Chapter 68

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I jumped off of stage overly happy, everything in my life was just being so great, I was so happy, I had everything I needed to be happy, so why wouldn't I be? I had everything plus more. I mean I had YN back and to be honest that's all I needed, YN. Like I say I could be broke and if I had YN with me everything would be perfect. She means everything to be, so much I can't even find the words to explain. Now usually I would never talk about my relationships on TV because I like to keep everything private, well as much as I can because living in the lights everyday never gives me much privacy but today for some reason I wanted to talk about her, I wanted everyone to know we were together and that I love her and just how much she means to me... Is that such a bad thing? As soon as the cameras were out of sight I dug in my pocket and grabbed my phone expecting to see that YN had text me back but I was severely disappointed when I saw that I had no new messages or no missed calls, does that mean that she didn't see my interview, but she always does? Wh-why wouldn't she watch this one especially after she said she would. She watches all my interviews and then texts me straight after, but why hasn't she text me back? I scrunched my eyebrows up wondering where she was and if she was okay. When things like this happen, I get all protective and panicky I just need to know that she is okay. So without a second thought I scrolled through my contacts until I saw 'YN' who's name immediately stuck out to me, I called her and held my phone tight against my ear, letting the repeating rings fly through my ear as I walked through the crowds of people to get to my dressing room 'hey, it's YN, I can't get to the phone so leave a message and I'll get back to you' her sweet voice rang through my ears but regardless of how sweet her voice was I was confused as to why she wasn't picking up, that is something she never does, she always picks up her phone, she always has it with her, so why now? The only time she doesn't have her phone with her is when she's on set for a photo shoot but she isn't at one because I asked her earlier.

I was getting stressed out to say the least, I know I shouldn't be getting stressed because we've been apart for like two hours now but I just worry about her more than I should, my mind just automatically goes to the worst case senerio and whatever that may be it freaks me out. 'Scooter can I go?' I asked running my hands through stressed out 'not yet, I need to talk to you' he said firmly 'okay shoot' I said sitting down on the couch in my dressing room 'where you planning on telling me that you're back together with YN?' He asked me raising his eyebrows 'it was like a day ago' I shrugged 'I don't think you're good together kid' he sighed shaking his head 'excuse me?' I scoffed, raising both my eyebrows 'when she was gone, you worked so hard, performing...' He trailed off 'but I was so unhappy!' I snapped back 'listen, all I'm saying is having an on, off relationship with YN is not good for your reputation' he told me pacing around the room 'who says we are 'on off' every couple has arguments! And is that all you care about now? My 'reputation'?!' I asked mocking him 'of course not, I can't believe you even think that!' He exclaimed sounding deeply offended but right now I don't give a fuck! See this is what happens to me when I start to worry I get snappy at other bit in my defence Scooter is being a dick right now. 'SEEMS THAT WAY' I shouted making Scooter groan and let his head fall back 'I'm not dealing with this' I muttered before grabbing my coat throwing it over my shoulder and stomping out of the room and out of the hall, I was ignoring everyone talking to me and calling my name, I just want to forget everything and go to see YN, so I jogged out to my car in the car park, climbed in and began to drive off to YN’s house which made me think, I did suggest to her about moving in together but I don’t think she thinks I am being serious when I say it although I am.


Mum is a total utter bitch. Why is she even doing this? She has no real reason, so I stomped off back to my room and slammed the door shut so loud the walls shook around me but in some ways I wanted it to be loud so that my mum knew just how angry I was at him. My mind instantly went to Justin, I can just picture his face when he saw I didn't text him back after his show just like I always do. I looked across my room and saw my laptop sitting there, mum probably didn't take it so I had some way to 'connect with the fans' and tweet at them. So I practically sprinted over to my laptop and launched myself onto the bed and switched it on, waiting in anticipation for the screen to light up and as soon as it did, my fingers were tapping away until I was logged into twitter I sent a tweet saying 'I'm eighteen and my mum still grounds me #notcool' I sighed hoping justin would see the sweet. As soon a I sent the tweet my mentions blew up most were about Justin, the usual things 'I love @justinbieber and @yourtwittername' 'still hate @yourtwittername' 'I like @yourtwittername but not with @justinbieber' the usual stuff and then there was people just asking me why I got grounded 'you're famous why are you grounded?!?' Someone asked 'I'm still a normal kid and as much as I wish I didn't have to, I have to listen to my mum:(' I replied, I tried to reply to as many as I could just to attempt to keep my mind occupied and not think of Justin. Time was ticking and I still didn't get a DM from Justin talking to me, please don't let him be annoyed at me! I only just got him back I really don't want to be arguing with him.

I was pulled away from twitter when I heard a knock at my door and Josh walk in 'hey bud' I smiled as he walked in and sat on the edge of my bed 'mum took your phone as well?' He asked 'yeah' I sighed 'why did she take it away from you?' I asked him 'apparently I'm failing in school which I have been for months' he said shaking his head 'oh and because I don't spend enough time with you and mum' he said almost laughing at how ridiculous she was being 'she said that to me as well!' I exclaimed 'but if she didn't spend so much time with William she might notice that we are both always here!' I said in annoyance 'hmmm' Josh said 'hey, where's Bell?' He asked 'downstairs why?' I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him 'let's take her for a walk get away from the wicked witch' he joked 'I'm grounded she literally will not let me within a meter of the door!' I exaggerated 'just do it, be a rebel' he said nudging me 'come on then' I said giving in, although it didn't take much persuading! 

We both jogged down the stairs and wondered into the living room where both mum and William were sitting watching TV with Bell in-between them ‘come on Bell’ I called as she excitedly jumped off of the couch and ran over to me as her little tail wagged from side to side making me giggle ‘er where do you think you’re going?’ my mum asked rudely ‘to take Bell for a walk, and don’t tell me I am not allowed because she’s a dog and needs to be walked’ I smiled sarcastically before walking over to the closet where Bell’s collar and lead were hung up. I grabbed them and began to put them on Bell ‘do not be so disrespectful’ she hissed at me ‘don’t be such a bitch then’ I hissed back before walking to the front door where Josh was already standing I don’t get how he is also grounded yet he isn’t getting told off, and I am? That’s not fair. ‘Walk out that door and you’re never getting your phone back’ she said expecting me to actually care ‘I’ll just buy a new one’ I said shrugging not looking back ‘and you won’t be able to see Justin’ she said firmly making me snap my head towards her ‘trying to use that one again?’ I laughed sarcastically ‘once again, you can’t tell me who I can and can’t see’ I told her ‘try me’ she dared ‘oh yeah, try me because I’m still going to be seeing Justin’ I said before walking out the door and slamming it shut, honestly I feel a little bit sorry for William he must think that we are all a load of argumentative bitches. ‘Ouch’ Josh said laughing as we walked out of the house ‘tell me about it’ I muttered as I sighed ‘she’s so horrible lately’ he said furrowing his eyebrows at me ‘tell me about it, maybe it’s just- oh I don’t even know!’ said as we continued to walk ‘I don’t get why she is being like this though’ Josh sighed ‘neither do I’ I told him followed by –once again- another sigh.


When I pulled up to YN’s house I climbed out of my car and jogged over to the front door, I knocked in anticipation just wishing I knew if she was here. Karen then answered the door and her smile faded as soon as she saw my face and I have to admit it did hurt, I mean what boyfriend wants there girlfriends mum to hate them? None. ‘H-Hi Karen, er is YN in?’ I asked politely ‘no’ she replied rudely ‘oh’ I said in confusion ‘do you know where she is?’ i asked hoping for an answer ‘no, now please can you leave’ she spat making me totally and utterly confused. I don’t even know the reason why she hates me ‘oh er-yeah sure’ I said quietly ‘but when YN comes back can you tell her I was here?’ I asked ‘yes’ was all she replied although I had a feeling she wasn’t going to. Karen then slammed the door shut in my face which just made me hurt a little inside, when everything was finally going right for me something had to go wrong. I shook my head just wondering where YN was, and if she was okay, but was worrying me the most was she wasn’t answering any of my calls, texts. I just shook my head before heading back to my car searching my brain for the answer.

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