Chapter 65

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My body collapsed against hers as we both puffed and panted wanting to get a deep breathe back from the err… previous events. But to me it wasn’t just having make up sex or whatever, we made love the way you should, I wanted to show her how much I love her and how much she means to me. ‘It’s still raining, stay here, please?’ I practically begged her, both of us knew that it wasn’t raining anymore but I just needed her to stay her with me, I didn’t want her to get out and walk away from me just like she did before, but either way she nodded as she laid down next to me as I wrapped my arms tightly around her never wanting to let go. She was here with me, in my arms just like she should be, she was so beautiful it killed me. I didn’t really want to go to sleep tonight just because I had her back with me and I didn’t want to go to sleep and wake up and her not be there. I hope that last night means that we are getting back together –or already are- but either way I don’t just want her back, I need her. Her head was lying down on my shoulder as her small little arms were wrapped around my bare torso as soft breathes escaped her lips, she kissed my chest right before she went fully to sleep, just like old times when everything was good and we were together, just like we were supposed to be.


I woke up with a smile on my face, I was happy for once, content with myself, and that was all for one reason… Justin. I could feel his warm muscular arms wrapped tightly around my wasit as his body as my head was leaning on his shoulder, I was almost too scared to open my eyes just because everything that happened yesterday might have been a dream and as soon as I open my eyes everything would disappear and I would be at home… alone. But regardless, I peeled my eyes open to see Justin already awake and looking at me with his eyes filled with love, I looked up to him and smiled warmly at him ‘morning’ I whispered ‘morning’ he repeated as he kissed the top of my head we both sat there in silence for a little bit. I was confused… did everything last night that we are back together because I hope we are, I need to be with him but first I need answers. ‘Justin’ ‘YN’ we both said at the same time, I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked at him, pulling the duvet off of my body covering my body completely ‘you go first’ I told him he nodded before taking in a deep breath before beginning to talk ‘what’s going on with us?’ he muttered as if he read my mind ‘what do you want to be going on with us?’ I asked him still looking up at him ‘you know that I want us to be together’ he told me making a smile spread across my face ‘and you know that I do’ I told him making a massive smile spread across his face ‘does that mean you’re my girlfriend… again’ Justin sand playfully ‘I guess so’ I smiled ‘good, and then we can get a house together and be happy and when we get married we can have loads of little mini Bieber’s running around and everything will be perfect forever’ he said really really fast making me giggle slightly as his cuteness before pressing his lips to mine and still smiling whilst doing it. ‘Can you stay here today?’ Justin asked me pushing the strands of hair behind my ear ‘I have to go to work’ I sighed unhappily, I didn’t want to go to work I wanted to stay here with him he pouted adorably and I just smiled at him ‘I’ll be back in a few hours though’ I said kissing the tip of his nose making him scrunch it up adorably ‘I need a shower, can you pass me your top please?’ I asked sweetly he nodded in agreement and leaned across the bed before passing me his top, I flung it over my head and slipped out of Justin’s grasp reluctantly before walking over to the bathroom and turning on the hot tap, I slipped Justin’s t-shirt off and climbed into the shower letting the warm water bounce of my body, nothing could ruin my mood I was back with Justin the way I was supposed to be. I climbed out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body before walking out into Justin’s bedroom… only to find that he wasn’t there? I furrowed my eyebrows but quickly shrugged it off knowing he was in this house somewhere. I slipped on my underwear and then my leggings, but instead of putting my t-shirt that I wore yesterday on, I walked over to Justin’s wardrobe and looked through his tops before picking up his ‘doing real stuff sucks’ t-shirt and slipping it over my head, although it was massive for me, I think it looked cute, and I knew that Justin loved it when I wore his clothes… and plus it smelt like him, oh there I go sounding like a stalker again! I walked down stairs and immediately was drawn to the smell in the kitchen; I walked in and saw Justin standing with his back to me, clearly cooking something. He was wearing only his sweats and his was shirtless with his bare tanned back exposed to my eyes, I bit my lip as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach from behind, kissing his back and leaning my head on his back ‘hey baby I thought I would make you some food before work’ he said turning around slightly and smiling at me making me blush a light pink. He called me baby, for the first time in four months oh gosh I missed that so much, the way he just says one word to me and I blush ‘mm it smells nice, thank you’ I smiled ‘welcome and my shirt looks nice on you’ he said kissing my forehead I smiled up at him. Once breakfast was ready he set it down on the table and instead of letting me sit on my own chair he insisted that I sat on his lap, but I didn’t mind. ‘okay, I really need to go to work, I’m running late’ I sighed making Justin pout ‘I’ll be back in like three hours I promise’ I told him climbing off his lap and walking towards the front door ‘okay’ he said following me ‘I love you’ I said going up on my tippy toes and pouting my lips which Justin did not hesitate to kiss ‘I love you too’ he said right before I walked off and went to work.

As soon as I got into work Lacey came running over to me with a stern look on her face ‘where have you been your mum has been so worried, she has been non-stop texting me!’ she practically yelled at me ‘and what is this about you and Justin?’ she questioned her voice softer now as she pushed me into hair and makeup, I blushed at the thought of Justin ‘well we sorted things out, and technically mum told me to leave’ I said in defence ‘just text her will you’ she sighed I just nodded knowing I would have no choice ‘and I’m glad about you and Justin you were always good together’ she added before walking out of the room.

As I walked off set Lacey caught up with me ‘you did a good job today, keep it up!’ she praised and I knew the reason I was better and myself… Justin was back in my life. I grabbed my phone and looked at it for the first time today and I have 23 missed calls from my mum and 10 texts. Nine of them were from my mum either telling me to ‘get home now!’ or to ‘call her’ but clearly I did neither ‘I’m fine.’ Was all I sent her before clicking on the other text that was from Justin ‘hurry up and get home xxxxxxxxx’ was what he sent ‘I’m on my way!xxxxxxx’ I sent back to him before grabbing all my bags and belongings, thanking everyone and walking out to my car.

As soon as my car pulled up in Justin’s driveway he opened his front door and leaned against the door frame looking beyond sexy, he was still shirtless with his sweat pants sagging low –as usual- Bell than ran out ans stood next to Justin as if she was glued to his side, its definitely obvious that she prefers Justin to me. I bit my lip as I climbed out of my car and walked over to him, my tooth still sunk deep into my bottom lip ‘I missed you’ Justin said walking towards me ‘I missed you too’ I told him planting a soft kiss on his lips, I pulled away and smiled at him as he put his hands on my waist and pulled me into his house ‘we need to take Bell out for a walk’ he told me ‘well let’s got then’ I said smiling ‘lemme just put a shirt on’ he said jogging up the stairs, I pouted playfully ‘this’ he said and pointed to his abs ‘is for you and you only’ he said winking before running back up stairs. Shortly he can back down wearing a plain white t-shirt but still managing to look sexy ‘ready?’ he asked I nodded my head ‘you know this is going to be a big shock to everyone’ I told him ‘what do you mean?’ he asked furrowing his eyebrows ‘I mean everyone still thinks we are broken up’ I mumbled looking down ‘do you not want to go out then?’ Justin asked caringly ‘no! I do’ I looked up and smiled ‘it’s just everyone will be interested in our business’ I said sighing ‘let them, only we know what has happened and we’re happy so that’s all that matters’ Justin said walking over to me and pushing remaining strands of hair behind my ear I nodded before grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers and walking to the door. Justin was holding Bell with one hand and holding my hand with the other, time to face the world. Let the hate start… once again.

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