was smiling. No one was upset crying, no one was trying to show off or be the best everyone was normal… and that it was Justin needs right now. Justin pulled his hat a little lower over his face so he wouldn’t get recognised and I could tell that right now he didn’t want to be seen or recognised for being Justin Bieber, he just wanted to be Justin ‘I’m going to win you a big bear’ Justin said as we walked over to one of the stools ‘you don’t have to’ I said giggling slightly ‘I want to’ he said softly. We got in the queue and luckily we had not been noticed by anyone yet but most people were families with really young kids just like me when I was younger or old couples which I thought was adorable. Justin wrapped his arms around my neck from behind as I hugged my stomach and leaned back into his body, we were pretty fair back in the queue but I didn’t mind I was with Justin and that’s all I care about ‘I’m really sorry’ Justin said in my ear ‘I know you are’ I said taking his hands from around my neck and wrapping them around my stomach with my hands over his ‘I don’t know why I said it and I shouldn’t have I know you would never do that’ he said quietly in my ear as he rested his chin lightly on my shoulder as the queue began to slightly move forward ‘I understand you were stressed don’t worry about it’ I promised him as I rubbed my thumb against his knuckles and its true I have forgiven him and to be honest I forgave him when he barged in and kissed me without saying a word but seeing him cry and how upset and stressed he was makes me understand everything, he was stressed and he took it out on me because I was the one with him ‘I don’t deserve you’ he mumbled against my neck before lightly kissing it, I blushed at his comment because in my eyes it was me that didn’t deserve him. Although it was only one day I hated fighting with him, not being able to see him, laugh with him, joke with him, kiss him… wow I guess I’m more in love than I knew.

‘Okay so you have three balls and all you need to do is knock down all the bottles... Knock them all down and you get a big prize, good luck’ a man around the age of fifty told Justin without actually looking at him, the man just kept his head down and handed Justin the balls. The first ball Justin threw he knocked down two out of seven bottles, the second ball he knocked down three leaving two on the bottom for the very last ball… and… HE WON but I’m glad he won first time because knowing him he won’t stop until he does win ‘cooonnnngrraaatulllatiooons!’ a funny voice from the speaker came through along with an annoying jingle that will probably get stuck in my head for days ‘what do you want baby?’ Justin asked softly ‘can I have the purple one?’ I said smiling big like a fool Justin laughed that I got a purple one knowing it is his favourite colour ‘thank you’ I said to the man passing me the big bear which probably weighed as much as me ‘you’re welcome!’ he said looking up at me more a split second before calling the next people up ‘thank you Justin’ I said sweetly as I looked up to him giving the bear the biggest hug ever ‘it’s okay baby’ he said smiling at me but this time the smile didn’t seem fake it seemed genuine so I smiled back at him giving him a hug as well ‘can you take a picture of me and Teddy?’ I asked still smiling at him ‘sure baby’ he said as I gave him my phone, I pouted my lips and kissed the bear on the lips ‘looks like I have some competition’ Justin said handing my phone back ‘mm maybe’ I said as I tweeted the picture saying ‘meet my new best friend<3’ I laughed a little at all the responses and put my phone away not wanting it to distract from Justin.

‘Sorry but you can’t take that on with you’ the women at the front of the Ferris Wheel told me pointing to the massive purple bear in my hands ‘oh can I just leave it here and get it at the end?’ I asked and she nodded helping me and Justin into the cart. As soon as I sat down Justin wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest resting my head on his shoulder. We had been on so much and this was the last thing, neither I nor Justin has been recognised but anybody which is good because for once it feels good to be normal and not worry about what people are thinking of you. The lady closed the bar down on our laps as the wheel began to move ‘thank you for today’ I said looking up at Justin ‘it’s okay baby’ he said moving the hair out of my face, he rested his forehead on mine before closing his eyes and connecting our lips together, our lips moving in sync everything was perfect ‘I love you so much YN’ Justin whispered quietly against my lips ‘I love you too Justin’ I whispered back before laying my head back down on his shoulder.

What is wrong with me? I went up to her house to go and apologise and make everything okay again, take her out for an amazing meal treat her like a princess but as soon as I saw her something came over me and I had to kiss her. I just had to. And then I began to cry like a baby and complain about everything in my life. But she comforted me and she made me feel better she made me feel good, but I can’t be happy unless she is… she means so much more to me than I ever knew.

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