chapter 46

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I drove to Justin's house and parked my car, I sat there and just stared at his house, I was overwhelmed with emotions right now and I didn't know what to do. I felt alone, I had nobody I just wanted to be with my mum, I wanted to cry on her shoulder and I want her to promise me that everything will be okay and that it'll all blow over but I can't right now because she isn't even talking to me. I wiped away the single tear falling from my eye and took in a very deep breathe before I climbed out of my car, grabbing my bag and locking my car. I slipped the key into the door and opened it. I was instantly welcomed by the smell of Justin which only made me miss him more. I placed my shoes and bag by the front door and checked the time, half past 10 at night I decided to just go straight to sleep. I walked up the stairs dragging my hand behind me, when I reached Justin's room I pushed the door open lightly and wasn't surprised when I saw that his room was still a mess with clothes that he hadn't taken on tour with him scattered over the floor, I walked over to the mirror and stared at myself I don't even know who I am anymore. Everything has changed, I never used to fight with my mum, my brother always picked me over my mum no matter the situation, but now everything's changed and I feel like the only person in the world that doesn't know what's happened. I pulled my hair back and tied it in a loose bun and looked in the corner of the mirror, I saw a picture of me and Justin a picture that nobody else had expect me and him, it was a picture where Justin was pulling a funny face and I was laughing at him I loved the picture we were both so happy the way it's supposed to be. I need to feel his touch, I need to feel his lips against mine, I don't want to argue with him but I don't know what to do because I'm stubborn and although I don't want to fight with him anymore I won't apologise because I still don't think that I did anything wrong. I traced my finger over the picture and smiled weakly staring at it. I then walked over to Justin's chest of draws and pulled out his underwear draw and laughing at how messy it is. I grabbed a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt from the floor before slipping off my clothes and slipping his on. Justin always loves it when I wear his clothes. They smelt of him, that's another thing I miss about him. Only 2 and a half months left, that's all YN, that's all.

I climbed into his massive bed, laying on the side that he always does and cuddled deeper into the pillows and duvets, just wishing that he was here. 

I was woken up by the doorbell ringing, I shot up out of bed and panicked a little as I circled the room before remembering that I was at Justin's house. The doorbell rung again snapping me away from my thoughts, I didn't have the slightest clue as to who could be at the door, nobody knows that I'm here expect for Pattie and I doubt she would come over. Nobody would come here looking for Justin because everyone knows that he is on tour? I cautiously walked down the stairs and unlocked the front doors as my eyes bulged out of my head as I saw who was standing there. 

'Mum?' I asked my voice quiet and vulnerable as a women who resembled my mother stood before me yet I wasn't convinced it was her 'YN' she replied with a sigh 'c-can I come in?' She asked me, I nodded and moved out of the way so she could walk in, still not speaking as I just couldn't believe she was here, I was waiting for somebody to rip of the costume and kill me because right now that sounded more likely than my mum being here, I thought she hated me 'how are you?' She asked as she took a seat on the couch in Justin's living room 'been better, you?' I mumbled staring at the floor 'okay I guess. The house has been quiet without you' she told me and I let out a soft laugh 'I bet' I said, I wasn't afraid of seeing or talking to her anymore 'are you going to come home any time soon?' She asked me diving straight in as to why she came here, I just shrugged to be honest I didn't know myself. 'How did you know I was here?' I asked changing the subject 'Pattie called me and told me you went to visit her and we're crying, she told me you were staying here and then I realised that as stupid as it may sound I was jealous that you felt you couldn't come to me to talk and that you went to Pattie and I knew I had to make it right' she said followed by a sigh 'do you even want me home?' I asked finally breaking away my gaze from the floor and looking up at her 'I never wanted you to leave I didn't think you would do it' she said tears forming in her eyes 'I'm so-so-sorry' she whispered as the tears violently began to fall from her eyes, I scooted close to her and pulled her into a hug 'mum' I whispered making her look at me 'I just think everything was blown out of proportion' I told her and then it clicked, everything in my world is always blown out of proportion like the argument with Justin was nothing but now we aren't speaking because of it, everything is messed up and I need to make it right. 'I'll come home' I told her and pulled her into another tight hug.

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