Chapter 60

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I sat up in bed, fuming to say the least. Pissed off. Angry. Ready to practically kill Justin. Were just some ways to describe my feeling to him right now. How dare he, how can he do that. He tells me he trusts me and loves me, he wouldn't be snooping around my phone; he went through my phone, that just proves that he doesn't trust me. Trust is everything in a relationship, if you don't have trust you have nothing, end of conversation. I walked over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut and as soon as I did I started to cry. I wasn't sure why I was crying but I was, I was upset that he didn't trust me and had to scoop through my phone, everything around me seems to be falling down and there is nothing I can do about it. All me and Justin seem to be doing is fighting for no reason and it makes me upset, I don't want to fight with him, that's the last thing I want to do I love him for fucks sake!! Is that so hard to understand, why does he feel the need to argue with me and be a dick!!!! The tears from my eyes soon stopped falling as I once again became more angry, my hormones are all over the place and right now, Justin is in the firing line for my anger... I guess it is his fault for being such a twat. I peeled my clothes away from my body letting them hit the floor before I climbed into the shower and allowed the hot water to run from the shower head letting the whole bathroom to fill with steam. Should I go home? That is the first thing that came into my mind. Should I go home? Should I leave the tour? It might be good to leave him here and me go back to LA, time away from each other may be good. Not a break. But then again, if I am thinking of going back to LA whilst he stays here, that is a break right? Ergh I don't know what to do, my mind is so confused right now.

I switched off the water allowing the room to fill with silence once more apart from my more frequent silent sobs that I wasn't aware were occurring, I didn't know what happened to me. What's wrong with me? My world is falling apart, I feel alone like I have no one. I'm thousands of miles away from my mum, I don't speak to Kendall anymore and Justin, well him I cannot stand right now. I need to talk to Miley, she always know the right thing to do. I nodded to myself as I knew I would have to call her, climbing out of the shower I wrapped the crisp white towel around my body before clipping it around my body making sure it wouldn't fall down. As I stepped out of the bathroom I was greeted by Justin, a shirt less Justin to be more exact but to be honest he is being a complete dick and I am pissed off with him right now so he could be completely naked and I wouldn't even look at him -okay slight exaggeration-. 'Morning' Justin mumbled as he threw a shirt over his body, I just rolled my eyes and ignored him, Justin then scoffed from beside me then walked back out and slammed the door shut on his way out, he's angry, HE'S FUCKING ANGRY!? He has no reason to be. Fucking prick. I grabbed my phone before scrolling down and reaching Miley's number and without hesitation I hit the call button. After four rings she picked up sounding extremely tired, oops forgot about time difference 'hello? YN?' She said into the phone yawning 'hi Miley, sorry forgot time difference' I mumbled into the phone 'don't be silly, is everything okay?' She asked sweetly 'not really' I sighed 'wanna talk about it?' She asked 'I can call you later if you want to get some sleep?' I asked 'no!' She said immediately 'I couldn't really sleep anyway' she added with a sighed 'thanks' I said and I now sighed 'so what's wrong?' She asked me 'everything around me is falling down. All me and Justin do is fight. I haven't slept in about a week and I'm always in a bad mood and then to top it off Justin's been through my phone pretending I read some texts from Jamie, he doesn't even trust me.. A-a-and I just don't kn-know what to d-do' I said sobbing slightly into the phone 'no, no, YN don't cry' Miley soothed 'everything is just so hard, I need a break' I sobbed once again 'you can always come home if you want YN' Miley said calmly into the phone 'I don't know if that's what I want' I said quietly 'think about it, do what you feel is right, everything will work out in the end' Miley told me 'thank you' I said as my voice cracked just above a whisper as I croaked back the tears 'any time, you can always call me, you know that' Miley said and even though I couldn't see her I knew she was smiling warmly 'I'll call you soon okay?' She added 'okay, thank you' I said before hanging up.

-later that day-

Justin had just gone on stage for his concert and -still- I couldn't care less, in fact I'm glad I'm away from him for an hour. I have been ignoring him all day, just like he has been ignoring me. I was standing by the side of the stage with everyone as we watched him perform his first song. I let a loud, long yawn escape my lips 'YN you look tired' Carin said from beside me 'I am' I said quietly whilst nodding 'go to sleep, it must be about a week ago you slept good with Justin being up all night' she said slightly giggling. Everyone knew that something wasn't right with me and Justin because we weren't even talking let alone hugging, kissing, holding hands like we always are but nobody knew what was wrong, neither of us told anyone we hated it when people were in our business. I just nodded to Carin as my eyes already began to close. Carin continues to direct me to Justin's dressing room where there was a big puffy couch that looked so nice and comfortable to sleep on 'thank you' I whispered as I laid down and immediately shut my eyes before sliding into a deep sleep which personally I think was well deserved. I could always sleep on the plane considering we are travelling to another country tonight.

'YN wake up!' I heard a rather angry Justin say beside me making me open my eyes and immediately roll them as I saw him standing there out of his concert clothes and into regular clothes as he stared at me which his arms crossed over his chest 'I'm up' I snapped before sitting up and straightening out my clothes before walking out the door and completely ignoring anything else Justin might have to say to me. 

As soon as we got on the buses Fredo went straight to his room just like me and Justin and I have to admit I was surprised Justin even came into this room with me, he slammed the door shut making the bus shake violently 'what the fuck is your problem!?' Justin asked me immediately raising his voice 'what?' I scoffed 'YOU FUCKING FELL ASLEEP THROUGHOUT MY SHOW' he exploded 'so?' I asked simply trying to piss him off 'YOU BITCH' he screamed loudly 'IM THE BITCH, IM THE FUCKING BITCH!!!!???!!' I yelled at the top of my voice 'yes' he said clenching his jaw tight 'how the fuck am I the bitch?' I asked through my teeth 'you fucking feel asleep through my show' he said running his hands through his hair 'ONE NIGHT, ONE FUCKING NIGHT AND IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR KEEPING ME UP ALL NIGHT' I yelled 'HOW IS IT MY FAULT!?' 'YOU GET NO FUCKING SLEEP AND YOU BEING THE SELFISH DICK YOU ARE KEPT ME UP EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T WANT TO. CARIN TOLD ME TO SLEEP, I WOULD'VE STAYED AWAKE' I yelled 'YOU ALWAYS BLAME OTHER PEOPLE DON'T YOU, EVER THINK YOU'RE IN THE WRONG!?' He asked 'BUT IM NOT IN THE WRONG' I screamed loudly 'YES YOU ARE' 'fuck off Justin' I sighed angrily 'SORRY FOR THINKING YOU LOVED ME, SORRY FOR WANTING YOU HERE WITH ME, SORRY FOR BEING IN LOVE WITH YOU' he yelled back making me only angrier 'EXCUSE ME!? IF YOU FUCKING LOVE ME LIKE YOU SAY YOU DO THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GONE THROUGH MY PHONE' I yelled at the top of my voice clearly waking Fredo up -if he wasn't already asleep from our immediate arguing- Justin stayed silent for a moment and just stared at me 'YOU THINK I'M FUCKING STUPID DON'T YOU' I screamed getting in his face 'MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT GO TEXTING HIM I WOULDNT HAVE TO' he yelled back at me 'I HAVENT BEEN TEXTING HIM, YOU DICK' I screamed 'HE TEXTS ME I DONT FUCKING REPLY BECAUSE OF YOU' I added my voice getting louder and louder 'STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH ALL THE TIME' he screamed 'I'M ONLY BEING A BITCH BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING A DICK' I yelled back 'A DICK, REALLY?' He exclaimed 'yep' I said simple 'YOU KNEW WHAT BEING ON TOUR WAS LIKE YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING YOURSELF IN FOR' he screamed aggressively making me take a step back and stumble 'I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE SUCH A PRICK IF I KNEW I WOULDN'T HAVE COME' I yelled at him taking a step into his body, he stayed silent for a while thinking. 'Is this what you're always like, a dick? A nasty person? What happened to the loving Justin I knew was that all just an act!?' I asked him frustrated 'how can you even say that!?' He spat back 'because it's true!' I exclaimed 'I really hate you sometimes' he spat at me violently 'YOU HATE ME? WELL I FUCKING HATE YOU' I screamed making him scoff 'if we hate each other so much then I'm done' I said simply making Justin snap his head towards me 'I'm done with me and you, I'm going home' I told him. 

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