Chapter 52

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As we pulled up to my house, both me and Justin climbed out of the car as walked to my front door hand in hand. I placed the key in the door and opened the door ‘hello?’ I called out wondering if anybody is home. Justin shut the door behind him and walked up behind me pressing his body against mine and wrapping his hands around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder ‘in the living room sweetie’ my mum replied sounding extremely happy. I looked up at Justin and shrugged before walking with his hands still firmly wrapped around my waist and his body pressed firmly against mine, I love the way he just has to be in the same room as me and I feel protected and safe. I walked into the living room and wasn’t surprised when I saw William there, he basically lives here now ‘hey mum, hey William’ I said smiling and waving at them both although I may not like William he hasn’t done anything wrong to me so I have no reason to be a bitch to him ‘hello YN, oh Justin!’ my mum said happy as Justin detached his hands from my waist and walked over to her giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek ‘hi, I’m Justin’ he said sticking his hand out towards William ‘William’ he replied shaking his hand and nodded. I smiled to Justin as he returned to my side flinging his arm around my shoulder ‘I’m going to go pack for Canada’ I said excitedly as I ran out of the room with Justin following me laughing at me ‘you’re so cute when you’re excited’ Justin said poking my bum as I walked up the stairs ‘hey!’ I yelled at him and turned around stopping half way up the stairs ‘I’m not cute…I’m sexy’ I said followed by a wink before I sprinted up the stairs. As I got into my room I looked at Justin and laughed at his attempt to run ‘babe you need to pull up your trousers you can barely walk’ I said pointing at him and laughing, he walked closer to me pressing me lightly against the door ‘no’ he said simply before kissing the tip of my nose and walking away, flopping down on my bed ‘what’s the weather like in Canada?’ I asked him searching for my suitcase ‘usually cold, but it can be warm… ish’ he said shrugging ‘hmm okay’ I said throwing the suitcase down on the bed and un-zipping it ‘want me to help you pack?’ he asked me with a smirk smothered all over his face ‘I guess’ I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion ‘mmm’ he replied winking at me before walking over to my drawers and opening my underwear draw. Only him. ‘YOU’RE SUCH A PERV!’ I screeched in laughter ‘I think you should wear this’ he said holding up a thong and pinging it at me ‘no’ I said said shaking my head and walking over to him throwing it back in ‘why do I have such a perverted boyfriend?’ I asked wrapping my arms around his torso ‘mm I don’t know why do I have such a sexy girlfriend?’ he asked sliding his hands down my back sending shivers down my spine and slipping his hands into my back pockets ‘come on, I need to get packed and then get ready for tonight!’ I said unwrapping myself from him and walking back over to my wardrobe ‘yeah well after this I’m going to go home… get ready and then pick you up’ he said laying down on my bed ‘sounds good’ I turned around to face him and flashed him a smile before I went back to grabbing things from my wardrobe and throwing them into my suitcase. Trousers, tops, shorts, vests, jumpers, pyjama’s, bra, knickers! You name it, it went in my suitcase. After about an hour of packing I was finally done, usually it wouldn’t take me that long it’s just Justin was distracting me by complementing me, kissing my neck, picking me up and throwing me down on the bed and attacked me with kisses… not that I minded! ‘baby I need to go and get ready but I’ll see you in a few hours, okay?’ Justin asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I smiled and nodded ‘see you then’ I said leaning up on my tippy toes and pouting my lips, he kissed my lips softly before I giggled and dragged him downstairs ‘I love you’ he said and kissed my lips once again ‘I love you too’ I said laughing and kissing him once more before he disappeared out of the door. 

After only a few minutes of Justin being gone the door rung and I opened it to reveal all my makeup artists and hair stylists ‘hey guys!’ I said welcoming them in, I got a bunch of replies but they all said it at once so I didn’t know what they were saying. I pulled my phone and looked at the time… how 2 o’clock already! Justin’s picking me up at six! Four hours to get ready should be enough! I sat down in the chair and let the hair stylist do her thing ‘so who’s going tonight?’ she asked me ‘well me, my family, Justin, his family and crew, Miley and Liam, Demi, the Kardashian’s and Jenner’s and then I’m not sure of a lot of people that are going, I just left it all to Lacey!’ I said laughing ‘aww well I’m sure it’ll be amazing and you will look fabulous!’ she cooed brushing out the knots I my hair ‘I hope so!’ I said laughing. I was a little bit nervous for tonight because I was going to see Kendall and I haven’t seen her in so long and I don’t want anything to be awkward between us. After three hours I was finally done, I was wearing this (hair and makeup the same as in the picture:,r:0,s:0,i:68I looked over and saw Josh coming down the stairs looking so cute ‘JOSH!’ I yelled and pulled him into a hug ‘mum take a picture of us please?’ I asked I said handing her my phone ‘of course’ she said as she appeared walking out of the living wearing a black dress looking stunning. I stood with Josh as we both pulled a funny face, I looked at the picture and loved it! I then tweeted it saying ‘ready for tonight! #SHOELAUNCH!!!’ I laughed at the responses I got immediately but as always I got hate, but it’s something I just have to get over because I love Justin and he means so much to me and I am willing to take any amount of hate for him.

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