Chapter 153

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He didn't tell Scooter, he didn't fucking tell Scooter.

He lied to me, for so long, he lied so convincingly it make to wonder what else he's been lying about.

I only went to find him to tell him I was going home because my back hurt and I was tired. Okay so I did go for that reason but I was worried, is that such a bad thing? I was concerned over my husband, just think about it, if your husband was being dragged off in another direction by a VERY angry looking man, you'd be angry to.. And that's when I heard the tail end of their conversation.

I should really be this annoyed at him, but to me this is a big deal. It may be the hormones speaking, but I'm pissed off and I don't care if Justin's sorry, he shouldn't have done it. He should of just told Scooter that I'm pregnant instead of leaving it until we go public about it, i mean... He said to me Scooter was so happy about me being pregnant and was excited but instead, he lied. He lied straight to my face as if it didn't even matter.

He didn't show any signs of lying, it was so convincing, I guess that just makes me a little... Cautious? I mean if he is willing- and able- to lie that well to my face, it just makes me wonder if he is hiding other things from me.

Pathetic? Probably, but right now I was a mid-way pregnant women with hormones flying round my body and I couldn't give a fuck.

I heard the heavy footsteps of Justin as he approached me and as soon as he saw me, his whole body froze. He knew he was busted.

'H-hey baby' his voice cracked as he stepped into my body 'don't baby me. You're a dick Justin' I hissed lowly as I spun around and stomped over to my mum, leaving Justin with his guilt.

Storming over to my mum, I let out a frustrated but also relieved -now that I was away from Justin- sigh as I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to catch just a moments peace.

'You okay honey? The album is amazing, you must be so proud of Justin' my mother cooed innocently unaware of how much I disliked him right now.

'Please can you not? I don't want to speak, think or even hear about him right now' I groaned, letting my head roll back as I soothing rubbed my stomach, opening my eyes to look at my mum. Ironic really, I mean, I'm at a launch party for Justin, where everything is about Justin, and yet I'm begging to get away from him.

'Oh, what's happened?' She asked immediately concerned 'just being a dick' I muttered 'YN, language' mum hissed, I'm a 21 year old women and my mum is telling me to not swear. 'Sorry' I growled continuing to rub my stomach.

Feeling someone's hand -who could only be Justin- I pulled my hand away dramatically and shot my head in his direction, staring at him ever so guilt filled, apologetic face.

'I'm going home, I'll see you later mum' I sighed leaning across to give her a hug as I completely ignored Justin and made my out of the party, where the car had been waiting for me and Justin since it began.

Slipping into the car I closed my eyes and blocked out the world.

Clearly I blocked out the world so well I completely missed Justin chasing after me and climbing into the car 'can you take us home, please?' Justin's hoarse voice mumbled only just loud enough for the driver to hear. Snapping my eyes open I saw the driver nod in response before starting the engine and pulling out of the car crowded area.

'Get out Justin, go back to your party' I sighed looking out of the window 'no' he muttered 'why not?' I hissed 'because your my wife and I'm not just going to let you leave knowing your pissed off with me, over nothing' Justin growled lowly 'nothing?... You know what I'm not going to have this conversation with you here' I spat back quietly, not wanting to cause a scene in the back of a car, because I can only imagine how awkward that would be for the driver.

Sitting in silence for the rest of the drive home, the atmosphere was thick, dense and filled with awkwardness but I was so pissed off beyond belief I didn't care what anyone thought.

I'm his wife and he can't even trust me with something like this? Something that he should be able to tell me and then I would comfort him and promise that no matter what Scooter said it wouldn't matter because we're happy. But no instead of that he lied. Fucking asshole.

As soon asthe car arrived home I muttered a quick 'thank you' to the driver before swinging the door open -with much more force than needed- before leaving a rather irritated Justin behind in the car.

Stomping off to the front door I pulled my keys out my bags and aggressively opened the door. Stepping into the house I kept my back to the open front door as I threw my bag on the floor and slid my heels off of my shoes, keeping them in my hands.

The moment I heard the door close I spun around to face Justin as fast as lightening as I threw my heels onto the ground with such force I wouldn't be surprised if the heel snapped off.

'NOTHING, HOW IS THIS NOTHING?!?' I screeched, my hands flying above my head, Justin was taken back by my sudden outburst but soon composed himself as his face boiled with anger.


'I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset' Justin clenched his jaw as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. 'WELL YOU DID A FUCKING BAD JOB AT IT BECAUSE NOT ONLY AM I UPSET BUT I AM FUCKING FURIOUS AT YOU!' I growled 'do you not trust me? Is that what is it?!' I asked flaring my nose to control my heavy breathing.

'You know I trust you' Justin softened his tone and shook his head stepping into me 'no, don't come near me. You lied to me, FOR MONTHS!' I yelled 'you're over reacting' Justin muttered 'yes, I probably am but maybe if I do over react you'll learn not to fucking lie!' I said trying to stay calm.

'IT WAS ONE THING THAT I LIED OVER, ONE THING!' He roared once again 'you told me that you were excited for this baby? But are you? You've lied before how do I know you're not lying again, I doubt you even want this. Because if you don't tell me know, tell me now and I'll go, I'll leave so you can get on with your life and you don't have to worry about us anymore' I whispered my emotions taking over my body as teas pricked my eyes.

'No, baby, you know I want this baby and you know I love you, I can't go without you, so just please... Don't leave me' Justin shook his head.

'I need to sleep' I sighed, rubbing soothingly.

'Baby, I'm sorry, you know I only lied to protect you' Justin whispered 'protect me? PROTECT ME?' I repeated 'from what? I'm a big girl Justin and you need to stop babying me' I spat 'you shouldn't have lied to me, I don't care what Scooter thinks and I didn't think you cared either. I told you that and you still lied to me! I just don't get it!' I shook my head confused.

Justin stayed silent and I knew that this was the end of the conversation.

I jogged up the stairs- as fast as I could for a pregnant women- 'baby, YN, baby, where are you going?' Justin's panicked voice ran through my ears. Ignoring him I continued into my room, grabbing two of the four pillow off the bed and a blanket before walking back down the stairs and laying the pillow and blanket on the couch.

"YN, come on don't sleep on the couch' Justin shook his head 'oh these aren't for me' I said raising my eyebrows 'there for you' I glared at him as I pushed passed him once again, stomping upstairs and into the bedroom.

Slipping off my dress I threw on one of Justin's tops that were aimlessly lying around before slipping under the covers, I dug my head into my pillow and shut my eyes.

Even though my eyes were shut I wasn't asleep and therefore heard Justin creep up the stairs and tip-toe into our room.

Pressing his lips to my forehead he let a shaky breathe out before whispering a sweet 'I love you' and creeping back out of the room.

I knew Justin knew not to try and sleep in the bed so once I knew he was out I opened my eyes and stared at the door where he had just walked out.

'I love you too' I whispered.

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