Chapter 106

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Screams and cries woke me up for the fifth time tonight, and I have to admit... It's starting to annoy me all I want is some sleep, is that so hard to get. Knowing it was now my turn to try and get Millie back to sleep, I sat up in bed, groaning as I did I flew the covers away from my body and swung my legs around the side of the bed and stood up, pulling the over sized t-shirt over my body to cover a little more skin, so it was maybe a but more suitable for a small baby to see. I heard Justin mutter and curse under his breathe not intending for me to hear before grabbing the pillow and pressing tightly over his ears, trying to cover up the screams and cries coming from Millie across the room 'sorry' I growled louder than intended, he didn't respond so I'm guessing he doesn't have the energy in him to respond which I am thankful for because I am not in the mood to even consider having an argument with Justin. I trudged over to Millie and picked her up sitting on the floor, holding her on my lap, sighing, I began to bounce her up and down in an attempt to get her to stop crying 'shh' I coo'ed 'come on Millie' I urged 'shhh' I repeated quietly bouncing her on my legs 'come on Millie, please' I practically begged, her cries only got louder which was running my patience even thinner 'come on' I said cupping her to my chest and soothing her back, hoping she had what every other person in our family had- falling asleep when someone rubbed your back. And surprisingly it worked, her crying stopped, I pulled her away from my chest hoping she was asleep, but nope. She stared at me with those gorgeous big brown eyes before crying once again... Louder than before.

A muffled noise came from Justin's direction making me turn my attention to him, I looked over to him as he held his arms out as if he was waiting for something, scanning the room with my eyes wondering what he was wanting, he then repeated what was muffled before 'bring her here' he repeated, still holding his hands up. I wasn't in the mood- and to be quite frank I didn't have the energy- to reply so I stood up resting Millie on my hip and walked over to him as I watched him sit up slightly, below his waist covered with the duvet, his bare chest exposed to my hungry naked eyes, but now wasn't the time. Millie's cried were never ending so I based her over to Justin hoping her could stop her and calm her down, Justin laid her down on the bed before laying down close by 'get in bed' Justin said nodding his head at me, I did as I was told and climbed into bed, pulling the duvet over my complete body and also over Millie and Justin, so her small head was poking out from the top. Her eyes were flickering from Justin to me, then back to Justin, her cries sniffed into a quiet sob as her lip trembled as her eyes still darted between both of us. Justin's quiet angelic voice rang through my ears as he began to sing as he sang another sweet lullaby to Millie, tracing his warm finger across her tiny petite features, soothing her sweetly. He stared down at her pure adoration in his eyes, as Millie closed her eyes a soft sigh escaped her lips, Justin carried on singing the lullaby until the end 'should I put her back in the cot?' I asked hushed trying my very best not to wake her 'no, just leave her here, that way if she wakes up it will be easier to get her back to sleep' he explained in a whisper 'oh okay' I said placing my head back down on the pillow 'i-i love you' Justin smiled weakly 'love you too' I whispered leaning over and kissing him quickly before kissing Millie and falling off into a well needed sleep.

A laugh from another room woke me up abruptly, I sat up in bed only to find that no one was near me, no Justin, no Millie, no one. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering where they could be. Picking up my feet I stood up and walked over to the door and down the stairs. I heard the TV quietly playing, so I followed the noise and went into the living room 'hey baby' Justin smiled at me as I walked in 'morning' I smiled weakly falling onto the couch 'morning you' I said kissing Millie's lips, who was currently sitting on Justin's lap staring at me with her bold eyes. She turned her attention back to the TV and began to watch whatever kids channel was on 'how long have you been up?' I asked tucking my feet under Justin's thigh smiling at him, he shrugged 'like a few hours' 'oh' I said surprised 'don't worry I feed her and cleaned her' he smiled 'oh wow, thank you, you're taking better care of my sister than me' I giggled 'well technically, she is kind of my sister too... Or is going to be' he explained 'true' I said smiling wide at the thought of us being married, he shook his head smiling.

A knock out the door broke both mine and Justin's attention away from the TV 'I'll get it' I smiled jumping up 'babe, you're only in your top' Justin smirked 'oh yeah' I blushed 'maybe you should get it' I smiled sitting back down on the couch 'okay' he laughed placing Millie in my lap, I smiled up at Justin before blowing raspberries on Millie's stomach making her squeak. 'Hey, come in' I heard Justin say as he closed the door. Only moments later, the living room door opened and my mum appeared smiling 'hey' I smiled placing Millie back down on my lap 'morning' she smiled scooping Millie up from my lap and twisting her around kissing her face all over clearly she missed her last night 'right, I must dash' she smiled 'okay' I said standing up 'YN' she gasped 'c-can you put some clothes on?' She asked 'sorry' I blushed, Justin chuckled from beside me and swung his arm around my neck 'I'm going to go, I cannot thank you both enough for yesterday, I really needed it' she thanked 'you're welcome Karen, she was no trouble' Justin smiled 'oh good' she sighed in relief 'I'll see you both soon' she smiled as she exited the house with Millie and her bags on her shoulder.

'JUSTIN' I called up to him from the living room 'YN' he mimicked me 'I'm going to walk Bell, do you want to come?' I asked 'yeah' he called back, i watched him as he jogged down the stairs throwing on some supra's without a jacket, not needing one in the spring breeze 'okay' I chirped running over to her and attaching the lead to her collar 'you want to hold her?' I asked Justin slipping my shoes on 'no, you can' he said holding his hand out for me to take 'okay' I shrugged 'now let's go' I said happily wandering out of the house, Bell running ahead slightly, Justin by my side.

There were a few paparazzi following us, but not many as they were uncontrollable, there were a respectable amount and they knew not to come to close. Justin swung his arm around my neck urging me closer to his side, I slipped my hand into his back pocket leaning into his body more. Justin leaned across and kissed my earlobe, this was the first time we had been out properly since we announced our engagement, I expected hectic than it was, but I have to admit I was glad it was calm. 'I love you' Justin murmured in my ear, his warm breath hitting my neck 'I love you too' I murmured against his neck kissing it lightly before sighing happily.

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