Chapter 137

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(sorry for skipping but I just don't want this story to get boring so hopefully by skipping a bit it cuts the boring chapters out)

1st March 2015

Over these past seven months my life has been great, ever since my wedding day things have been nothing but pure bliss.

I've been working hard as usual as has Justin, I go to work most days, whilst Justin will either be in the studio recording a new song, or at home writing new songs or writing songs for other people. Justin still hasn't finished his album, he says he doesn't want to rush it and wants it to be perfect. He has been asked to do so many more song writing for other artists, which both me and Justin think is a great privilege because it means people love Justin's songs and love his lyrics, everyone is truly respecting him and his music.

Our lives have got easier within terms of paparazzi and fans following us, Justin hasn't lost fans, if anything he's gained a couple more million I guess as Justin has grown up, so have his fans, so me and Justin can go out in public more often now without having to stress and worry that we are at risk of getting mobbed. Of course we still get asked for pictures, rumors speculate and paparazzi follow us, but I guess now it is just much more calm and controlled rather than crazy and wild.

Justin's fame has grown even more- even though I thought it wasn't possible! He gets asked to duet with so many people which he takes the offer up upon that's what he's been doing lately until his album is ready, but he's taking his time not rushing.

Me and Justin, truth be told we haven't argued since our wedding, of course we've had disagreements and bicker but nothing like an argument, you could say that me and Justin are still well and truly in that honey moon stage, more loved up than ever.

And today just so happens to be mine and Justin's twenty first birthday, the day that I'm coming of birth control, the day I become a true adult, the day I can drink alcohol. I've been waiting for this day for a lot of reasons, and so has Justin.

Justin's been waiting this day for a long time and although he won't admit it I know he is excited for me to come off birth control because he's constantly been dropping little hints about children and just little things like that, its cute really.


Waking up from the vibrating of my phone on the bedside cabinet next to me. My eyes flew open as I sat up in shock, grabbing my phone off of the side, I accepted the call without checking who was calling and pressed it to my ear.

'Hello' I groaned groggy into the phone 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' I heard a female voice screech into the phone. Pulling the phone away from my ear I checked the caller ID; Lacey.

'Thanks' I mumbled into the phone as Justin shuffled beside me, placing his hand underneath my shirt resting them on my stomach 'baby, what are you doing?' Justin grumbled 'Lacey called me, just go back to sleep' I told him quietly before he nodded allowing me to focus back onto the conversation with Lacey.

'Lacey, I don't mean to be rude or anything but why are you calling me? I wanted a lay in' I sighed 'I know and you're going to hate me but I need you to come over, you have a radio interview and I thought it was next week but its not and I swear I wouldn't have booked it for today if I knew' she rushed out earning a frustrated sigh from me 'can't I just do it here?' I asked her yawning 'no, you know you can't use your phone what if they give out your details? You have to use your publicity phone' she explained 'when do I need to be there?' I growled annoyed the fact that I had to work on my birthday 'can you be at mine in about an hour?' She asked 'fine' I muttered before hanging up. Not the best way to start my birthday.

Slamming my phone back down on the bedside table I groaned to myself as I felt Justin wrap both his arms around me and pull me back down onto the bed 'baby go back to sleep' Justin murmured into the crook of my neck 'I can't, I need to go' I sighed.

Justin immediately pulled away from me and opened his eyes looking at me with pure confusion 'what? Why?' He asked 'Lacey booked me a radio interview' I growled 'just don't go, its our birthday and I want to spend time with you' he mumbled, clinging on to me like a little child 'I'll be a few hours I promise then we have our party later' I smiled softly running a hand through his hair 'I guess' he mumbled 'I'm sorry' I whispered as I kissed his cheek and climbed out of bed before walking back into the shower.

Stepping out of the bathroom I clutched onto the towel making sure it didn't fall down as I wondered back into the bedroom, looking over at Justin, I saw he was peacefully asleep, his messy hair spiked in different directions as his lips were slightly parted making him look adorable I couldn't help but take a picture and upload it onto twitter with the caption 'nice look Justin'.

That's another thing that's changed over the few months as well, everyone has accepted our marriage and that we do love each other. Therefore people don't mind as much if we post pictures of us together anymore.

Slipping into my OUTFIT: i realized that I should be at Lacey's by now, oh well. Shrugging lightly I walked over to Justin and kissed his cheek 'happy birthday, I love you and I promise I'll be back before one' I whispered placing another kissing on his cheek before straightening my self out and grabbing on my bag, turning on my heels and walking out although a voice stopped me 'happy birthday to you to and I love you more' Justin groggily muffled as I giggled and continued out of the house.


'Right now everyone we have the beautiful Mrs YN Bieber on the line with us' the radio DJ introduced 'hey' I giggled 'so how are you?' He asked 'I'm good thanks, you?' I asked 'not bad, now a little birdy tells me that you're 21 today' 'I am yes' I giggled 'well happy birthday! How you celebrating your day?' He chirped 'I will be seeing some friends and family' I smiled even though he couldn't see 'and will your husband be joining you? Its his birthday as well, right?' He asked 'he will be joining me and yes its his birthday as well' I giggled.

'Aww! And how is Mr Bieber?' 'He's good, still sleeping when I left him' I giggled 'awww' the DJ chuckled 'any big projects coming up then YN?' 'No not at the moment actually, er- I've been working hard so I have a few days off and I'm just doing a few photo shoots here and there' I explained 'well we wish you all the best and one that thing? Since its your birthday, we'll let you choose the next song' he chuckled 'oh thank you for having me and hmmm, can I have As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber please?' I asked innocently earning a laugh from both Lacey and the DJ 'you sure can, have a good day YN' 'you too' I smiled before hanging up.

Placing the phone on the side I turned to Lacey 'thanks for that' she smiled 'welcome but can I go home?' I asked her 'yes you can' she smiled 'I'll see you at your party later, happy birthday again' she smiled as she gave me one last hug before I walked out of her house.


As soon as I got home I knew Justin wouldn't be in the best mood with me because I said I'd be home before one and now it was almost three. Which means he spent a lot of the day on his own.

'Justin, I'm home' I called out as I placed my keys on the side and walked through to the kitchen only to see the table laid out with candles and Pizza boxes on the table, he never was one for cooking, but this was adorable and I ruined it because I had to work.

'I'm sorry I'm late' I mumbled as I walked over to him, placing my self down on his lap as he looked away from me 'please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry' I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with the ends of his hair.

'I love you' I said innocently, I've decided I'm going to sweet talk my way around him 'love you too' he mumbled still not looking at me 'and I'm really sorry that I missed the food but I promise I'll make it up to you' I bargained 'or I can make it up to you right now' I whispered as I bit my lip before trailing kisses up and down his neck.

'That's it' Justin said standing up and throwing me over his shoulder 'you can make this up to me right now' he smirked as staircase earning a laugh from me.

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