Chapter 155

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'So what are we doing today?' Justin's soft but yet still hoarse morning voice spoke calmly as we stayed on the fairly small couch, laying chest to chest, or rather... Stomach to stomach. Justin's arms, rested securely on my hips as he subconsciously ran his thumb over the exposed skin, my hands rested on his shoulders lightly as the double duvet from out bed upstairs was huddled all around us, our heads poking out from the top as we shared a pillow. It was like the duvet was swallowing us up like a massive black hole. A very comfortable black whole though.

'Well I don't know what I'm doing today, but you' I said poking his chest 'are going to be cleaning the whole house' I grinned as I watched Justin groan and roll his eyes, letting out a loud sigh.

'do I have to? the house isn't even that messy' Justin mumbled trying to work his way around it 'yes you do and the whole is messy, just look around!' I exclaimed jokingly.

'Why don't we just get a maid? I mean we have the money and that way neither you or me have to worry about cleaning the house when we come home because it would have been done!' Justin suggested 'I don't know Justin' I mumbled 'its a good idea yeah, but I don't really like the idea of someone just being able to walk into our house, a complete stranger, and they can easy take pictures of our private personal home, sell the pictures make a massive scandal about it, its not worth the stress I'd rather clean myself' I sighed 'I never actually thought of that, lucky you're smart aye?' Justin chuckled.

'But don't worry, you won't have to clean, I'll do it so you can just rest your pretty little head' Justin flirted 'no, don't be stupid I'm not expecting you to clean' I giggled 'and why not?' Justin raised an eyebrow 'because you're awful and I'll just have to clean again' I spoke truthful 'hurtful' Justin mumbled.

'Anyway, I was hoping that we could just stay here, together and you know... Cuddle' Justin charmed 'don't we do that basically every day?' I chuckled 'you're saying that as if it is a bad thing' Justin raised an eyebrow 'maybe it is' I smirked.

Justin let out a loud and over dramatic gasp as he stared at me wide eyed 'kidding' I giggled innocently as I watched his face turn soft into a smirk as he let out a low chuckle and slipped his hands down from my hips to my bum. Typical.

'Mmm that sounds good actually I didn't sleep much last night' I smiled softly as I closed my eyes 'why not?' Justin asked me making me flutter my eyes open 'don't know, just couldn't' I mumbled 'well if it helps, I couldn't sleep either' Justin smiled 'why couldn't you sleep?' I asked 'well this isn't to comfortable and I was too busy worrying about the fact that you hate me' he laughed.

'I don't hate you' I shook my head 'and you should have just got into bed, I would have minded' I told him 'I was going to, several times, I came up stairs and even walked into the bedroom but I didn't want you to kill me' he chuckled 'just proves that I where the trousers in this relationship' I stuck my tongue out 'you keep thinking that baby' Justin smirked.


'Justin' I mumbled 'YN' Justin smiled 'what did Scooter say to you yesterday?' I asked, wanting to know the answer 'er, he wasn't to happy' Justin awkwardly said 'I know that, but what did he actually say?' I asked.

Justin took a deep breathe in before he began to talk 'he kept on saying how it was a massive mistake and how if I told him earlier, we could of got rid of it' Justin growled as his jaw clenched shut tight 'really?' I said shocked, how could he say that?

'Yeah' Justin scoffed 'I went off on him though don't worry' Justin shook his head 'I don't want to speak to him though, until he apologizes' Justin grumbled 'don't beat him up about it though, he is probably just shocked I'm sure he was just worried about the business' I mumbled 'I don't really care to be honestly, he's such a fucking asshole I don't even care what he says, he still called out baby 'it' and said we should get rid of it, so I'm going to act however I want' Justin stated boldly.

'Okay, I just don't want this to work you up, because you're happy and I don't want that to bother you' I sighed 'it won't' Justin promised.

'Like I've said before, as long as me, you, and our little baby are happy and healthy we don't need anyone or anything we're perfectly fine' Justin smiled promisingly 'as long as you love me' I winked as Justin laughed, shaking his head 'you are crazy' he murmured against my lips 'but you love me' I sang 'I do love you' Justin smiled as he pressed his lips to mine.


A few hours had passed and we hadn't moved, well we had, but we moved so we could face the TV, lazy I know, but I don't care.

'Listen here ladies and gentlemen!' The reporter basically screamed through the screen 'what is that we hear?' She said cupping her ear, they then played the faint noises of a baby crying 'a baby bieber is on the way!' She screeched clapping her hands.

'The news was announced just last night at the launch party of the baby daddy's himself. They announced it to all of their close celeb friends and family, can't quiet believe it? Check out our website and you'll see the video!' She smiled

'Our favorite couple have been married for just over a year and turns out the couple have been hiding this secret from us for... FIVE MONTHS! But nothing gets by us, we had our suspicions! Mrs Bieber so don't go hiding it, we want to see the baby!' She laughed

'The only question left for us is... A boy? Or a girl?' She giggled before signing off.

'I'm actually a little worried to go outside' I admitted 'why?' Justin asked planting a single kiss on my shoulder as he rubbed my stomach 'its going to be crazy, I just hope the paparazzi don't get violent' I mumbled 'don't worry baby, I won't let them, trust me' he said softly in my ear.

'I do trust you, its just if anything does happen I don't want you to blame yourself' I sighed quietly 'you'll be fine baby, I promise you, so don't speak that, okay?' Justin said softly but still stern 'okay, sorry' I muttered 'you have nothing to be sorry for so don't worry' he smiled.


'So... What do you think our baby is?' Justin asked as I rolled over so I was laying on my back 'is?' I asked 'yeah, boy or girl?' He asked placing his head on my shoulder as he rubbed his stomach 'I'm really not sure, I can't call' I giggled 'what about you?' I asked him 'I think its a girl' he smiled.

'Really?' I asked 'yeah' he shrugged 'I can just picture he or she being a girl, I'm going make sure no one touches her or hurts her' he laughed

'and what if its a boy?' I questioned 'then I'm going to dress him up just like me, and he's going to get all the girls' he smirked 'just like his dad' Justin said cockily 'you get all the girls?' I scoffed 'well all the girls want me, but they can get me' Justin winked 'keep dreaming baby' I scoffed playfully.

'Hey, they can throw themselves at me all they want but the only girl I want is you' he smiled cheesily 'oh, I'm so lucky' I joked 'I mean I would expect that from my husband' I smirked 'mmm, I'll never get old of that' Justin sighed happily.

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