Chapter 168

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that was over a month and a black ago, the incident with the paparazzi and I wish I could say that thugs have changed, but truth is, nothing has in fact... it's gotten worse.

The moment we got back home from our meal- well what was supposed to be a meal- we were on the news, surprise surprise.

The reporter was claiming that Justin was violent and out of control, the bitch was acting as if she was there! I mean I know Justin was angry, but he wasn't out of control he was protecting me, since when was that a crime?

But either way things got even more crazier since then, for at least two weeks after then the paparazzi were so violent, screaming at both me and Justin whenever we tries to leave the house, and of course, the moment things got violent and there was any slight risk of me and our little baby being harmed Justin got angry and pushed them away.

This went on for a few weeks, until I decided that I wasn't going to leave the house. Seems dramatic I know, but I don't care, things were getting to the point where I was worried to go out, I was growing bigger by the day and I was closing in on the birthing date and I didn't want to risk anything so I decided I wasn't going to go out.

Of course I went out, but not as often as I usuallydid and whenever I did I always made sure that it was a private area and nobody knew where I was going, so to the world right now I was MIA. Apart from the occasional tweet o picture me and Justin posted on twitter of me and him.

Justin got annoyed with the fact I wouldn't go out but I explained to him that I couldn't because I hated seeing him get annoyed every time we went out and I didn't like the fact that things could turn too violent to quickly and something serious could happen. So Justin being the sweet man he is decided that he would take me out once a week to a nice restaurant but we would sneak in there- and to my surprise it worked, people would take pictures of us but we were out of there before any lone could do anything about it. oh yeah.

But either way, it was a month and a half since the incident meaning that I was in fact... nine moths pregnant!

I'm shitting myself- to be polite.

But seriously I am nervous, I can't help it, my belly was huge meaning I was going to have to fit a bug baby through my vagina, talk about painful.

Now when I say my stomach is huge, it's MASSIVE!

Regardless of the fact the thought of the pain working it's way towards me looming in the back of my mind, I was still overly excited for our little Dylan-Rae to be here.


"Baby?" I heard Justin's voice wonder through my ears as I groaned and supported my weight on the bedroom wall, keeping my balance.

"Justin" I mimicked "where's my shirt?" he asked, turning around and flashing me a cheeky grin "right, you're going to have to be more specific, you have many shirts babe" I shook my head as I plodded over to him, one hand resting firmly on my stomach as I stared at my currently shirtless husband, mmm maybe I should never let him wear a shirt again.

"you know the one, I bought it the other day, White, black writing on it?" he smiled as he stretched his arms above his head giving me and even better view, oh hello there abs.

"oh, I put it on a hanger for you yesterday because you just left it on the floor even though you just bought it" I scowled as I rubbed my belly through the cotton shirt.

"this is why I love you" he smiled as he walked over to me, grasping my cheeks in his hands before pulling my face to his and pressing his lips to mine, leaving me no other choice but to kiss him, not that I didn't want to, because believe me I did.

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