Chapter 5

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(2 weeks later, sorry to skip but i don't want it to be boring)
these two weeks off have been heaven, i haven't really done much just stayed at home, but it's nice, sometimes i think i push myself to hard but now i am ready to get stuck back into work. i loved relaxing, i have spent a lot of time with Zack, he is an amazing guy but a little keen.. he has been asking me out almost everyday, i have made up a few excuses to say that i'm busy because you can get too much of a good thing, right? and he told me he likes me, and i think i like him... THINK i mean, he is gorgeous and a nice boy, and he does treat me right but right now i am enjoying being single.. just having fun., and also i don't know if he truly likes me or he just likes having paparazzi follow him around whenever he is with me, he has kissed me, just once, after he took me out for dinner and walked me back to my door and i did like it, i didn't feel any spark or fireworks like they say in the movies, but i doubt they are even real, he said he would like to be my girlfriend, and make this 'thing' we have official, but i said no, like i said before i am just having fun nothing to serious but i don't to lead him on, because i know how that feels, and it isn't great. i haven't seen or spoken to Justin since the Cancer event but i never expected to, although there was apart of me wishing he would speak to me.. some how just because he was so nice and sweet to me and the event even if we are just friends, that still doesn't change my opinion of him being a player, because he still has that reputation and will do unless he proves me wrong. When the pictures of me and Justin at the Cancer event were shown i got a lot of hate, A LOT all from his fans, i get why though i mean they worship him so i don't pay attention to it, i mean if i was one of them i would want to kiss any girl who was getting closed to my idol, so i just brushed it off, none of the rumors are true so whatever.
Today i am going to the surprise shoot that i still have no clue what it is for! Lacey still won't tell me and i honestly don't know why, but i hope it's good, she said it will boost my career up and i will get more famous, which i am not in this for the fame but Lacey still says it will do me good, and she is my manager so i trust her. i have just arrived at the shoot on my own and i climbed out of my car and walked over to the set, hmm looked nice. i carried on to walk around to see if i could find anyone, and i saw a middle-aged man that i recognized, he was standing, talking to Lacey so i walked over to them 'hey!' i smiled at them both 'aah YN, this is Scooter, Justin Bieber's manager' she smiled and pointed towards the middle-aged man 'hi, it's good to meet you!' i was a little confused as to why he is here, i mean am i doing a shoot with Justin? 'we wouldn't want anyone else on this photo shoot with Justin, i have seen your work, you're beautiful' he complemented me 'aww thank you' i said as i blushed a little, i'm not going to lie i was suddenly more excited to do this photo shoot now 'Justin is through there, why don't you go say hi' Lacey pushed me away and towards Justin's dressing room door, okay then! 'knock knock!' i said as i walked into his room 'YN?' he questioned 'its me' i said and smiled 'what you doing here?' he asked, did he not know wither, hmm what are our managers up to? 'i'm your model' i replied 'aah awesome!' he said as he got up and engulfed me into a hug 'funny we keep bumping into each other aye?' he asked 'i know what like 3 or 4 times in 2 weeks and Lacey and Scooter have been acting weird' i said confused 'hmm i know, ever since they have been together this morning' he added i just nodded and sat down on the couch until i was called up to get my hair and make-up done. the make-up artist had to tell me everything about what the shoot was for 'its for his new perfume girlfriend, i think it is a close personal almost sexual shoot' she said, i was looking forward to it, and i saw the clothes they had picked out for me and they were so cute, i didn't even know he had a new perfume coming out but hey ho! 'and you are all done!' she said adding the finishing touches to my make up, i quickly got changed trying to avoid messing up my hair or make-up after it was all done nicely. i walked out on set and Justin was currently in front of the camera having single shots taken of him, and he looked SEXY. he was definitely better looking than Zack, Justin had more of an edge and he has a personality rather than Zack how is just a pretty boy and doesn't have the most fun personality ever but he is still a nice boy, he is caring and that's what i like the most about him. After Justin finished his single shots it was time for me to join him, i walked on to set and straight away the photographer began 'okay Justin, wrap both arms around her waist pulling YN close and both rest your foreheads together' he shouted, he did what he was told and snaked both his arms around me, his hands were resting in the crook of out back, he was pulling me so close to him, there wasn't even space for a piece of paper between our bodies. he gently pressed his forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes, i began to feel nervous, but i lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck, interlocking my finger behind his neck, bringing our bodies even closer than possible, our faces centimeters apart 'that's perfect!' the photographer praised bringing me out of me day dream, for a moment there i actually forgot we were even on a photo shoot, after the photographer took a few pictures of us like that, he stood up and walked away from his camera so he could get a better angle 'okay, Justin can you lean into YN's neck, but don't kiss it, almost though just stay very close' he told Justin as he grabbed his camera and walked around, Justin kept a tight grip around my waist but lowered his head onto my shoulder and brought his lips so close to my neck i could feel every breathe he took and every breathe he breathed out, i moved my hands away from his neck and brought them around his torso, the photographer took a few pictures 'now kiss her neck' he ordered Justin. Justin then kissed my neck, repeatedly, they were soft and warm, not forceful. 'OKAY, that's great! now i want you to look like you are whispering something into YN's ear Justin, okay?' the photographer said, Justin nodded in agreement and released me from his grip. he stood behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around my stomach bringing our bodies so close again that they were touching, he lightly rested his head on my shoulder and leaned his mouth closer to my ear 'you're beautiful' he whispered in my ear causing me to blush 'i mean it' he whispered in my ear again, i just slightly smiled and looked deeply into the camera, hoping to get a good picture, the photographer took a lot of pictures of this pose, but just from different angles 'wow you guys this is amazing! just one more pose, then you're all done!' the photographer told us, this has been a fast photo shoot, but that is always a good sign, it means that the photo's look good and there is no need to repeat the poses, the photographer thought for a moment then spoke 'can you Justin, sit on the floor, and prop yourself up with one arm, and YN, lean onto his lap and Justin with your spare hand wrap it around her?' he asked, both me and Justin smiled and nodded. He sat on the floor with his legs bent and leaning back slightly supporting his weight with his arm, i sat down on the floor and laid down, with my head resting in his lap, i placed my hands on my stomach, he wrapped his spare arm around around my stomach laying it on top of one of my arms, he inced his hand closer to mine until they were touching, he intertwined our finger and rested them back down on my stomach, sending butterflies into my stomach, he looked down at me and smiled warmly, i smiled back at him as he played with my fingers, he continued to look into my eyes and smiled as the photographer ran around us taking shots at all different angles 'OKAY THAT'S A WRAP EVERYBODY' he shouted, everyone clapped and cheered, i stood up and Justin just sat there and held out his hand implying that he wants me to help him up, i grabbed his hand a pulled him up as he got up i stumbled backwards, but Justin wrapped his arms around my waist to catch me from falling 'th-thanks' i stuttered 'welcome' he said releasing his grip on me 'good job there' he praised me 'thanks you too!' i agreed, he just laughed slightly, and i was left thinking, was all that, just a photo shoot? because for me, all of that just happened naturally and flowed? maybe it is just me. 'YN, Justin, come over here please!' Lacey told us, we both looked at each other with a confused look and walked over them, what do they want?

i usually don't like doing photo shoot's but today, i enjoyed it for one reason and one reason only. YN, we had chemistry there and i don't think anyone could disagree with that, something came over me and everything just happened naturally, and flowed, i didn't have to even think about what i was doing, and honestly i didn't want it to end, i was enjoying it, and she seemed to be as well. she seemed to be really comfortable around me, most people freak out when they have any photo shoot with me, but not her, and this has been by far the best photo shoot i have done, but was all that just another photo shoot for her, just another piece of work for her? or did it mean something? 'YN, Justin, come over here please!' Lacey YN's manager told us, i looked at YN and she looked back at me with the same confused expression on her face, we both shrugged and walked over to them, what do they want?


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