Chapter 135

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So we've been here for four days now and they have been nothing but pure bliss. Spending true quality time together and just relaxing, I still cannot seem to wrap my head around the fact that I'm married its crazy.

Everyday we have done something whether its something on the other side of the Island, Justin had bought us half of an Island with just our massive house on it with the sea, and on the other side of the island is a small town, and when I saw its a town is more of a village, a few grocery shops a few houses, the basics you needed to live really. Nobody on the Island knew who we were here, they were all clueless and they didn't really connect with the outside world. It was refreshing and nice to be able to walk around with Justin hand in hand and not be followed and asked for autographs, I really felt at home here, like I was just a normal person and not some hot shot celebrity from LA.

We had already met every person on the Island, there was only about twenty of them so it wasn't hard to see them all, they were all so welcoming and all gave us gifts when we went into the town for the first time welcoming us to the Island and hoping we like it. They couldn't get any sweeter.

The weather on the Island was blazing hot both throughout the day and the night, I couldn't be able to cope if we didn't have air conditioning.

Although right now the weather wasn't playing up to its normal standards. It was crashing down with rain, hitting the sea. The lighting flashing through the cracks of the blinds and curtains, the loud thunder rumbling so loudly making the floor of the house shake light. The thunder storm getting louder and more aggressive with every strike.

I hate thunder storms, hate them! That's something that truly terrifies me, it always has. I still remember crying when I was only five and my dad coming in and scooping me up and cuddling me until I feel asleep, something he would always do when I got scared during storms.

Another loud rumble followed by a lightning strike followed by the continuous raindrops against the sea and the windows, filling the whole bedroom with light for a short second before the whole room filled with darkness again. Clinging onto Justin I kept my eyes open for a second before shutting them in attempt to go to sleep but that didn't quiet work because as soon as I was almost asleep another rumble of thunder filled my ears making my body tense up once again.

'Shhh baby' Justin soothed as he ran his hand up and down the length of my back 'sorry, I can't sleep, I didn't mean to keep you up' I mumbled as I clung onto both Justin and the cover 'don't be sorry gorgeous' Justin smiled softly as yet another strike lite up the room 'and you didn't keep me up, I wasn't properly asleep I was waiting til I knew you were asleep because you hate thunder storms' Justin explained 'oh, thanks' I mumbled.

As the next roar of thunder and lightning strike erupted. Justin took no time to grab me and pull me into his body, firmly wrapping both of his muscular arms around my waist as he subconsciously rubbed his thumbs against my bare waist, pressing his lips to my forehead repeatedly.

'You okay baby?' Justin asked 'yeah' I said softly nodding my head into the crook of his neck 'good' he mumbled 'I'm sorry, I'll try to go to sleep, I love you' I sighed as Justin nodded sheepishly and kissed my head once more as I buried my head into Justin's chest determined to get to sleep.


Opening my eyes I smiled as I knew I had slept through the thunder storm, well I kind of slept, more rested my eyes. Although the thunder and lightning had stopped it was still raining heavily, and noisily- may I add.

Groaning I opened my eyes and sat up in bed as Justin's lazy arms stayed around my waist even though he was still asleep. Rubbing my eyes I detached my waist from Justin's grasp and climbed out of the bed letting the cool breeze from the air conditioning hit my bare legs, I was only in one of those ridiculous night dresses Miley had packed for me OUTFIT:

'Mmm baby come here' I heard Justin's deep hoarse morning voice groan as I spun on my heels to look at him only to see him biting his lip 'why'd you get out of bed?' Justin asked me grabbing my hips as I crawled onto the bed, pulling me over to him until I was straddling 'don't know' I shrugged 'I was just up' I smiled 'but you can go back to sleep I'll just go and watch some TV or something' I told him 'I'll come with you then' Justin smiled as he kicked the covers off and picked me up- wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried me over to the living area.

Sitting down on the couch with me on his lap Justin turned on the TV, flicking through the american channels.

'Wait, go back a second' I told Justin as he flicked back through the channels until the one I stopped him at and as I expected mine and Justin's face was the main picture 'hey look its us' I mumbled pointing at the screen 'I know, but I don't see why we're watching it' Justin asked 'I just want to see what they're going to say' I shrugged, regardless of the fact that I don't really care about what people say about me, I still like to know.

'So the newly wed couple have skipped away to an unknown resort keeping their newly wedded lives a secret. We have a source close to the couple told us that the couple were over the moon as soon as they exchanged and couldn't be happier. Although no-one knows where the couple have head, the biebs himself has kept us all posted tweeting pictures of him and his beautiful bride and himself spending time together enjoying the sun. Seems like the power couple really are forever, we wish them all the best and hope our favorite couple have the best honey moon' the dark haired women smiled as she flashed several pictures of me and Justin over the past few days, kissing and laughing.

'Awww' I gushed as Justin laughed 'seems as if everyone is keen to see us' Justin laughed and playfully squeezed my hips making me squeal as I jumped on his lap, Justin took this opportunity to jump on me and he started to tickle me.

'JUS-STIN, S-STOP!' I screeched as I wriggled beneath him, surprisingly Justin stopped and smiled at me as he lifted me back onto his lap 'I love your laugh' Justin sighed happily as he kissed my softly.

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