Chapter 25

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with everything that has happened within the last week it has been hard for both me and YN.. rumors are flying around saying everything but the truth. YN is taking it hard but she won't show it she just want everything to be over with and her to go back to being normal. both Lacey and Scooter hate us and both told us that we have no one to blame but ourselves for this and i guess it is true although i cannot help but want to blame myself fully for everything that happened because if i didn't read or believe the texts that Zack sent me then none of this would happen. i have been busy rehearsing everyday for the tour but i find a way to see YN everyday. the other day when she was speaking to me about my tour it almost broke my heart i hate going a day without seeing her let alone one or two months and it isn't just like she can drop all her work and come with me.. because she cant she has work to do everything she can. i know she cant come with me but i am planning to talk to Lacey and find out when she has a month of work and make sure she has that month off and she doesn't book any work for her because then i want to take her with me. YN has something about her that just relaxes me and keeps me calm and that's what i need when i am on tour because everything is so stressful. being away from her will be hard because whenever i see her there is something inside my body that yearns for her. i always need to be with her, touching her, kissing her, holding her hand, whispering cute cheesy stuff in her ear to make her laugh, protect her. she makes me feel the way no other girl has made me feel like that and there never has been, i can't explain the way she makes me feel.. but then again she is like no other girl i have ever met.


this week has been tough i guess. the rumors are practically all lies and i am more than angry with Zack due to the fact that he sold a story on me that doesn't have all the facts and simply the only things that will make me look bad. Justin is perfect he has been working so hard but despite all that he still comes round to see me every day. both Lacey and Scooter are annoyed at us for everything that has happened.. actually scratch that they are fuming they want to kill us they were shouting at us telling us how irresponsible we were being and i guess it is true. Justin is blaming himself for the whole thing and he shouldn't because it isn't his fault and he shouldn't be made to think that it is. i haven't spoken to either Kendall or Zack and that sucks not speaking to Kendall, knowing i'm right, knowing he is a jerk but worst of all knowing she will get hurt by him. despite everything bad that has been happening in my life i have actually been asked to be the new main model representative for Jeffery Campbell shoes which i think is an amazing opportunity and i love the shoes they are just so beautiful! i have only recently signed the contract so i haven't actually started my work for them but my work from then on will mainly consist of doing press shows.. promoting, photo shoots, an advert that kind of thing which means my schedule will not be so crazy and busy and even though i have only just signed the contract i have already got millions of free pairs of shoes! Lacey now knows not to double book me on days now and this week i have been back to work and i feel fine back to normal all i really needed was a good rest!

today is the day that i have been dreading, the day that i am scared for the day where i clear any rumors and say the truth, open up. today i have an interview with E! it is a private interview that will be recorded and then shown on the next episode of E! news. i'm scared. i'm scared people with turn against me. scared people will hate me. scared people with not believe me. scared people with think i am doing it for attention and that is far from what i want. i want to act like none of this ever happened and go back to normal. i regret what i did.. but then again i don't because punching him was one of the best things i ever did and he deserved it but it's not the way to go around things.

'YN go and get ready for the interview please' Lacey told me in a pissed off tone and that is the only tone she has been using with me recently i guess she has a right to be pissed off with me but i have apologized and now i don't know what there is left for me to do 'okay' i mumbled as i walked away from hair and make up to get changed, i had lights natural make up on and my hair was straight and parted in the middle just how i liked it. i wanted to wear casual clothes and flats to the interview, but nope i'm not allowed according to Lacey i have to be 'presentable and respectable' so i will look nice just to impress her and try and get in her good books again. i got changed into: with: and these shoes: and i loved this outfit it was smart yet i added an edge with the spikes on my shoes. the nerves were kicking in knowing that i was only going on in a matter of minutes, i shouldn't be nervous because i only punched someone who did hit me first?

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