Chapter 80

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I fluttered my eyes open lightly, expecting to see the couch and the living area of the tour bus, but I was surprised when I saw Justin's crown tattoo directly by my eye meaning I was laying on Justin's chest. I knew that meant Justin had carried me in to the bedroom last night, but to be honest I didn't expect anything else I knew he want going to let me sleep out there and in many ways, I was glad even though I was pushing him away I needed him and I wanted him to pull me closer to him no matter how hard I told him I needed to be alone, because truth was... I hated being alone. I could feel Justin's arm wrapped around my waist as he subconsciously rubbed his thumb comforting over my bare hip whilst keeping his concentration on the TV he was watching extremely quietly so he didn't not wake me, clearly unaware that I was now awake. My legs, were lightly placed over Justin's keeping our bodies closer together, I looked up at him and just wondered what he was thinking, about everything and how he dealt with everything that is thrown at him because it always seems so much yet, he seems fine. I felt bad for kind of arguing with Justin last night, that's the last thing he needs now, with the stress of being on tour I highly doubt he needs me to be the bitchy girlfriend that snaps at him when he is just trying to be caring and thoughtful, and especially after our date yesterday I felt even worse. My mind was still confused though, I didn't know what to do. Should I call my mum and try and make up with her? I have reasons to: because she's my mum and I could never hate her no matter how hard I tried, but then I also had reasons not to: I'll probably get angry and it will just end up even worse than we started. Or there was option two: don't call her for a while and figure out how I feel and what to say. Right now that seemed like the best thing to do considering my mind was both confused and fucked up.

I had, had enough of over thinking everything I just wanted to apologise to Justin for being a bitch last night when he was only trying to help. I placed my lips against Justin's bare muscular chest making him shiver against my lips, his attention immediately snapped away from the TV and he faced me giving me a warm smile 'you're awake' he said husikly, I nodded returning the small smile 'what are you watching?' I murmured resting my head back down on his chest and focused partly on the TV 'I don't even know' he chuckled lightly before pressing his lips to the top of my head and allowing them to linger there making me sigh 'are you hungry? Do you want me to go make us some breakfast?' Justin asked as he began to sit up and climb out of bed 'no' I muttered 'can you just stay here, I wanna talk' I murmured clinging onto him pulling him down back on the bed 'okay baby' he said softly giving into me and laying back down, turning to face me and placing his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to my forehead 'you okay?' He murmured furrowing his eyebrows lightly at me, I nodded looking down 'I'm sorry' I sighed quietly as Justin allowed a chuckle to escape his lips making me look up at him 'what?' I asked feeling self conscious and confused 'you don't have to be sorry baby' he said pushing strands of hair behind my ear 'I get you're stressed out, and I'm going to be there for you, so don't worry about it' he said inching his face closer to mine and pouting his lips slightly 'I just feel bad, because yo-' I began to say but was quickly cut off by Justin talking 'uh, uh, uh. You do not worry about me, I'm fine. Just kissed me' he mumbled against my lips, his warm breathe hitting mine, I bit my lip, and nodded not being able to do anything else. Justin pressed his lips to mine softly whilst wrapping his arms tighter around my body and pulling my body even closer to his. 'Good girl' he smirked as he pulled away 'shut up' I giggled shaking my head 'hey' he said glaring at me as I smiled cheekily to him 'are you going to be happy now?' He asked me softly 'yeah, thank you' I said smiling 'baby, don't say thank you for making you smile. You know I'd do anything to just see that smile' he said seriously making me blush 'I love you so much' I sighed at just much I love him 'I love you more' he said smirking, I just glared at him knowing no matter how hard I tried to prove him wrong he would still win. 

'What time so we get to the next arena?' I asked him stretching 'I think about half an hour' he yawned 'Justin go back to sleep, you have been working so hard you need as much sleep as you can get' I told him in a motherly tone 'I'm fine, it's just my back that hurts' he said resting his hand on his lower back. 'Come here' I said patting the space in front of me, Justin looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows at me but quickly shrugged it off and sat in front of me, so my legs were either side of his. I placed my hands on his shoulders and began to massage them lightly making him roll his head back in pleasure allowing a smirk to form on my face. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the tip of his spine 'I just don't want you to stress out, I just want you to be happy' I said in his ear softly as I continued to massage further down his back and he allowed a groan to pass his lips. 'I'm fine I promise you' he said but I didn't believe him, I was worried about him. 'I'm not going to be able to stay with you much today you know' Justin muttered 'I know, it's fine, I'll just hang with Fredo' I told him kissing his shoulder 'and the rest of the crew' Justin added 'yeah... I guess' I said sounding a little confused as to why he suddenly said and the crew 'good' he said and before I had time to reply the bus came to a stop meaning we had arrived 'I need to get changed' I said jumping unto the bathroom and changing into: 

I walked out of the bathroom and Justin already sitting on the bed ready for rehearsals 'let's go' he smiled as he held out his hand for me to take, I smiled and took his hand as we walked out of the tour bus, with Fredo following us, I do feel bad for Fredo because me and Justin are... Always all over each other and then Fredo has to be on the same tour bus with us and he's just alone. I need to find him some one! 'I'll see you in a bit babe' Justin said giving me a quick kiss before running off backstage somewhere, I walked over to one of the seats in front of the stage and sat down taking everything in. 'Missing lover boy?' I heard someone coo behind me, I turned around and saw Fredo standing there smirking 'he's been gone like two seconds' I laughed 'usually takes that long for you to be all over each other again' he said shaking his head in disgust 'shut up' I mumbled blushing as Fredo sat down next to me 'I'm just kidding' he said nudging my shoulder 'I'ma find you someone!' I exclaimed 'please do, I'm so lonely!!' He said as he began to fake cry. Oh this kid is too funny.


I didn’t really want to get off of the tour bus, I was enjoying that massage YN was giving me and I was hoping it would lead to further things… if you know what I mean. Just seems like I can’t get any time with YN at the moment without something distracting us which is annoying because I want to spend time with my girlfriend alone, but I just have to remember that she is here with me on tour when in fact she should be back home in LA so I have to be grateful. 
Running back stage to get everything set up for rehearsals and everything and everyone was rushing telling me what to do, and that's pretty much how everything went for the whole day, until we we're about to on stage and do a full run through of the show, I was stressed out to say the least Scooter was on my case –as usual- and I was fucking up dance steps for no reason. I sighed whilst putting my head in my hands and walking out on stage only to see Fredo and YN flirting and practically all over each other, what the fuck are they doing? My eyes widened at them both, neither of them saw me walk onto the stage, it’s either that or he’s too busy trying to get with my girl she can’t get away. Why was he even flirting with her because I know YN wouldn’t have started it, so it’s Fredo starting it just because he is a lonely bastard doesn’t mean he can hit on my girl. No way, that’s not how it works buddy, he better back off because I’m getting angrier and angrier by the second just watching him making her laugh, bro that’s my job. I clenched my jaw in pure frustration before starting to walk in their direction I wasn’t just going to sit there and watch that ‘OKAY GUYS POSITIONS’ Scooter called out making me stop in my tracks, I’m just going to have to wait until after the rehearsals; I’m going to turn all this sudden anger into focus. I’m going to work my butt of, but why is he flirting with MY girlfriend?! Seriously mates don’t do that, but then again why was she flirting back?

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