Chapter 11

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i woke up with a massive smile on my face, i was smiling from ear to ear and i knew exactly why, Justin. just the thought of us kissing reminded me of all those feeling that erupted and butterflies began to fly around my stomach again. After we kissed, we both decided to call it a night and go home, he dropped me off home and walked me to my door kissing me cheek and saying good night like a true gentleman does, just everything about him made me feel amazing, like i was the only girl in the world and as clique as that may sound.. it's true.

i rolled out of bed, and slouched into the shower, letting the warm beats of water bounce of my skin cleaning it as it did, i began to think.. did Justin wan't to be in a relationship with me? was he ready, because i think i was and i was almost certain that i wanted to be in a relationship with him. i began to think about my mum also, i want her to like Justin because he is a lovely sweet boy and he doesn't deserve to be judged, i judged him and he proved me wrong and i regret judging him because he doesn't deserve it. my mum said she wants me to be happy and when i am with Justin i am happy. in every relationship of course you want you mum to like your boyfriend, and i respect and value my mum opinion a lot but thing is, in every relationship you want your mum to treat your boyfriend like part of the family. but nothing in my life is ever perfect so if that means sneaking around with Justin not to hurt my mums feeling than i will but sooner or later she is going to have to accept the fact of me and Justin, that is if anything comes from this 'thing' we have. i climbed out of the shower, slipping a towel around me tightly making sure it would not fall down, i draped my hair down my back so my shoulders would not get wet, i walked out of the bathroom and walked down stairs, everything in my house was quiet expect the TV so i just assumed that nobody was here expect mum and Josh, i walked into the living room, and to my surprise there was sat Josh with 6 of his friends, all of their heads snapped towards me as they just stared at me with their eyes popping out of their heads 'hi everyone' i said awkwardly and left the room before any of them spoke that was embarrassing. i walked into the kitchen and there was sat my mum, on her own drinking a cup of coffee 'hey mum' 'hey sweetie how was last night?' she asked 'really good' i said with a big smile, i didn't want to go into to much detail because knowing me i would tell her that me and Justin kissed and i didn't want her to get angry 'that's good' she replied 'mum, can i ask you something?' 'sure, what is it?' 'why do you hate Justin?' i asked, the words poured out of my mouth, but i really wanted and almost needed to know the answer, she sighed heavily before staring to talk 'i am just looking out for you i don't want you to get hurt, i know i shouldn't judge him but when u have read so much about him it is hard, and i guess i don't wan't you to grow up.. and honey i am not stupid i was a teenager once, i knew you would still still see him' she said and took another sip from her coffee 'i judged him to, and he proved me wrong he isn't like that at all he is actually very kind and sweet' i said matter-of-factly 'i'm sorry' she said.. WAIT WHAT?! my mum is the kind of women that is strong and doesn't back down, she believes that she is always right so for her to back down and apologize is wow, something that i did not expect! i didn't reply i just ran at her full speed and tackled her into a hug, she just laughed and hugged me back as we pulled away she said 'be careful don't go into the living room, Josh and his friends are in there' i just stared at her 'bit late' i mumbled as i hung my head low in shame 'you didn't' my mum said shaking her head slightly, i just nodded, she burst out laughing 'i'm not kidding! i just casually walked in not knowing anyone was in there and they all just like stared at me with wide eyes, so i left embarrassed' i said and she just kept laughing 'only you' she said shaking her head again 'well i am going to get changed to save myself from further embarrassment!' i said before leaving and heading up to my room. i picked up my phone and saw that i had one new unread message and it was from Justin, i found myself smiling before i even read it 'hey beautiful, i have the day off, wanna come round?xxxxxx' it read, i blushed when he said beautiful i wasn't even sure you could blush through text but you clearly can, i immediately typed away, i replied 'sure, i'll be over in a bit:)xxxxxx' i put my phone down and looked through my clothes, i wanted to look nice, i wanted to impress but i didn't want to look like i was trying to hard, for once i actually cared what i looked like in front of him, for god's sake he has seen me in my sweats, but for some reason it still mattered. i finally decided on some dark blue, supper skinny jeans, that made my legs look like they went on forever with this top:

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