Chapter 53

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As soon as I got home I trudged up the stairs and collapsed on my bed, fuck am I tired. I didn’t realise how long we were at the launch for YN’s shoes but it was fun, and I loved seeing the smile on YN’s face, everything about her is so beautiful just thinking about her makes my heart melt. I peeled away my clothes leaving me in my boxers before climbing into bed, the bed felt so empty without YN filling the space beside me, ergh YN has this effect on me that makes me want to be with her and nobody else it’s something that I cannot describe and I have never felt for anybody except her! I sighed and rolled over in the bed trying to get comfortable but I just couldn’t. I can’t sleep without her, whenever I am on tour I never sleep and I always blamed it on insomnia but I always knew that wasn’t the right reason, whenever YN was here with me –even if we are arguing and I’m on the couch- I sleep well, I guess it’s just knowing that she’s safe. But hey I’m not asleep now and I have to be awake in err… two hours now so hey I might as well just stay up. I sighed once again and climbed out of bed and walked over to the light flicking it on and instantly getting blinded by the brightness of the lights. I groaned and walked over to the bathroom and walked in switching the light on as I leaned over to the shower, turning it on and allowing the water to heat up to the perfect temperature. After about a minute I stripped down and climbed in the shower allowing the hot beads of water to bounce off my skin and wash away all the gel stuck in my hair. I’m excited for Canada tomorrow it’s been far too long since I went there and saw everyone, Ryan, Chaz, my grandparents, Kenny isn’t going with us because whenever I’m home I never get bugged as much because everyone knows me for me, not Justin Bieber the teen pop sensation although Kenny was going to drive us to the airport and help us into the airport knowing there will be loads of paparazzi because there always is, and it’s annoying I can never do anything without getting followed by people, I love my fans! But paps… Not so much.

I climbed out of the shower and wrapped the towel tightly around my waist and wondered out back into my bathroom. I walked over to my mirror and grabbed my hairdryer before turning it on and drying my hair, that’s right. Bieber flip is back. I grabbed my phone and checked the time… Three o’clock hmm I’m picking YN up in an hour, what to do, what to do! I wondered off back to my wardrobe and grabbed some comfortable clothes and threw them on, trying to find any way to pass the time.


I was woken up to the sound of my phone vibrating next to me, I groaned and picked it up ‘on my way baby!xxxxxx’ it was from Justin.. wait! SHIT!! I need to get up. I sprinted out of bed and threw on my black leggings with this top: and these shoes: I really wasn’t planning on looking amazing to be honest and I knew I was most likely to go back to sleep on the plane so I didn’t bother putting on any make up. I quietly –but quickly- dragged my suitcase down the stairs and as soon as I hit the bottom step I heard a soft knock at the door I jumped down and opened it to reveal a once again gorgeous looking Justin ‘hey beautiful’ he said quietly ‘hey’ I said kissing him ‘should we go?’ he asked taking my suitcase from my hands I nodded in response before following him out of the door and shutting the door quietly behind me. Justin put my suitcase in the boot of the car and then sprinted back to me and opened the door for me I blushed at his cuteness ‘thank you’ I told him climbing in the car ‘kenny!’ I said reaching over to the front seat of the car and giving him a side hug ‘how are you?’ he asked me ‘good thank you, you?’ I asked ‘I’m good thanks!’ he replied and began to drive. I leaned back in my chair as Justin wrapped his arms around my shoulder, I leaned my head on his shoulder and held his hands, comparing the sizes of our hands ‘you have small hands’ he mumbled ‘maybe you just have bug hands?’ I shrugged ‘maybe but yours are cute’ he said flawlessly I giggled as he continued to play with my fingers ‘how’d you sleep baby?’ he asked softly ‘okay I guess but not for very long’ I said yawning ‘you?’ I asked ‘I didn’t sleep’ he said shrugging I removed my head off of his shoulder and looked at him confused ‘why not?’ I asked ‘just couldn’t sleep’ he said looking at me ‘oh well you can sleep on the plane’ I told him returning my head to his shoulder ‘will do’ he agreed kissing the top of my head. The car journey wasn’t long and as soon as we got into the airport Kenny helped is get through the few paparazzi standing there, they didn’t ask us any questions they just took pictures with us which although was annoying… but I didn’t say anything. We sent our luggage through and were soon told to board our plane, yes our plane because Justin insisted we go on a private jet.

‘you excited about Canada?’ he asked me as we fastened our seatbelts and prepared to begin flying ‘yeah I miss everyone out there’ he said smiling, I giggled and held his hand ‘we are now safely in the air you may take off your seat belts’ the pilot announced and both me and Justin took off our seat belts, I look over at Justin and he yawned ‘baby go to sleep you must be tired’ I said looking at him and running my fingers through his soft hair, he nodded at me and laid his head down on my lap ‘I’ll wake you up when we land’ I said leaning down and kissing his sweet lips ‘I love you baby’ he mumbled holding my hand ‘I love you too’ I promised him and then straight away his eyes shut as he turned his body away from mine still laying on my lap. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a magazine and stared at it, it looked as if it was a picture of me and Justin on the front. I leaned across the seats being careful not to wake Justin and grabbed the magazine and on the front it read ‘LOVED UP TEENS CUTEST COUPLE’ I laughed lightly and picked it up and there were pictures covering the page from last night, most of them were of me and Justin, one’s of us talking, ones of us kissing, laughing but one that was the biggest was the one of me blushing whilst Justin was smiling wide next to me. I began to read the article ‘Last night Hollywood’s teens cutest couple (your full name) and Justin Bieber took to the red carpet together as Justin supported his girl telling us that he is ‘so proud of her’ followed with ‘and look she’s so beautiful’ which made the stunning model blush as boyfriend Justin Bieber of almost 8 months tease her lovingly and give her a hug and kissing her tenderly. Boyfriend Justin clearly loves to make model YN blush as he managed to do it multiple times on the red carpet by whispering things into her ear and showing her affection. Everyone can clearly see that they are so happy together and this is not just some puppy love. So what’s next for the teen couple… rumours are flying around saying they have moved in together and they are engaged?! They may still be young but they are in love as boyfriend Justin Bieber kissed her lovingly and told her he loved her. They both looked happy together as they left the party together at around one am, teen pop sensation Justin Bieber didn’t want his main girl getting cold as he passed his jacket to her and kissed her cheek as they walked out of the club hand in hand before departing together. Young Love’ I smiled reading the article it isn’t many articles I get to read that are nice usually they are all rumours telling people how unhappy we are together or how many times we have broken up in the last month when none of this is true. People are asking why they haven’t been many pictures of us together but that’s because he is on tour… in a different country and I have to work… back here in LA… I swear people just don’t think.

‘baby wake up’ I whispered to Justin as I lightly shook him and kissed his lips sweetly and to my surprise he kissed back ‘mm that was such a nice wake up’ he said his voice thick with sleep and sounding so sexy. I giggled and sat back up as Justin sat up from my lap ‘It looks cold’ Justin said peering out of the window ‘ergh great I only have this’ I said referring to my top ‘don’t worry just wear this’ Justin said as he took off his hoodie and slid it onto my body keeping me warm ‘hmm thank you’ I said hugging it. We then walked out of the plane hand in hand. As we walked out of the entrance I saw two boys standing there ‘RYAN! CHAZ!’ Justin yelled from beside me and dropped my hand before running over to them and hugging them, I’m not the type of girl who gets jealous when their boyfriend doesn’t spend time with their friends, I think its good, and adorable, but then again i think everything Justin does is adorable.

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