Chapter 109

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Without even letting Justin say another word, I walked back over to the bed and sat down in the middle, facing him. He looked at me questioning whether or not he should come and join me or not. I nodded my head in my direction telling him I was going to let him 'explain' why he was being such a dick to me. I'm still angry at him for basically calling me a slag, I mean what other meaning is there for him saying 'you'd probably like it if another man is all over you' there is only one way you can take that.

Justin took the hint and quickly jumped off of the floor and jogged over to me, perching on the end of the bed before sitting on the bed properly, leaning against the head board. Extending his legs so his legs where either side of me, I kept my eyes locked on the door, the furthest away from him as possible. 

'YN' he murmured 'look at me' he murmured once again, siting my tooth into my lip I kept my eyes locked on the bedroom door and shook my head, regretting my decision to talk to him. 'Baby' he sighed sitting forward so he was in front of me. Lifting his index finger, forcing me to turn my head in his direction. Immediately I looked down. 

Justin had clearly had enough of me not looking at him, so he wrapped his arms around my back, lacing his fingers together before dragging me onto his lap, firmly keeping his arms wrapped behind my back stopping me from going anywhere. He leaned back against the head board, his thumbs running along my back subconsciously 'I thought you weren't going to open the door, I was sat there for hours' he murmured, letting out a forced laugh trying to break the ice.

'You called me a slag Justin' I said bitterly ignoring his previous statement 'I didn't mean to i-' he began 'but you still said it' I snapped, looking up at him for the first time since our argument 'I was angry' he sighed looking down, away from me, but tightening his grasp on me, pulling me closer to him 'do you know how that makes me feel? My own fiance calling me a slag?' I whispered, feeling vulnerable 'is that what you really think?' I whispered once again 'no' he said immediately his eyes filled with concern, pain... Regret. 

'Can you just listen to me, please?' He begged, desperate to explain himself, I nodded my head not sure what else to say 'baby, look at me' he said softly, I looked up at him preparing myself to hear what he has to say.

'I-i-i was jealous. . . And I didn't know what else to do. The thought of some other person touching you makes me made, so when I saw some one was supposed to be my own fucking friend' he began clenching his jaw tight. No matter how mad I was at him, I hated seeing him angry. Lifting my hand up, I traced my finger lightly over his jaw, trying to get him to relax, I felt Justin's jaw relax under my touch, so I urged him to carry on. 'So I flipped out, I was going to hit him but you told me to stop, I didn't get why you would want me to stop though? You're mine' he told me, sighing, loosening his hands from my back and running them to my thighs, keeping them there 'I just didn't want you to do something you'd regret' I mumbled 'I know baby' he nodded before carrying on 'and then the fact he told me I didn't treat you right' he shook his head 'I know I don't, but I don't need people to remind me-' 'justin, stop' I shook my head 'how can you even say you don't treat me right? You bought us a house, bought me the most amazing engagement ring ever, you asked me to marry you, you took me to paris for our birthday, you treat me better than I can ever even imagine' I explained 'but I'm never here, I go away for months on end' he said licking his lips 'I don't care' I cut him short 'but when he told me all those things, I would never fuck you over, I could never do that, but I know I don't deserve you so I hate how he reminded me' he sighed, shaking his head once more. 'I was so angry, then, I don't even know, whenever I'm angry I do things I don't remember, so I say stupid things, I'm so so sorry' he rushed out 'you're not a slag, you're far from it because you've never cheated on me or anything, you're the furthest away from a slag, I'm sorry' he closed his eyes quickly before re-opening them. I smiled softly at him, running my fingers through his soft floppy hair, wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned forward pressing our forehead together as he wrapped his arms around my waist once again, pulling me further into our lap 'I love you' he muttered 'I love you too Justin' I giggled as he pressed his lips to mine.

'When do you go back on tour?' I asked him as I pulled away from him slightly 'tuesday' he nodded 'that's 3 days' I sighed 'I'm sorry, but don't worry this is the last leg of the tour' he explained 'I know, I want you to enjoy yourself!' I told him, poking his chest playfully 'okay' he chuckled lightly shaking his head. 

'YN, did HE do anything else to you?' Justin asked, shuddering at the thought 'he was just trying to make a move on me when we watched a film, but I stopped him, but then the only thing that happened was what . . . You saw' I said quietly 'okay' Justin replied not looking at me, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around me protectively.


'BABE' I heard Justin call from upstairs, he is leaving for tour today and he has only just decided to pack, but he has about four hours until his flight so he has enough time 'WHAT?' I called back keeping my eyes fixed on the TV with Bell on my lap 'CAN YOU COME HELP ME?' He asked 'PLEASE' he added, laughing I stood up at jogged up the stairs 'what's up?' I asked him 'can you help me pack?' He smiled cheekily 'fine' I groaned playfully 'thanks' he smiled, then moved aside to reveal the massive pile of clothes, piled up 'what is that?!' I screeched 'I didn't know what to bring' he shrugged and sat down on the floor 'well you don't need that much' I giggled 'you're going for three months right?' I checked 'yeah' he nodded 'so you need loads of underwear, but you can obviously wash them' I said grabbing about ten packets of brand new underwear different companies had been sending Justin 'bet you love touching my boxers babe' Justin winked 'shut up' I shook my head as Justin laughed. 

'Justin you do not need to take this' I said laughing as I pulled out a picture of me and him from Paris, which is usually placed on the bedside table in our room 'yes I do' he snatched it out of my hands like a little boy 'no you don't' I laughed 'please' he fluttered his eyelids making him look like a freak 'if that's trying to persuade me, its not working!' I exclaimed, Justin pouted and placed it next to him 'why'd you want to take it anyway?' I asked him as I continued to fold up endless amounts of t-shirts and trousers, he shrugged 'coz I like it' he smiled cheekily, I cocked an eyebrow up at him knowing that wasn't the real reason 'okay' he sighed 'its so if I get forced to share a bus with Fredo he'll see it and maybe back off' he muttered 'oh' I replied not knowing what else to say.

Truth was, for the whole day after the whole 'Fredo situation' he was texting me telling me how 'I'm too good for justin' and how 'much he loves me' but a simple text saying 'I'm sorry but, I love Justin, its nothing against you but I'm marrying Justin for a reason, and as Justin's 'best friend' I think you should stop texting me, I'm sorry' he didn't respond, leaving me feeling happier and more content, but I wasn't going to tell Justin about the texts, no way, I was prepared to keep that from him just so that he doesn't lash out at Fredo as soon as he saw him.

'I'm guessing you haven't spoken to him?' I asked, uneasy and unsure of the response I was going to get 'nope' he said popping the 'p' 'are you going to?' I asked as I continued placing different items of clothes into his suitcase 'no' he said immediately 'I'm asking Scooter if he can swap with fredo so I'll share with him instead' he explained, I nodded my head understanding 'I have a feeling that these three months are going to be the longest' he sighed running his fingers through his hair 'you'll be fine' I said standing up and walking over to him, sitting down in front of him 'enjoy it, don't let anyone get to you, performing is what you love doing' I told him 'I know! Its just there is no way I'm speaking to that prick' he spat 'I know baby' I hushed tracing his features with my index finger, calming him down, to be honest I'm worried at what might happen with Justin and Fredo stuck on tour together for three months.

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