Chapter 2

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'YN sweetie wake up you have a photoshoot and you need to be on time!' my mum said sweetly as she woke me up. I was so tired we didn't get home from the TCA's last night. I rolled over and checked the time 6am, this is ridiculous!! I groaned as I climbed out of bed and walled sluggishy to the shower. after waking up from my shower I threw on some plain black leggings with a boyfriend fit jumper and vans. I let my hair fall naturally and knew that when i got to the photodiode they would change everything anyway so I didn't bother! I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys off the side table 'my mum' I shouted fairly quietly not wanting to wake anyone up. I got into my black range rover and drove away, the site that my shoot was at was about half an hour a way and we had to be there at 7 so I got there in plenty of time. I pulled up to some old broken, run down warehouse, I really dont think this is where I am supposed to be. I turned off the engine of my car and jumped out grabbing my bag and throwing the keys in I walked around but then I saw Lacey running towards me. Lacey is my manager 'hey lace!' I ames and H

hugged her 'hey you. so you know it's a forever 21 shoot ' she asked I just nodded in agreement 'you have a male model, and he is gprgeoussss' she sang, I just laughed as she pulled me towards the make up tent. Lacey is forever trying to set me up with someone although I am happily single. I reached the tent and as soon as I did I was being pulled in every direction, after I had my hair an make up done. a tall, mus leu, brown-haired handsome guy came walking towards me. 'YN right?

he asked me 'that's me!' I smiled widely 'Im Zack!' 'oh. it's good to meet you!' I said, Im guessing he wA the male model I was working with, I am not complaining because he is BEAUTIFUL!

the shoot was so much fun, and I loved the clothes I was wearing, as we were Ll walking off set Zack caught up with me 'hey, erm do you wanna go catch a move or something tomorrow?' 'I'd love that' I smiled widely 'can I have your number so I can text you aswell?' 'yeah.... here' I said handing his phone back with my number in. and with that I left and set off home. Zack is a nice boy, but I'm happy being single right now, but who knows. As I was driving home I noticed a few cars following me. I just shrugged it off, when I got home people out the car climbed out and took pictures off me 'YN! YN!' they were all shouting 'how does it feel to be voted teen hottie?' one asked 'is there anything going on with you and Justin bieber?' another asked. I just ignored all questions smiled and went into my house luckily we have gates so they couldn't get too close to my house. 'hey joshhhhy!' I said as I walked into the living room and ruffeled his hair 'oi!' o screamed as he tackled me to the floor 'JOSH! I'm older than you this isn't fair' I whined, he just laughed and got off me, how is it fair that my younger brother can beat me up? it isn't fair, that's how! I say down on the couch next to him as he turned on Ellen, oh how I love this women 'okay so, today we have Justin Bieber joined with us!' Ellen practically shouted above the screams of young girls. hmmm, I'll watch this interview I have nothing better to do!


today I have an Ellen interview. I usually don't like interviews they are just boring but I love Ellen she is just too funny 'hey kid, you know what to do, no swearing, be polite' scooter warned me 'I know man, don't worry!' I assured him 'okay so today we have Justin bieber with us!' Ellen said and screams erupted causing me to smile I love them, all my fans so much! I walked out and joined Ellen on the couches. 'hey Justin. how are you?' she asked pulling away from our hug 'Im good thanyou! and you?' 'I'm not bad!' I sat down on the couch 'the new album is pretty good well done!' 'thankyou, it took me a long tome to work on it and I'm very proud' 'you should be, it great!' 'thankyouu' I smiled 'so you are now single?' Ellen asked me changing the subject I knew this would hAppen, just suck it up Justin. 'I am indeed, and I'm really happy at the moment' 'I'm glad to here that, on the look out for a new Mrs Bieber?' I just laughed 'who knows' I said and winked at her causing her to laugh 'what about this beautiful girl?' she said as they showed a picture of me and YN at the TCA's last night I just laughed not really knowing what to say 'you both won the hottie awards am I right?' 'we did!' 'personally I should of won the hottie!' ellen said striking a pose 'just kidding, no she is beautiful, wow' 'yes she is beautiful!' I agreed. I wasn't lying she is beautiful. 'a potential couple?' Ellen asked me 'I mean I just met her like a minute ago before that picture but she is a lovely girl from what we spoke!' 'aww well we shall see aye?' 'we shalllll' I said, and the interview carried on like that it was a fun interview but they always are with Ellen. there was one thing stuck I'm my head, YN. there is just something about her that is almost pulling me towards her even though I barely know her. she is beautiful, but the thing is I don't know where she lives, her agent, i just don't know if I will ever see her again?


did I really just watch that right? he called me beautiful, one I'm shocked he remembers me, two he called beautiful. this doesnt happen every day, he seems sweet, maybe he isn't a player. but I'm not changing my mind on him yet. he needs to prove me wrong, that's if I ever even see him again. my thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating, I picked it up and of was a text from an un-known number it read 'hey it's Zack! so we still on for a movie tomorrow?xx' 'hey, and yeah that would be nice!xx' I sent back, he replied almost instantly 'great! I can pick you up around 1 if you want?xx' 'you don't have to! I can drive!xx' inreplied 'I want to!xx' I responded be is sweet 'oh well thankyou, see you tomorrow:)xx' he didn't reply so I just left my phone and got some food, I'm serious the amount of food I eat, I should be fat. as much as I was looking forward about going with Zack I couldn't stop thinking about Justin and I have any met him once, crazy.


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