Chapter 28

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the weather the last three days has been awful, raining non stop.. looks like it's building up to a storm which is another thing i hate especially when i am going to be home alone in a storm i'm going to cry like a baby because that is how much they scare the shit out of me! the past few days i haven't done much really.. i have mainly been relaxing considering that's all Justin is letting me do, he has been so caring since my little breakdown... i took it hard but after i spoke to Justin about it i felt better, i felt proud of myself for not bottling up my emotions like i always do, but mainly i think that my dad would be proud of me.

'hey Lacey' i yawned into the phone as i climbed out of bed and walked over to the windows opening them up to see what the whether was like i was hoping that the weather would have improved but nope it hadn't in fact it was worse, i was dark and cloudy outside and to my surprise.. it was raining- note the sarcasm -'morning you, just calling to make sure you remember your first Jeffery Campbell shoot today!' she sang excitedly through the phone 'i know! i'm getting ready now and then i will be on my way' i told her laughing at how she was more excited than i was 'great! see you later' she sang through the phone again and i hung up laughing. i quickly walked to the bathroom and climbed in the shower as quickly as i could hoping that my body would warm up from the steaming water now running from the shower head. i washed my hair and body then climbed out wrapping the crisp white towel around my body and another white towel around my hair. i walked out and down the hall to my room, as i walked in i saw my phone flashing from an incoming call i darted across the room grabbing my phone without seeing the caller 'hello?' i questioned into the phone 'morning baby' that voice that i could recognize from another sang sleepily into the phone 'hey you' i said happily 'what you doing today?' he said in a sexy morning voice 'i have a photo shoot later this morning and that's it for today, you?' i asked him 'rehearsals' he said sounding bummed out 'you'll have fun!' i said trying to make him feel better about going 'doubt it, Scooter keeps busting my ass over nothing and i just cant be bothered to do it everyday' he said sighing 'hey hey, trust me when you get up on that stage and sing and dance and everyone loves you and you have millions of girls throwing themselves at you.. it will all be worth it' i said laughing a little to try and make him feel better 'i don't care about the other girls though' he mumbled i just sighed knowing i was kind of fighting a loosing battle 'i only want you, i don't even want to go for so long because i cant see you' he mumbled again 'baby i know it's going to be hard but we'll be fine don't worry' i said in a serious tone, the days just seem to be floating away and before i know it he is going to be on a plane going to a different country for months 'i love you' he told me 'i love you too, i have to go though i need to get ready' i told him already moving around drying my hair and flicking through my wardrobe 'okay bye, i love you' he told me once again 'i love you to' i said and hung up so i could get ready. i wasn't sure what to wear considering the weather is so awful so i just settled on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and this jumper: with just some plain black boots, once again i did not bother with any make up knowing as soon as i got on set they would have taken it all of and reapplied some. i ran downstairs walking around making sure all the doors and windows were locked so nobody could get in, and i grabbed my bag with all the usual stuff in it and walked out. i sprinted to the car trying to avoid getting wet from the rain but then i had to rummage around in my bag searching for the keys and when i finally got them out of my bag i was already soaked through to the bone, i climbed into my car and blasted the heater in attempt to get warm and dry my clothes. the weather isn't very uncommon for this time of year, we always have such warm weeks and then towards the end of summer it always rains for about a week leading to a big storm which i'm guessing will come soon and knowing my luck i will still be home alone.. thanks mum!
i drove to McDonald's but because i have a lot of time before i was needed on set at the shoot i decided to go into the actual restaurant and not just through the Drive through. i walked in and most eyes were on me.. not sure why but they were. i walked over to the counter and smiled 'hey can i have a regular coffee and er just a bacon sandwich?' i smiled 'sure' the man behind the til said as he began to go and collect my order, i looked around and most people had now gone back to concentrating on their foods. ii smiled widely and paid the man who served me before walking out and back to my car. i didn't take long to arrive to the set of my photo shoot and even though i was fifteen minutes early they still rushed me into hair and make up 'so we are thinking big' the hair stylist told me 'i like big!' i said jokingly 'so we want curls.. big curls' she said playing with my hair examining it.. and right now it is in a state because i did nothing to it when i came out of the shower, my hair was still damp so they began to blow dry my hair so it was roughly straight so then they would be able to work with the straight hair and then form curls! i was happy just to leave them to it. my hair ended up being massive with millions of curls and it looked amazing so i took a picture of it and tweeted it saying 'love my hair!xxx' and the responses i got were crazy.. i had people telling me how much they liked it and then just the usual people telling me they hate me and therefore hate my hair but i just ignored it and shrugged it off 'thank you so much i love it!' i told the hair stylist still gawping at my hair 'you're welcome sweetie!' she told me as she sprayed one last shot of hairspray and walked away leaving me in the room with the make up artist's now! 'so we're thinking big bold red lips.. with dark heavy eyes, to match the whole kinda grunge feel that the shoes have, that cool?' she asked 'sounds amazing!' i said cheerfully as she began to work her magic.. my make up ended up looking like this:,r:21,s:0,i:135and i loved it, i was so excited for this shoot and for all of the work with Jeffery Campbell to start. they put me into an outfit where i was wearing an all in one black suit which was skin tight showing off every curve in my body it made my body look better than it did so i was happy, they then showed me what shoes i would be wearing: and i loved them!

the shoot went great and it was so much fun, everyone was so nice and they said they would send me the pictures as soon as possible, once i was allowed off set i slipped back into my clothes, said goodbye to everyone and headed off home.. and to my surprise... it was still raining everything seemed so much darker than before and even though it was only around five in the afternoon it was surprisingly dark. i turned on my engine wiping away the water allowing me to see and i headed off home. i was a little nervous of driving the rain was coming down so badly it was making it a little hard for me to see, but i kept going knowing that i wasn't far away from home. home, that big empty house. when i got home i sprinted to the door slamming it shut behind me, i immediately went upstairs and began to brush all the knots and hairspray out of my hair. then all of a sudden a massive clap of thunder stuck making me scream and it left me all shaken up, i have been scared ever since i was little of thunder storms and the fact that i am on my own makes it so much worse. i picked up my shaken hands and tied my hair in a pony tail, pull the blinds shut it attempt to block out the frequent lighting strikes that lit up my whole room and rumbles of thunder that made it seem as if the house was shaking. i climbed into bed and turned on the TV still trying to block out of the noises coming from outside. my body was shaking and my heart was still racing from the first rumble of thunder that shocked me.

after about an hour the weather was still no better in fact it was worse, the rumbles were getting louder and strikes were getting brighter leaving me.. to get scared-er. my phone began to vibrate next to causing me to jump back slightly, i smiled when i saw it was Justin calling i answered and began i could say hello he said 'baby open the door!' he begged 'wha-why are you at my house?' i asked 'babe' he said firmer to me so i climbed out of bed ans sprinted down stairs and to the front door and when i opened it up sure enough there he was soaked through 'oh my gosh' i said as he walked in 'how long have you been out there?' i asked 'like 15 minutes' he said 'sorry i didn't hear' i said apologetically 'it's okay, let me just get changed' he said as he ran upstairs. when he came back downstairs he was only wearing sweats and a top but he still managed to look amazing, he came and joined me on the couch in the living room 'what are you doing here?' i asked snuggling into his chest 'i remembered you hated storms and i didn't want to leave you' he said taking a firm grip on my hip 'when did i tell you?' i asked him 'the day of my premier, the day we first kissed' he told me causing me to blush into his chest 'but what about your mum you know she doesn't want us staying round each others houses' i said 'but.. my mum is out of town' he said cheekily pulling me onto his lap and making me face him i just laughed at him and rested my forehead on his. he stared into my eyes and ran his cold fingers along my arms 'how was rehearsals?' i asked in a whisper moving my head away from his and onto his chest he let out a deep sigh 'boring' he muttered 'why don't you like it?' i asked him looking up at him 'i can never concentrate i'm always thinking of other things' he told me 'like what?' i said running my index finger along his arms, along each bump, each scare 'you' he whispered, and i stopped and looked up to him 'somehow no matter what the situation i think of you.. i always wonder how you are, where you are, what you are doing' he said and sighed 'that's why i'm not even sure if i want to go on tour anymore' he said 'i can't be the reason you don't want to do what you love Justin. i'll be right here for you when you come back if anything it will make us stronger' i promised him as i laid back down on the couch with my feet across his body, he laid down next to me 'i wish you could just come with me' he said wrapping his arms around my body so tightly showing he didn't want to let go 'i wish i could as well' i told him and that is the truth i wish i could travel the world with the boy i love watching him do what he loves.. but i can't.

i have been finding this past days so hard, i don't even want to go on tour now, i don't want to be without YN.. it's just whenever we aren't together i am thinking of her wondering if she is thinking of me too. i can't focus because i am thinking of her. i am stressed because Scooter basically hates me and i am trying i really am, i love performing and i love all the fans it's just i want to be with YN as much as i can, and i know that being in a different country to her, being in a different time zone to her is just hard. YN keeps me grounded, keeps me in check whenever i am stressed she knows what to say to me.. and on tour everyone is stressed out and arguing and i don't want to be apart of that i want to be calm and enjoy it but i want to do all that with YN. the time had flown by and the weather had no changed it was still storming it was now around one am but we were enjoying being us we just laid there together on the couch not speaking, not listening to music or watching TV just laid there with each other i held her when she was scared every time a rumble of thunder came 'how was today?' i asked her breaking the silence 'really good it was so much fun' she said smiling as she took out her phone 'look at my hair!' she said sweetly showing me a picture of her wild hair but she looked beautiful 'you're so beautiful' i said pushing a loose strand of hair that had fallen from her pony tail behind her ear she blushed and looked down so i lifted her chin up and planted a sweet kiss on her lips

he kissed her with such passion and desperation for love, and i kissed him back with the same desires, i wrapped my hands around his neck pulling at the ends of his now dry hair as his hands found their way to my waist and wrapped them around my back bringing our bodies closer and closer i could feel the hear radiating off his body. Justin snaked his tongue inside my mouth searching and exploring every inch. Justin then picked me up so i was nos straddling his waist as he began to walk i detached our lips and moved them down to his jaw line kissing every inch from his jaw to his neck as Justin continued to walk up the stairs keeping his hand firmly on my bum to support me. i stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes 'i love you so much' i whispered before kissing his plump lips again. when we entered the room Justin laid me down gently on the bed crawling on top of me hovering above me with his hands either side of my bed. i pulled on his shirt hinting i wanted him to take it off and he did. everything from there went in slow motion. he peeled away my top from my body but never breaking the kiss Justin lowered his body onto mine as his soft warm skin touched mine. he fondled with the button in my jeans before undoing them sliding them off my legs running his hands down my long tanned legs leaving me only in my bra and kickers now. i pulled away his belt and trousers, now leaving him in only his boxers. he pulled my legs up to his waist wrapping them around his back as his hands roamed over my body. i was ready for this, i loved Justin with all my being, and i was ready to show him. then all of a sudden there was knocking at the door, we both pulled away gasping for a breathe as we stared at each other in pure confusion. however the knocking didn't stop so i grabbed the first thing i could find which was Justin's top that i had previously thrown on the floor and scurried down the stairs leaving Justin panting. i peeped through the glass on my door and i was shocked who was there so i opened the door 'Kendall?'

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