Chapter 49

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Justin picked me up bridal style and walked into his house with me still in his arms making me laugh and giggles like a school girl talking to her crush. Justin kicked the door shut with his foot as he continued to walk through his house until he walked into the living room and threw me down on the couch so I was laying down making me squeal. He crawled on top of me hovering above me with his elbows ‘I’m glad you’re here’ I told him wrapping my hands around his back, putting my hands under his top and running my hands up and down his more toned muscular back ‘you’re more muscly?’ I asked him making him shrug ‘probably with all the stress Scooter has been putting on me’ he said and sighed crawling off me and sit next to me making me feel bad ‘want to talk about it?’ I asked him he just shook his head and grabbed my legs before putting them on his lap ‘okay well you can talk to me about anything you know’ I told him not wanting to seem as if I was pressuring him to talk to me because I wasn’t I just wanted him to know that I was there for him no matter what it was about or what time of the day, if he needs me… I’m there. ‘I know baby thank you’ he told me leaning over to kiss my forehead ‘I love you’ he promised looking deep into my eyes ‘I love you too’ I replied ‘what do you want to do today?’ I asked him ‘don’t mind whatever you want to do’ he said flashing a smile at me ‘you just got back so I think… you should choose’ I said poking his chest ‘mmm I don’t know what can this beautiful city bring us?’ he asked sounding funny making me laugh at him ‘let’s go to the beach, it’s on twelve so we can get a few hours there… and I get to see you in a bikini’ he said winking at me ‘fine just because I missed you and I love you’ I said kissing him quickly, I like the idea of going to the beach because I get to see shirtless Bieber! ‘but I’ll need to go home and change’ I added and he nodded in response ‘let me get changed then’ he said grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs ‘Justin I don’t really want to see you change’ I groaned ‘yes you do’ he said and although I was being dragged behind him I knew he was smirking at me. I just sighed and shook my head at how strange my boyfriend is. I looked down at our connected hands and saw the ring on my finger; it was beautiful like nothing I have ever seen. ‘Justin this ring is beautiful, it must have been so expensive’ I told him as I sat down on his bed ‘you know I like to spoil you and I’m just glad you like it’ he said peeling his top off and walking towards me pushing me down on the bed and planting a soft kiss on my lips. Justin pressed his body against mine making me lay down on the bed as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck tugging on the ends of his hair as his hands roamed all over my body running his delicate fingertips down my sides until they firmly rested on my waist his warm fingers digging into my waist as he placed his hands under my top sliding them under my top. I decided to tease him and bite his lip as I pulled away from his lips ‘go get changed’ I said pushing his chest as he climbed off me and walked over to his wardrobe ‘I’ll get you back don’t worry baby’ he said me and winked at me ‘okay Bieber’ I said sarcastically ‘just wait’ he muttered making me laugh.

‘hey’ I said as I walked through the door at my house ‘hello hunny’ my said as she appeared from the kitchen ‘oh hello Justin how was tour?’ she asked coming over and giving him a hug ‘really good thank you Karen’ he told her ‘we’re going to the beach so I’m going to get changed’ I told her as I ran upstairs with Justin hot on my tail ‘what bikini should I wear?’ I asked Justin as we walked into my wardrobe ‘this one’ he said holding up and extremely revelling bikini from doing a swimwear shoot but I’ve never worn it ‘err no’ I said snatching it out of his hands and throwing it back in the draw ‘actually don’t wear that, I don’t want anybody to look at you’ he said resting his hands firmly on my waist. I always found it cute whenever Justin got jealous although sometimes it got a little too much because he can get extremely jealous for no reason. ‘this one will do’ I said holding up this bikini: with matching bikini bottoms. I then threw this over the top of my bikini: and smiled satisfied as I slipped on a pair of sandals and threw a towel into my bag before walking out and smiling at Justin before walking downstairs ‘let’s walk to the beach it’s not far’ Justin suggested as he took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers and he pulled them up to his mouth and kissed my fingers before dropping them back down to our sides.

The walk to the beach wasn’t long, and although we had a lot of paparazzi following us they never over stood the boundaries and they didn’t come to close to us which I guess is okay although I do wish that just once, once we could go out together and not have our picture taken but the main thing is that I’m here with Justin and nothing can stop that. As we got to the private area of the beach I laid my towel down and took off my jumpsuit revelling my bikini underneath ‘wow’ Justin mumbled ‘shut up!’ I said as I blushed and laid down on my towel, I sighed as I began to soak up the towel ‘baby are you really going to going to just sit there?’ Justin asked as he stood in the way of my sun making me pull my sunglasses on to my face so I can look at him I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. Next thing I know he has picked me up bridal style and running over to the sea ‘JUSTIN NO PUT ME DOWN!!’ I screamed as I wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked into the water as the warm water splashed onto me, Justin looked at me and smirked ‘NO I TAKE THAT BACK DON’T YOU DARE PUT ME DOWN’ I screamed as I begged, clinging onto him like my life depended on it. ‘YOU DROP ME IN THE WATER AND I WILL GET YOU BACK’ I screamed at the top of my voice Justin ignored my last few comments and threw me deep into the water and as soon as I surfaced I laughed but then walked up to Justin who at this point was in fits of laughter ‘you’ I said pointing to him and pointing my finger at him ‘what are you going to do?’ he asked cockily ‘you’re hair looks good today, be a shame if it got wet’ I said as I smirked knowing how precious his hair is to him ‘you dare YN, I’m being serious’ he said backing away from me ‘I warned you’ I said shrugging as he ran out of the water as I followed him out of the water ‘Justin I just want a hug’ I whined holding out my hands and pulling a puppy dog face ‘no I know you’ he said laughing nervously ‘I promise’ I said fluttering my eyelashes ‘YN’ he said seriously ‘Justin’ I said in an innocent voice ‘I’m sorry okay’ he said holding his hands up in the air ‘now give me a hug’ I demanded as I was fighting to hide my smirk ‘promise me you won’t do anything?’ he asked me walking closer to me ‘I promise’ I told him and he walked into my arms, but then I turned us around so he was closer to the water and pushed him in so he got his hair wet as soon as he surfaced he looked at me with wide eyes ‘I can’t believe you just did that’ he said in pure disbelief I just shrugged ‘two can play at that game’ I said and stuck my tongue at him before walking away and on purposely shaking my hips. I’m so glad he is home.

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