Chapter 134

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I'm a married man now and I couldn't be happier, after a year and a half of being engaged I was finally married. I knew from the very first moment I laid my eyes on YN, I knew there was something different about her, me and her just clicked and ever since then, I knew she was the one for me, and finally she's my wife which means she's mine forever and there's no letting her go, we're married for life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious when I saw waiting for her at the alter because I was, more than nervous actually. As soon as I stepped into the church time seemed to slow down and it seemed as if I was waiting for to long for her to walk down the aisle. Of course there was that little doubt in my mind that she had realized she was too good for me and that I didn't deserve her and she could do so much better, I had that little annoying voice in the back of my head telling me she wouldn't come, but that was all worth it when I saw her walking down the aisle looking the most beautiful I have ever seen.

And now she's my wife, just the way things should be.

Smiling lightly at the thought of my wife whilst opening my eyes I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the surroundings before looking over to YN who was laying on my chest with her arm lightly draped over my stomach as the blanket just covered her naked body.

When YN came out of the bathroom in that silk night dress last night, wow. The way it sat on her ass, leaving the rest exposed to my hungry eyes. The way it clung to her curves making me yearn to feel her kiss and her touch. Let's just say that night dress didn't stay on for too long. But hey we're on our honeymoon, what do you expect? Like I said we're on our honeymoon so we can do whatever we want whenever we want and however we want.

YN's reaction when she saw the Island I got us was priceless, regardless of how tired she was from our flight over here she still managed to scream and jump into my arms, her smile just seems to make everything better for me. Like if I was in a bad mood all she would need to do is smile and then I would be all set and smiling.

Some people must think that buying an Island for my wife for our honeymoon is ridiculous and crazy and to some people I guess yeah they would be right. But I love the idea of having somewhere where we can be ourselves and be alone with no interruptions or worrying whether or not the paps are watching us or taking pictures of us. This is some place that when we have kids we can take them and not worry about their whole lives getting recorded on camera, someone special just for me and my wife and family. Ahh my wife, never will I get old of hearing that!

Leaning down I lightly pressed my lips to YN's right temple making her stir lightly under my chest and sigh, her warm breath hitting my chest 'morning' her soft voice muffled against my skin 'morning beautiful' I smiled running my fingers up and down her spine as she shifted around until her chin was resting on my chest as she looked up at me smiling softly.

'What do you wanna do today baby?' I asked as I lightly pulled her naked body onto mine 'I don't know' she shrugged 'what can we do?' she asked me sweetly 'we can do whatever we want, we can swim, relax, go out on the boat' I smiled as I pushed her slightly messy yet adorable bed hair behind her ear 'it's up to you' she giggled 'well why don't we just relax today' I suggested 'okay' she nodded in agreement 'I can't to go in the sea, it's so like cleat' she giggled glancing over her shoulder and out of the window to the view of the beach 'well yeah it is water' I laughed 'shut up' she blushed lightly burying her head into my chest kissing my neck lightly.

'you know if the clothes Miley packed are anything like that little number you wore last night I have a feeling we will be doing one thing and one thing only' I whispered seductively in her ear causing her to freeze under my touch. 'we'll I guess you'll just have to wait and see' YN whispered back sexily in my ear, placing open mouth kisses on my neck and along my jaw before climbing out of bed and pulling the blanket around her as she saundered off to the bathroom, leaving me laying on the bed stunned.


After changing into my OUTIFT: I walked out into the bedroom, only to see Justin wasn't there anymore. I didn't exactly know what to do or where to go considering yesterday when we arrived it was late and all we did was go to bed straight away. So I stood still in the bedroom, walking around in circles trying to find Justin which I was failing miserably at, where the hell is he?

'Seriously?... You called me on my HONEYMOON to ask me that?... NO! absolutely not!... I thought I said I didn't want to be disturbed for the time I was on my honeymoon so I can spend time with my wife... whatever... bye' I heard Justin growl into what I'm guessing is his phone.

I knew he was outside, so I walked over to the big open glass doors in our bedroom which lead out to the beach where I heard Justin's voice coming from. Pushing the doors open with both my hands I walked out onto the sand and walked past the palm tree's until I saw Justin's figure close to the water as he stared out to the sea, watching the waves lightly crash against the shore.

Walking over to him, I stood behind him quietly before stepping closer to him and snaking my arms around his bare waist-he was only in his swimming trunks, linking my fingers together as I rested my head on his back before kissing it lightly 'you okay baby?' I asked him softly as he nodded in response before removing my arms from his waist and sitting down on the sand.

'come here' he patted the sand between his legs indicating for me to sit down. Sitting between his legs I rested my head against his chest as Justin placed his hands on my bare thighs 'you okay?' I asked him again not convinced with his nod 'I'm fine baby' he sighed quietly 'no you're not' I protested as he sighed. Turning around to face him I looked at him now 'we're married now, I want you to be able to tell me how you're feeling I mumbled as he laid back on the sand.

Justin wiggled his index finger indicating for me to go closer to him, shuffling closer I sat on his stomach, my legs either side of him as he ran his hands up and down my thighs 'you know I tell you everything' he mumbled 'It's nothing big anyway and I don't want you to stress about it or anything' Justin smiled caring 'but I wanna help you so if you're stressed I want to help you' I mumbled back.

'it was Scooter' Justin sighed shrugging his shoulder lightly 'Scooter? What did he want?' I asked confused 'he wanted me to sell our wedding pictures to a magazine because it will be great publicity and everything and I said no' he explained 'oh' I said quietly 'I didn't want to sell them because I want our wedding say to be special something that the whole world knows about and it just annoys me because I clearly asked him and everyone not to disturb me with work whilst I was on my honeymoon because I wanted to spend time with you without the stress of work, but nope. Here we are not even one day in and he is already calling me about business' Justin growled

'look at me' I said softly lifting my sunglasses so they were balanced on the top of my head , Justin looked at me 'honestly I'm glad you said no to selling the pictures, I want them to be special to us, not ones we will see in every magazine and as for Scooter, you know what he is like, he is all business don't hate him for it, I doubt he wanted to ruin anything so just relax baby' I said softly as I leaned down to kiss his lips softly, Pulling away I smiled at him 'what would I do without you aye? Usually I would be stressing out and all moody but you just calm me down' Justin chuckled 'what can I say, I have that effect on people' I winked at him whilst popping my imaginary collar earning a loud roar of laughter from Justin.

'I cannot believe you just did that' he said shaking his head at me 'you love it!' I exclaimed climbing off of him 'now come on, you coming in the water?' I asked Justin as I took off my cover up and sandals before splashing into the water. Turning around I saw Justin staring at me biting his lip at me 'stop staring Bieber!' I said pointing my finger at him 'no can do Bieber!' he winked back at me as he shot up and jogged into the water swimming over to me.

I lifted my hand up and stared to spike Justin's wet hair out in different directions making me laugh at him as he grabbed my thighs and lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist as his hands magically found their way to my ass 'you know you should consider yourself special no one touches my hair' Justin laughed as I continued to play with his hair, making him look ridiculous 'so I'm special to you am i?' I asked him sweetly 'you're the most special thing in the world and that's why I married you' he smiled 'you're too cute' I giggled as I pressed my lips to his dropping my hands from his hair and wrapping them around his neck, pulling our bodies together as our lips moved in perfect sync.

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