Chapter 154

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Waking up, I instictiveley reached across the bed in the hopes of Justin but hit the bed and soon remembered that he was in fact not sleeping close by and was actually sleeping down stairs on the couch- the poor guy thought I was sleeping on the couch, I mean come on. I'm a five month's pregnant women, I will not be sleeping on a couch when I have a perfectly comfortable bed to sleep in.

Upon remembering this, I soon remembered yesterday, and therefore my mind flooded with memories of yesterday, the party, telling people about our baby, Scooter, the argument, and than lastly sending Justin down to the couch.

Lifting the covers over my body I lifted up my top and rubbed my stomach 'hey baby' I whispered knowing that he or she inside of me probably couldn't hear me but I still liked talking to it- sounds crazy but I wanted my baby to be able to hear my voice, get used to it.

I knew I should get up and probably solve this whole situation with Justin- knowing it was eating me up alive- but I was almost scared to, I didn't want Justin to still be angry at me, even though I was still angry at him.

Somewhere it made sense in my mind that it was okay for me to be mad at him, but it was certainly not okay for him to be mad at me, crazy? I know.

Standing up from the bed I pulled down my- Justin's- shirt to cover a little more flesh as I slouched over to the mirror, scaring myself with the reflection. I looked like a raccoon, I forgot to take off my make up last night and therefore had eyeliner smeared around my eyes, foundation patches of where it had come off, my eye lashes were just about hanging onto my eyes; ew.

Peeling away my eye lashes I quickly threw them away and grabbed away a make up remover and rubbed away all of the smeared and old make up that still remained.

I looked fresh faced and natural once again, I hate sleeping with make up on, makes me feel so horrible in the morning. I left my hair to hang over my shoulder as I looked somewhat normal, despite the tired look that covered my face but I've just woken up, what do you expect?

Slumping my shoulders I knew I'd have to talk to Justin sooner or later, why not just get over with.

Sneaking down the stairs, just in case Justin was still asleep. I heard nothing so I assumed he was still asleep, I couldn't help but check on him, force of habit I guess.

So I tip toed into the living room, where Justin was sprawled out on the couch, his suit thrown over an armchair whilst the blanket barely covered his body, guess I should have given him a bigger blanket, my bad.

So I quickly sprinted back up the stairs, grabbed out double duvet and dragged it back down stairs before walking back into the living room where Justin remained in the same position, his mouth slightly open, biting down on my lip I shuffled closer before i perched on the end of the couch, laying down I rested my head lightly on his chest and pulled the duvet over both of us.

Justin stayed asleep but shuffled and rolled over so my back was pressed to his chest. His arms found their way around my baby bump and rubbed it slightly even though he was still asleep. Placing her lips to the back of my head he let out a soft sigh before his breathing went back to a smooth steady pace.

This was so weird, just last night we were arguing and I threatened to leave. Not that I wanted to, I guess I was just scared,scared that he'd realize he was to good for me and leave just like always whenever we argue, I'd rather be the one to leave then be left, I just feel as if I leave, I'm the strong one. Although that never works out. And now... We're laid together on the couch, even though we haven't resolved our argument.

In some ways, I was hoping just to forget it and not mention it anymore, but I had a feeling we would have to speak about it.

Knowing Justin was going to say asleep for a while longer, I grabbed his phone that was left on the floor and quickly clicked on the twitter icon, I was curious to find out what people thought about mine and Justin's little announcement. I would do it on my phone but I left it upstairs.

I clicked on Justin's mentions and saw people such as the Kardashian family, Miley, Demi, Usher, Katy Perry and other celebrities has tweeted at Justin and me, congratulating us on our baby and saying how they couldn't wait to see our little baby.

It made me smile knowing we had the support of some people, but reading through the tweets I couldn't help but wonder if Scooter really wasn't happy about the whole situation or he was just worried about the business side of it.

Scrolling through Justin's time line I saw several fans tweet 'IS YN REALLY PREGNANT?!' And other things like that.

'I'm happy YN is pregnant! Just imagine how cute Justin and their baby is going to be!!!!'

'This just proves that YN and Justin truly love each other and its not just for fame'

'Can't believe Justin would want a baby with her, ew'

'Have to admit, I'm disappointed in Justin, but whatever, his life'

Were just some of the tweets that fans had sent, of course there were going to be horrible tweets but I had to ignore it, I refuse to let it get to me.

Sighing I locked Justin's phone and placed it back on the floor before placing my hands over Justin's closed my eyes momentarily, enjoying the peace, the calmness.


Feeling Justin stir slightly before moving his head until his head was rested just behind my shoulder.

Pecking my shoulder three times before allowing his lips to linger on the top of my shoulder, I knew he was awake now, but I was too worried to turn around.

'How long have you been down here?' Justin whispered calmly in my ear as he placed yet another kiss on my shoulder 'don't know' I shrugged small 'maybe an hour, not long' I whispered back, keeping my back to Justin.

'baby, can you look at me?' Justin asked his voice was vulnerable, I hate it when he speaks like that, I feel so bad, I just want him to be happy.

Nodding my head, I let out a shaky breathe before rolling over so I was facing him, now usually our faces would be so close, only an inch apart, but now, they were further away due to my baby bump, pushing the gap between us further.

'Did you sleep down here?' Justin asked as I shook my head 'good, that would have been bad for your back and I'm sure this little one is causing enough trouble as it' Justin chuckled lightly.

'Sorry for making you sleep down here last night' I mumbled 'don't be, I deserved it' he shrugged as a silence than over took us.

'Let's talk about last night' I murmured almost inaudible 'okay, but I wanna talk first, okay?' Justin asked quietly, nodding my head in agreement he took in a breathe before starting.

'I know I should have told Scooter about this I know, but I'm just, I don't I mean I was nervous I guess. I knew he would flip out and go shit crazy on me so I didn't want to hear it because I knew it would make me angry and annoyed so I guess I was just holding it off for as long as possible' he breathed 'and I don't know why I lied, I shouldn't have done it and you have every right to be annoyed at me, I'm annoyed at me. I don't know why i did it, I guess it was because I didn't want you to get hurt by what Scooter said so I figured that if I didn't tell you and Scooter found out when everyone else did he wouldn't react they way I did and he would at least pretend he was happy, I guess I just didn't want you to get stressed over it, I thought I could deal with it myself but I guess that didn't work out' Justin let out a forced giggle and sent me a crocked smile, biting his lip.

'Justin' I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around his torso 'I want you to be able to tell me whatever you can, no matter how stupid or important it might be, tell me, I want to know. I want to be able to help you' I muttered 'I know baby-' justin began but I cut him off 'and I should have just let you explain yesterday because its times like these I feel like such a bitch' I pouted.

Justin chuckled and kissed my forehead 'you're not a bitch, you're anything but it, I promise you that' Justin smiled 'I love you' I muttered looking up at him 'I love you too baby, and I'm sorry' he mumbled 'don't be sorry, let's just forget about it' I smiled up at him.

'Forget what?' Justin smirked

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