Chapter 54

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Justin sprinted over to the two boys who I’m guessing are Ryan and Chaz ‘AYEEEE!’ he yelled hugging them both, I laughed cutely at him and followed ‘hey’ I said shyly as I approached them waving at them both ‘and who is this?’ Chaz asked raising an eyebrow at me, clearly checking me out although I looked a mess ‘this is my GIRLFRIEND YN’ Justin said emphasising girlfriend as he then wrapped his arms protectively around my waist, I blushed a little and looked down ‘it’s great to meet you’ I smiled ‘I’m Ryan’ the one on the left said sticking out his hand for me to shake I shook it and then Chaz did the same. ‘come on guys lets go’ Ryan said taking my luggage from my hands ‘oh thank you’ I said smiling warmly at them and then as soon as I did I could see out of the corner of my eye Justin giving Ryan a glare, I walked over to him and held his hand ‘you okay?’ I asked him looking up at him ‘yeah I’m glad to me home’ he said pressing his lips against my forehead ‘good’ I smiled. Once we got out of the airport I was expecting paparazzi to be there but I was shocked when there wasn’t but I guess I am just used to it in LA, it’s actually refreshing to not be followed everywhere we go. We walked out of the airport and into the car park then we all bundled into Ryan’s car. We were all talking and just making small talk getting to know one another which was good, Justin seems so happy to be home, Canada is his real home; this is the place where he can just be Justin and not JUSTIN BIEBER. 

‘bro can you drop me and YN off and my grandparent’s house?’ he asked resting his hand on my thigh ‘sure’ he said nodding and turning into a road and a few moments later the car stopped ‘here we are’ Justin said as he let out a loud happy sigh. Justin helped me out of the car as we grabbed our things out of the boot of Ryan’s car ‘I’ll see you later bro!’ Justin said nodding at them both as they slowly began to pull away. I began to get nervous what if his grandparents don’t like me? I really hope they do because Justin values his grandparent’s opinion so much, oh gosh I just hope that everything goes well. Justin knocked on the door anxiously as we both waited for it to be opened ‘Justin?’ a women said as she answered the door ‘hey!’ he said happily and gave her a massive bear hug ‘BRUCE!’ she called out excitedly ‘oh how rude of me, I’m Diane Justin’s grandmother and you must be YN’ she said smiling cheekily at me –I see where Justin gets it from now- before pulling me in for a hug ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you’ I said smiling back as she pulled away from the hug ‘hey grandpa!’ Justin said excitedly as he threw himself at his granddad smiling wide ‘this is my beautiful girlfriend YN’ he said proudly which made me blush he then returned to my side and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers ‘hello’ I said waving ‘I’m Bruce’ he said smiling and pulling me in for a hug, they are so welcoming here! ‘Come in you two don’t want you getting too cold!’ Diane said moving aside allowing us to pass through into her house ‘are you staying here?’ Bruce asked us ‘no I booked a hotel for us’ Justin said still holding my hand ‘Justin’ Diane scowled ‘I’m not letting you stay there’ she added ‘I love you’ Justin said cheekily as he leaned over and pecked her cheek ‘go put your stuff up stairs I’ll sort another bed up’ she said smiling to us both ‘thank you’ I said smiling back at her as we walked up the stairs. Justin then pulled me into a small-ish room with a single bed, the room was decorated with maple leafs flags ‘how you liking it?’ Justin asked me as he pulled me down onto the bed with him ‘I love it, everyone’s so nice!’ I said smiling up at him ‘I’m glad’ he said pushing strands of hair behind my ear. I let out a quiet yawn ‘are you tired?’ he asked me sweetly I nodded lightly ‘okay, go get changed and we’ll have a sleep’ he told me and kissed my lips sweetly, I nodded in agreement and grabbed my pyjama’s-well a pair of Justin’s basketball shorts and a top- out of my nag before I headed off to the bathroom to change.


Man am I glad to be home, nothing’s changed here, everything is still perfect. Being back here in Canada makes me wonder what things would be like if I never became famous. I walked back into my room holding tightly onto YN’s hand, I love how nothing in this room has changed it’s all still the same as it was when I left. Just the way I want it. I laid down on the bed and pulled YN down with me ‘how are you liking it?’ I asked ‘I love it, everyone’s so nice here’ she said smiling up at me ‘I’m glad you like it’ I said softly tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear she then let out a quiet adorable yawn ‘are you tired?’ I asked sweetly she nodded lightly ‘okay, go get changed and we’ll have a sleep’ I told her and pressed my lips to hers quickly, she nodded once again in agreement as she climbed off the bed and rummaged through her suitcase before picking up her pyjama’s and heading off to the bathroom.

After YN went to the bathroom grandma walked in ‘hey’ I said smiling and sitting up on the bed ‘so I’m guessing you want to stay in the same room?’ she asked me setting down blankets on the bed, I nodded ‘well you have to sleep on the blow up bed because I don’t want any grandbabies yet!’ she warned me as she set up a bed on the floor ‘okay’ I said chuckling and shaking my head ‘what do you think of her?’ I asked ‘I think she is lovely not like most other girls, you did good’ she said nodding in approval ‘good’ I sighed in relief ‘awww well me and your grandpa are going grocery shopping so we will leave you two for a bit, you look a little tried maybe you should get some sleep’ she suggested ‘I will, thank you grandma’ I said hugging me ‘no problem sweetie’ she said before departing the room. YN then walked in wearing a pair of my basketball shorts that I must have left at hers, ergh how I love it when she wears my clothes ‘wearing my clothes?’ I questioned she nodded and blushed I love how I just have to say such a simple thing and she blushes, she nodded whilst looking down ‘I just prefer to wear your clothes’ she mumbled and shrugged clearly she was still blushing ‘come here baby’ I told her and she walked over to me I sat up on the bed and held her waist firmly ‘you’re beautiful when you blush’ I said wanting to make her blush even more ‘justiinnn’ she whined covering her face with her hands I chuckled knowing she was blushing even more ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ I said raising my hands up in surrender. She then giggled and laid down on the floor, wait what is she doing ‘babe what are you doing down there’ I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion ‘sleeping’ she said shrugging mmm, no I don’t think she is. I quickly stripped down to my boxers and stood up from the bed, walked over to YN and picked her up bridal style which made me giggle and wrap her arms around my neck and hide her head in my bare chest. I laid her down on my single bed lightly before crawling into bed myself, I grabbed her waist pulling her body into mine, and she laid her head down on my bare chest before lightly kissing my chest… just like always.


I woke up and rolled over both expecting and hoping that Justin was there but I was strongly disappointed when I rolled over and stretched out my arms hoping to feel him next to me. I sighed and opened my eyes and saw a note resting on the pillow next to me I picked it up and read it ‘I went out with Ryan and Chaz but I didn’t want to wake you, you looked to peaceful! But don’t worry I’ll be back before dinner. I love you –Justin xxx’ I smiled whilst reading it, even if he didn’t give me a note I would have guessed that he was out with the boys, and honestly I want him to spend time with them without me. I smiled to myself before looking at the time it was five in the evening, hmm I’ve been sleeping for three hours, I definitely feel better after that nap though! I slipped out of the room and down the stairs ‘hello’ I said shyly as I walked into the kitchen where Diane was making dinner ‘hello sweetie, did you have a nice sleep?’ she asked me ‘yes thank you’ I smiled ‘do you want any help?’ I asked her ‘oh no sweetie you’re okay!’ she said turning and giving me a warm smile ‘Justin had just gone out with his friends he said he will be home before dinner’ she told me ‘oh okay’ I said with a giggle. Throughout the day Diane was telling me a lot about Justin’s child hood and a lot of things that I didn’t know, she really cares for him so much. ‘I’m just going to have a shower before dinner’ I said jumping out of my seat and lightly jogging up the stairs.

After my shower I walked back into Justin’s bedroom and threw on some black leggings with a baggy top, I didn’t bother to put any make up on because I didn’t really see the point. I walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen where Diane was still making dinner ‘thank you for letting me stay with you’ I said smiling ‘oh don’t mention it! You’re part of our family now!’ she exclaimed. I then felt to strong warm arms wrap around my waist from behind making me jump ‘hey baby’ Justin said kissing my cheek ‘hey! Did you have a good day?’ I asked turning to face him ‘yeah! It was so good to talk to them’ he told me smiling ‘that’s good’ I said smiling wide just because he was. ‘dinner’s ready!’ Diane called out as we all sat down at the table and tucked in.

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