Chapter 40

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You know when you get that feeling somebody is watching you, when you feel somebodies eyes staring into your body? Well yeah I have that! And to be honest I’m a little scared to open my eyes, so instead I snuggled closer into Justin’s warm body as he –even though he is asleep- wrapped his arms tighter around my body making me feel better, safe, protected. I then felt someone shake my shoulder so I knew I had to open my eyes, I peeled them open and was greeted with a very angry looking mum staring at me ‘what?’ I groaned quietly being careful not to wake Justin as I pulled the covers higher up my body ‘get downstairs.. now’ she whisper shouted angrily at me, I sighed and rolled my eyes ‘okay’ I mumbled as she walked out of the door, slamming her door shut as she did making Justin flinch beside me ‘go back to sleep baby, I’ll be back in two minutes’ I promised him as I kissed his cheek, he shut his eyes again nodding sheepishly and I couldn’t help but think how adorable he is. I carefully climbed out of bed letting the cold air hit me, I grabbed a jumper off the pull and pulled it over my body trying to keep me warm as I wrapped my arms around my stomach. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen knowing that’s where I would find my mum ‘what?’ I asked resting my head down on the table not wanting to know what the time was because right now I should be asleep especially if my mum is still here, she is always gone way before I have to take Josh to school ‘WHAT YOU DO YOU MEAN WHAT?! WHAT WAS THAT?!’ she yelled aggressively raising her voice loud so everyone in the house could hear ‘what was what?’ I asked squinting my eyes as I stood up in pure confusion ‘Justin.’ She said before turning around and beginning to make her coffee muttering what I presume to be sly comments under her breathe ‘he stayed over last night?’ I said shrugging my shoulders as I leaned against the work surface ‘HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME’ she said turning around and placing her mug down on the surface aggressively ‘disobey you?’ I asked starting to get a little bit annoyed ‘YES YOU KNOW I DON’T WANT YOU TWO SLEEPING IN THE SAME ROOM’ she screamed as her hands flew above her head, her face turning slightly red from anger ‘WHY DON’T YOU TRUST ME MUM? I’M NOT STUPID!’ I yelled back at her now I was fully awake ‘YOU HAVE SOME NERVE-‘ she began but I quickly cut her off by saying or should I say shouting at her ‘NO YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE MUM, I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN WHAT… THREE DAYS! JUSTIN IS LEAVING TOMMORROW CAN’T I SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIM… AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR OWN SON IS FALLING SCHOOL, YOU DON’T COME HOME UNTIL WAY PAST ELEVEN AND LEAVE RIDICULOUSLY EARLY IN THE MORNING… YOU CAN’T BE AT WORK THAT LONG’ I yelled at her ‘how dare you’ she spat ‘I WORK HARD FOR YOU, FOR THIS HOUSE! AND DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME MY OWN SON IS FALLING SCHOOL WHEN HE ISN’T’ she screamed right back at me smashing her mug on the floor ‘I BOUGHT THIS HOUSE, I PAID FOR IT WITH MY MONEY, NOT YOU!’ I screamed aggressively as I stepped in closer to her ‘get out of my sight’ she spat back at me pointing to the stair case indicating she wanted me to go back to my room ‘gladly’ I shot back at her as I turned on my heels and stormed back upstairs and to my room, if she thought I was staying here she has another thing coming. I walked in and shut the door quietly trying not to wake Justin but he was already awake ‘sorry did I wake you?’ I asked apologetically he nodded his head lightly and sat up in the bed ‘but it doesn’t matter’ he added and smiled at me ‘can we go to yours, I don’t want to stay here’ I said and sighed ‘of course’ he said kissing the top of my head ‘and you can stay there tonight with me’ he said searching for eye contact but I just avoided it and nodded my head and sighed heavily once again. I climbed out of bed and grabbed a bag; I began to throw in everything that I might need: clothes, underwear, socks, make up, tooth brush anything and I wasn’t really looking at what I was throwing in so the chances are nothing matches. I have a shoot tomorrow for an advert for Jeffery Campbell so I don’t really need to worry about what I wear considering I will be changing as soon as I get there. Justin slipped on his clothes as I just left on what I was wearing, I wasn’t wasting anytime, I wanted to leave now. I can’t stand even the thought of being near here right now. So as soon as I was all done and ready. I grabbed my stuff and Justin’s hand dragging him downstairs with me, I opened the door not bothering to even say bye and I soon as the door opened my mum called out from the kitchen ‘where do you think you’re going?’ rudely, I let go of Justin’s hand and passed him my keys indicating him to go and get in my car ‘you wanted me out of your sight and that’s where I’m going’ I said turning to face her ‘no you’re not, you need to take Josh to school’ she told me, I laughed sarcastically at her ‘no you can, maybe you can actually talk to your son’ I spat back to her, as I walked out the door slamming it shut. I walked over to the car and climbed in the passenger seat because Justin was in the driver’s seat, I wasn’t too bothered about him driving my car, and I trust him. We drove mainly in silence, I wasn’t really in the mood to talk so I didn’t I just stayed silent and I think Justin knew I didn’t want to talk so he didn’t say anything he just held my hand and rubbed his thumb against my knuckled comfortingly.

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