Chapter 132

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(Four days later)

For the rest of the four days I got several different presents, jewellery, flowers. Every day I got more and more. Every present had a little letter in, counting down the days until we wed, telling me how much he misses me as the day goes by. And each time the present arrive I can't help but miss him more, but I know it'll all be worth it, because I'm getting married today.

I did it. I made it through the remaining four days without any communication with Justin and as much as it killed me, I was glad and pleased with myself as I got through the remaining days of the week, knowing that today when I walk down the aisle to meet Justin, it will be more than perfect when we see each other knowing that it'll be even more magical. The most amazing day of my life, the day that I will never forget until the moment I die. The moment where my life will change forever.

I can't believe. I just cannot believe that today is the day I've been waiting for, since I was only a little girl, wishing to find my 'prince charming' wishing to be dressed up in a tiara and a big white dress. Wishing for the day to be perfect.

And me, YN, just so happened to be the luckiest person in the world, I have my dream wedding happening today, in the perfect church with big stained glass windows and perfect wooden interior. I have my prince charming who just so happens to be in the form of a pop sensation, but I wouldn't change anything. I have the beautiful white dress and this day is going to be perfect.

I'm nervous, don't get me wrong, but I'm just more excited that anything. I don't feel nervous because I love Justin with all my heart and I want nothing more to marry him, and I'm excited because it seems as if I've been waiting to be Mrs Bieber for what feels like forever, and the day is finally here and I couldn't be more happy.

The wedding was at three o'clock in the after noon, and it was now eight, leaving me seven hours to get ready. More than enough time.

We had all of the girls sleeping over at my mum's house with me, Pattie, Erin, Jazzy, Miley, Kendall, Kylie, Demi and Millie where all here whilst all the boys- Jeremy, Josh, Ryan, Chaz, Jaxon- all stayed at mine and Justin's house and we wouldn't see them until we were at the church.


'Sweetie, baby, wake up honey, it's eight am' I heard my mum say soothing as she lightly shook my body. Shuffling around I fluttered my eye lids open as I smiled 'morning' I whispered as she kissed my forehead 'today's the day baby' she smiled wiping a fallen tear from her eyes 'don't cr-cry' I stuttered feeling my own tears brimming my eyes as I gave her a hug. 'No, no' she shook her head 'I'm not crying' she smiled 'I'm just so proud of you' she whispered 'thanks mum' I gushed squeezing her tight 'now go one, go have a nice bath and I'll wake everyone up so we can eat before the hair and make-up artists get here' she said soothing my hair out 'okay' I said giving her one last squeeze before I climbed out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom.

Slipping off Justin's over-sized shirt I stepped into the water, beating over my body, running down my spine as I washed my hair, brushing it.

As I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my hair up in a towel as I slipped into the special 'wedding underwear' (on polyvore with dress) I wrapped my body up in a towel bath robe before stepping out of the steaming bath room and headed down the stairs where I could here the chatter from everyone in the kitchen.

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