Chapter 73

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(one week later)

So I have officially moved in with Justin and everything is going really good and I’m happy, although the situation with my mum hasn’t gotten any better –it hasn’t gotten any worse either- because she hasn’t tried to phone me just like I haven’t tried to call her. Everything between me and Justin is great and we are both really happy but Justin is leaving for tour in two days which means it is just going to be me and Bell in this big house, both of us know that he has to leave in two days but we haven’t spoken about it because let’s face it, having your boyfriend going away for three months and being half way across the world isn’t exactly the nicest thing to talk about so I guess we have just both been avoiding it. I can always tell when Justin has to leave soon because his behaviour changes and he becomes overly lovey dovey –even more than usual- I don’t know why but I like it, but I guess that is because I want to be able to kiss him as much as possible in the next two days just because I won’t be able to see him for three months. I’m worried about him going actually because we have only been back together about a month now and I am just worried that by us spending so much time apart we are going to start to argue again and I don’t want that to happen because I need Justin, just like he needs me.

‘BABY!!’ Justin called out from the kitchen as I was cuddled into a blanket with Bell watching Friends interrupting me from watching TV ‘what?’ I asked ‘we have no food!!’ he exclaimed ‘yeah we do!’ I said knowing that we probably don’t have any food but in fact I was just too lazy to go and look, he didn’t reply so I just took that as that he found some food but nope I was wrong because soon enough he appeared in the living room shirtless with his sweats sagging low like usual ‘do you own a shirt?’ I asked speaking my mind and I drooled over the beautiful creation that is his body ‘yeah but I don’t like to wear them and plus I know you love the view’ he shrugged with a smirk smothered on his face, I just shrugged in agreement ‘but that’s not that point!’ he said making my attention move away from his abs and onto his face ‘baby we have no food seriously!’ he whined picking me up bridal style and walking to the kitchen with me making me giggle into his bare chest ‘can we go food shopping please?’ he asked as he opened all the cupboards and fridges to reveal nothing but wooden empty cupboards, Justin then pulled his puppy dog face that he knows full well I cannot say no to ‘yeah, but first you have to come and watch friends with me’ I smiled sweetly at him ‘of course baby’ he said leaning down and kissing my lips sweetly before walking back into the living room with Justin still carrying me bridal style as if it was no effort for him at all. Justin said back down on the couch with me on his lap as my head rested against his chest listening to his heart beat with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist pulling my body even closer to his ‘I love you YN’ he said smiling warmly down at me ‘I love you too’ I promised as he kissed my forehead. ‘I love this tattoo’ I said tracing my finger around the outline of the crown inked into his chest so beautifully I wasn’t watching the TV anymore –sounds creepy- but I was staring at Justin as he was watching the TV although I knew he knew that I was watching him ‘I really want a tattoo you know’ I said looking up at him as I continued to trace my finger around his crown tattoo ‘you’re not getting one’ he muttered breaking his gaze away from the TV and looking at me making me furrow my eyebrows ‘why?’ I asked him confused ‘why’d you want one? They have to have some kind of meaning’ he said looking straight back to the TV, errr okay? I opened my mouth to say something but then I shut it I wasn’t going to argue with him over something stupid there was no point. I just sighed and began to climb on Justin’s lap only his grip tightened around my waist stopping me from moving he pulled my body closer to his ‘Justin let me go’ I grumbled ‘no’ he said looking at me ‘I know you annoyed at me and I don’t want you to be’ he said and sighed ‘I didn’t mean it in a horrible way it’s just I don’t want any ink on your skin, you’re too beautiful’ he said kissing my cheek ‘so you’re saying people with tattoo’s aren’t pretty?’ I asked raising his eyebrows at him ‘no I didn’t say that, you know I like them I just don’t really want you getting one and if I come back from tour and find out you get one then I won’t be happy’ he mumbled against my lips before kissing me making me melt, ergh how is it fair that every time I try to be annoyed at him or stand my ground he just makes me melt, I gave him an evil glare before quickly jumping off of his lap before he had any time to stop me ‘HEY! Where are you going!?’ he asked jumping out of his seat ‘to get change, want to go food shopping or not?’ I asked before quickly running away upstairs. I got changed into: 

‘ready to go?’ I asked as I jumped down the stairs ‘yeah let’s go’ Justin said walking out of the living room shirtless with Bell in his hands ‘babe’ I said giggling ‘you can’t take Bell and you need a shirt’ I said shaking my head at him ‘but’ he said walking up to me ‘I thought that both puppies and me were your favourite things’ he said still walking closer to me ‘they are’ I said speaking my mind once again ‘but doesn’t mean you can go to a supermarket shirtless with a puppy no matter how cute you are’ I said talking to Bell as I petted her Justin faked coughed to grab my attention ‘or sexy you are’ I said to make him happy as I went on my tip toes and kissed him. 

By the time we got to the supermarket and got Justin to finally put a shirt on and leave Bell at home it was one o’clock which was okay because most people would be at school so it would mainly be adults here so I doubt we will get bothered to much, and as we pulled up there were a few paps but not load so that it was out of control ‘you know this is the first time we are going food shopping together’ Justin said jumping out of the car and sprinting to my side to open my door like a gentlemen ‘I know’ I smiled to him as we jumped out of the car and walked towards the supermarket hand in hand. 

We began to walk around the supermarket with Justin pushing the trolley and me walking next to it grabbing the occasional thing and throwing it in the trolley ‘baby can we get these?’ Justin asked as he held a packet of sour patch kids in his hands ‘no’ I told him ‘please’ he said pulling his puppy dog face making it so hard for me to say no ‘Justin you have like loads at home yes I saw them in the bedroom and you always go like so hyper’ I said staring at him smirking because he knew full well I was right ‘damn’ he muttered to himself but then suddenly looked up at me and smirked before biting his lip and walking over to me looking so sexy it was unreal ‘baby’ he said as he came over to me standing in front of me and resting his hands on my hips ‘babyy’ he whispered into my ear in a low voice inching is head closer to mine ‘I love you’ he said inching his face even closer to mine ‘i-i-I love you too’ I said completely hypnotised by his eyes and just… him in general. Justin then moved us so my back was against the trolley as he inched his face and bodt even closer to mine until his lips collided with mine and pressing his body firmly against mine so I was stuck in his grasp –not that I minded- he kissed me softly yet strongly making me melt inside completely and I knew what he was doing I knew he was doing it just to get the damn sour patch kids but right now I was melted inside so I couldn’t give a fuck. I pulled away and smiled at him ‘I’m going to pretend like I didn’t know you were going to drop them in the trolley’ I whispered against his lips before smirking and running out of his grasp and pushing the trolley again ‘you’re good’ he said as he stood behind me placing his hands over mine as we pushed the trolley along the isles together.

‘I don’t want to go’ Justin murmured quietly in my ear as he kissed my neck once, he didn’t have to say what he was talking about because I knew full well he was talking about tour ‘I don’t want you to go either’ I muttered quietly looking down ‘I can cancel the tour you know, I would rather be with you’ ‘no! I’m not letting you do that’ I said straight away ‘you love performing I’m not going to let you stop doing it because of me’ I added firmly ‘I just want to be with you’ he said as his voice cracked so I stopped pushing the trolley and turned to face him to see him looking glum and upset ‘please be happy baby’ I said softly looking at him ‘I’m happy when I’m with you’ he sighed ‘we’ve got through it before, we can do it again’ I assured him ‘I just got you back I don’t want to let go’ he said finally breaking his gaze away from the ground and looking up at me as he put his hands on my hips ‘I’m going to be right here when you get back’ I promised ‘you don’t have to work you know, if money is what you’re worried about because I can get us all the money we need and then you can come on tour with me’ Justin said trying to convince me and him that there was some way that I could go on tour with him but I just couldn’t and we both knew that as much as it hurt ‘Justin it’s not the money I’m worried about I can’t just rely on you, I need to do something for myself’ I said wrapping my arms around my torso ‘it’ll be okay, don’t worry about it, we still have two days let’s not talk about it’ I said pulling away from a hug as he nodded ‘kiss’ Justin said as he held my waist firmly as he pressed his lips to mine and even though I didn’t want to talk about Justin going on tour In two days it was in the back of my mind knowing he was going away for three months and then I would be alone.

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