Chapter 131

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(Three days later)

Three days have past with nothing, no communication, no hugs, no kisses, nothing. I haven't spoken or seen Justin in three days and its killing me and I hate it. I seriously regret my decision to stay away from him for a week, seriously what the fuck was I thinking? Someone must have been drugging me when I suggested it because it was potentially the most foolish thing I have ever done. Knowing that he is only a few minutes away and I haven't gone to see him breaks me. Every hour of every day I'm fighting against myself to just hop in my car and drive back to him. Telling him a pathetic excuse like 'I didn't have enough clothes' just so I could go and see him even it was just for a few hours, and maybe he'd believe my pathetic lie and let me in, kiss me a few times before I left, that's all I want. That's all I'm asking for, a few kisses and I'll be satisfied until the wedding, but nope, I want to stick with my decision no matter how hard it is.

I miss him.

I miss him, a lot, more than I should considering it has only been three days.

Sounds stupid to miss someone so much after only three days, but I love him. And I spend practically every minute of every day with him so its kind of a shock for all communication to stop. Its so strange not to just be able to pick up the phone and talk or send him a text, I'm not used to it. It makes me wonder, before I met Justin was I bored all the time? I mean I had no one to joke around with, hug or kiss. I was just lonely.

Even when he was on tour we still skyped, text, and called each other whenever we could, I'm seriously regretting my decision to not see him for a week and no matter what I do or where I go something just seems to remind of him and make me wonder, what's he doing? Where is he? Does he miss me? Stupid I know, but I can't help it, its like its the only thing my brain is allowing me to think about. Justin, Justin, Justin. As much as I love him I want him to leave my brain just so I can try and be normal for a little while and not just be grumpy and miserable.

All I have done these past three days is sulk and watch films curled up on the couch with Millie whist mum and Josh have continuously tried to get me to leave the house but I can't be bothered. Anyone would think I was going through a horrible break-up but nope I just really really really miss my fiance. It sucks that my own little brother, although he's nearly eighteen, is out with his friends whilst I- his twenty year old, older sister- is cooped up inside sulking and being a moody bitch. Talk about with-drawl symptoms.

Four days, FOUR DAYS, just FOUR DAYS until I'm married, now that is crazy, and those four days just can't come quick enough.

I find myself thinking about the wedding whenever my mind wonders, I wonder what will happen at the wedding? Will everything run smoothly? or will something go wrong? Will I fall over and rip my dress? Oh dear god please let everything run smoothly.

I can't wait to find out what Justin's going to look like in his tuxedo. I can only imagine how handsome he will be, his hair perfectly placed-as always- and oh, I wonder if anyone managed to get him to wear dress shoes or he'll be his stubborn self and stick with his supra's. Either way, I know he'll look perfect.

Oh god, what if he doesn't like my dress? What if he hates it and decided that he doesn't want to marry me? Or what if someone does the tragic thing in every film where they scream at the bride telling them not to get married and confess their undying love for them.

See. This is what happens. My mind wonders and I over think EVERYTHING and start making up ridiculous scenarios in my head, pathetic really.


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