Chapter 58

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I was woken up with something or something licking my face, in pure confusion I shot my eyes open thinking that it was Justin that was going to be licking my face but instead I saw a cute little puppy, my puppy, mine and Justin’s puppy, OUR puppy, Bell. ‘hey cutie’ I whispered as I stroked her soft fur making her lay down in between me and Justin as she rolled around trying to get comfortable making Justin open his eyes tiredly and look at me and then down at Bell as he let out a small chuckle ‘hey you’ he said rubbing Bell’s stomach ‘morning baby’ he said in a hoarse voice making me melt as he looked up at me and looked directly into my eyes ‘morning’ I smiled as he leaned over and pecked my lips sweetly ‘I’m tired’ I said as I cuddled back into Justin and Bell as Justin wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head and allowed his lips to stay connected to my hair ‘go back to sleep then baby’ he said softly I nodded in agreement as I closed my eyes but right before I went to sleep Bell started to bark… Hmm guess I’m not going back to sleep then! I opened my eyes and yawned before looking up at Justin and watching him play with Bell, I couldn’t help but think about how much of an amazing dad he would make one day, and hopefully to my children. Today is the day I have finally been waiting for, I have 2 months off of work and everything in my life seems to be going so good right now, I have an amazing family who I love to death, I have an amazing job, but most of all I have a boyfriend who I live with everything in my body and I don’t want anything to change.

-Two weeks later-

Today Justin is going back on tour and I’m excited because I’m going with him for one month and two weeks, I have the time off work so why wouldn’t I want to spend it with Justin? I have all my bags packed and I’m ready to go, I just have to say bye to Bell who is going to be staying at my house with my mum for the time I am away. Kenny had just picked us up and loaded all of our bags into the boot of the car and is now driving to my house to drop of Bell, n ot going to lie here, I am going to miss her. Bell sat on Justin’s lap as she let soft snores escape her as Justin stroked her ‘excited to come on tour baby?’ Justin asked me leaning back in his car and looking at me ‘yes!’ I said enthusiastically ‘and I can’t wait to see you perform!’ I told him happily ‘I’m actually nervous for you to watch me’ he mumbled looking down ‘why?’ I asked furrowing my eyebrows ‘because what if I mess up?’ he said looking back up at me ‘Justin if you mess up you mess up, I will love you anyway and either way it I’m watching so you don’t have a choice’ I said sticking my tongue out at him ‘you’re so adorable’ he said shaking his head and looking down laughing slightly ‘we are here guys’ Kenny called out to us from the front of the car ‘thanks man, we will only be a minute’ Justin said jumping out of the car and running round to my side before I even had time to unbuckle my seat belt, Justin helped me out of the car as he put the lead on Bell and grabbed my hand as we walked towards the front door. Within two knocks Josh answered the door ‘hey!’ he said giving me a quick hug and Justin a ‘man hug’ Josh scooped Bell from the floor and petted her ‘have fun on tour!’ he told us as Mum walked up to the door, she rushed over to me and gave me a big hug ‘be sensible, if anything happens you call me okay’ she said really fast ‘don’t worry Karen I’ll look after her’ Justin said giving mum a reassuring smile ‘you better’ she said pointing a finger at him jokingly ‘we better get going’ Justin said I nodded in agreement before giving both Josh and Mum massive bear hugs I am going to miss them but I’m excited more than anything! I mean I’m going to tour the world with the world’s sexist man, who wouldn’t be excited? ‘I’ll call you when we land and stuff’ I promised my mum as we climbed into the car waving to them as we drove away.

When we arrived at the airport what seemed like thousands of paparazzi were crowding around our car which made my heart rate increase, for some reason I became nervous there has never been this many paparazzi surrounding us before, this is just crazy. People think I should be used to the papas by now but can you ever get used to people following you around everywhere you go with cameras? ‘you okay YN?’ Justin asked me paying full attention to me as Kenny tried to drive closer to the entrance and away from the thousands of paparazzi ‘i- er- there is a lot of paparazzi’ I told him looking at him, I get nervous around a lot of people and the fact that they all want to take my picture makes me more self-conscious than usual, I don’t know why but it just does. ‘that’s what you get for dating me, I thought you knew that?’ he suddenly snapped at me, taking me off guard. Why’d he snap? I did nothing wrong, usually when I don’t tell him the truth he gets angry with me and now I’m telling him the truth he is getting angry, that’s fair. I stared at him with wide eyes wanting to make sure that he actually did say that, but he just stared at me with a blank face, wow he actually did say that. What’s changed his tune ‘wow’ I muttered to myself as I huffed and slouched back in my chair staring out of the window as Justin then did the same neither of us talking or even looking at each other. ‘why’d you just snap at me when you know that I hate it when thousands of people surround me?’ I asked him finally breaking the silence as we were still in the car as I snapped at him taking my gaze away from the window and looking at him only to find him still staring at the window as if I had just said nothing ‘are you seriously going to ignore me now when I did nothing wrong?’ I muttered loud enough for him to hear ‘I don’t know okay?!’ he snapped now looking at me and raising his voice slightly ‘if we are just going to argue than why am I even coming on this tour’ I said now raising my own voice, I wasn’t going to leave him and I had no intention of it I just said it, I guess to make him think. I could tell that Kenny felt a little awkward as he sat in the front of the car in pure silence and honestly I did feel bad. He stayed silent for a moment and so did I, he wasn’t looking at me, he was just staring straight ahead ‘don’t actually not come’ he muttered which was just loud enough for me to hear ‘but if we are just going to be arguing why should I stay?’ I asked him harshly ‘because I need you with me’ he said and finally looks at me ‘then why did you just snap at me?’ I asked him sighing ‘I don’t know’ he shrugged, I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair once again looking out of my window.

A few minutes later Kenny parked the car as close to the airport as possible, a few workers from the airport came to the car and took our luggage away as then four security guards came out to help me and Justin get into the airport, Kenny helped Justin out the car first and then me, as he came round to my side of the door, Justin opened it and stuck his hand out for me to take it, I contemplated taking it or not, but I decided to. I wasn’t going to let him just be humiliated in front of everyone taking pictures and I also didn’t want everyone to think we were having problems because then more people would be asking me if we are still together and it is just more than it’s worth because even though me and Justin just had a small disagreement about three minutes ago, I still love him and he loves me. End of story. I grabbed his hand as he helped me out of the car intertwining our fingers tightly as he pulled me close to him making sure nothing could happen to me. I put my head low avoiding all the flashes and screams that were coming from the paparazzi, they were all just out of control today and it was making me a little bit scared. We battled through the crowds of people Justin still holding my hands tightly, and I was holding Justin’s hand just as tight. Once we finally got through to the airport, the security guards made sure none of the paparazzi got through, I realised my grip on Justin’s hand expecting him to do the same, although he didn’t. He kept my hand in his tightly ‘I’m sorry you know’ he mumbled looking down at me kissing the top of my head making me sigh ‘I know but you need to think before you say things you know’ I mumbled still a little annoyed with him ‘I know, I know. I’m just stressed about the tour knowing Scooter is going to be on my case again, sorry’ he sighed I just didn’t reply not really knowing what to say ‘do you forgive me?’ he asked sweetly stopping at our gate and making me face him as he bent his knees down so his face was now level with mine as he looked directly into my eyes making me automatically melt, oh gosh I hate it when he does this whenever I’m annoyed at him. I just ignored him and looked down ‘baby’ he said as he leaned down and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear ‘please forgive me YN, I need you’ his voice sounded so desperate and so broken, all because we had one small argument ‘I love you’ I told him making his head snap up towards me as he stared at me with lustful eyes ‘you do?’ he questioned ‘of course I do, just because you were a dick to me doesn’t mean I love you’ I said smirking ‘I’m sorry for being a dick’ he said seriously ‘it’s fine!’ I said laughing a little bit ‘mm good because I hate it when you’re mad at me’ he said pouting, bringing his head to mine as our lips were inches apart ‘well I’m not mad at you now’ I told him pecking his lips quickly and pulled away making him furrow his eyebrows and scrunch up his nose adorably ‘what?’ I said giggling ‘that wasn’t a kiss’ he said pouting again, I just stared at him and smirked as he stepped into my body closing the gap between our bodies as he pressed his body tightly against mine resting his hands firmly on my waist as he lowered his head down onto mine so his forehead was resting on mine as his warm breathe hit my lips making me shiver and goose bumps rise under his touch. He then pressed his lips heavily against mine, snaking his tongue in my mouth without even asking for an entrance, making me sigh against his lips ‘JB, we gotta go- oh sorry’ Kenny said from beside us making both of us pull away and blush. Needless to say I was excited about going on tour. 

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