Chapter 43

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‘I want you out of my house’ my mum said simply just staring at me, not raising her voice. Nothing, but that’s when my anger really set in. ‘YOUR HOUSE?! YOUR FUCKING HOUSE?! ARE YOU KIDDING I PAID FOR IT, ME, NOT YOU… ME! SO THAT MAKES IT MY HOUSE, NOT YOURS SO NO I WON’T FUCKING LEAVE!’ I screamed at the top of my voice I was fuming to say the least ‘this is my house’ ‘GET IT INTO YOUR THICK HEAD THAT I PAID FOR IT! I’M THE ONE WHO BRINGS IN THE MONEY TO PAY FOR EVEYTHING, FOOD, WATER, HEATING, A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS! ME, ALL OF THIS IS FROM ME!’ I yelled pointing to random objects around the room that had been bought with my money ‘I WORK HARD FOR ALL OF THIS!’ mum yelled back at me ‘NO YOU DON’T YOU HAVEN’T EVEN BEEN TO WORK IN THE PAST WEEK, YOU WORK FOR ME ARE YOU FORGETTING THAT?!’ I screamed back at her ‘HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME!’ she screamed raising her voice even more ‘get out of MY house’ I said sternly and walked away from her, if she thinks I’m moving out of a house that I paid for she has another thing coming. I stormed up to my room and slammed the door shut I didn’t want to talk to anyone, see anyone… not even Justin. I lay down on my bed just staring up at the ceiling I was lost, confused. What was going on with my mum? She has never done this before, what is so important that she has to keep a secret from us and basically neglect us? Actually I’m not even sure I want to know all I want right now is for her to be out of my life at least for a little just so I can get my head around things.

My bedroom door then opened and I snapped my head towards the door and saw my mum standing there with regret written all over her face with her suitcases packed, I didn’t think she would actually go. But she needs to, she needs to see that I am serious about this, about everything, I’m not just some irresponsible child anymore and I am not going to let anyone walk all over me ‘I’m going’ she said her voice just above a whisper she was trying to get under my skin and trying to make me feel bad and I do feel bad but I can’t show that ‘good’ I shrugged not looking at her and walking over to the window ledge and sitting down on it staring out the window ‘is this it?’ she asked in dis-belief ‘what do you expect mum? You tried to kick me out of my own house that I paid for so if you want to be away from me so bad that you should be the one leaving not me’ I said not breaking my view away from my window, I was staring out watching the clouds slowly move slowly forming deeper darker black clouds suggesting that it’s going to rain, as the wind picked up and blew through the trees making few leaves fall off and get carried away in the wind ‘I’ll call you in a few days okay? Josh wants to er stay with you so you know what to do’ she said quietly and sighed, I nodded still not breaking my gaze away from the window… where was she going to stay? Who was she going to stay with? Was she leaving for a long time? Were all questions that flew into my mind but I shook it off as soon as I heard the front door shut telling me she now left, I was glad but also a little bit gutted she was my mum and had I really just got into such a serious argument with her that she left? Well I told her to leave, but I didn’t actually think she would leave. No. wait. Space from her should be good all we seem to be doing at the moment is arguing.

I climbed off of the window ledge and wondered into Josh’s room ‘hey bud’ I said walking in as soon as he saw me he turned his music off that I’m guessing he had on so loudly to block out me and mum arguing ‘hey’ he mumbled ‘you alright?’ I asked ‘yeah’ he mumbled again, I know he’s lying ‘no you’re not’ I said sighing and sitting down on his bed ‘how long is she gone for?’ he asked not looking at me ‘I don’t know but maybe it’s good, she’s not telling us something and she’s being a bitch’ I said raising my voice slightly remembering everything ‘she’s out mum though’ he sighed ‘you don’t think I know that Josh? It’s just that recently she hasn’t been acting like a very good mum’ I told him ‘what if she doesn’t come back? Then we’ll have nobody left, dad’s gone now mum too, all because of YOU!’ Josh told me emphasising that it was my fault she left ‘so you think that I should have left not her?’ I asked him shocked ‘yeah maybe, I don’t know’ he mumbled I didn’t even reply I just walked back out of his room and back into mine, slamming the door shut as I walked in. I wasn’t going to stay here if I wasn’t wanted I picked up my phone and text my mum saying ‘you win I’ll leave Josh wants you home I’ll be out in an hour’ I sent it and threw as many clothes as I could into a big bag I didn’t know how long I would be gone or where I would be staying for that matter but I didn’t care I just wanted to get out of here.

I grabbed my bag with my phone, car keys and purse in and grabbed my other bigger bag containing my clothes I grabbed everything and walked out unlocking my car throwing everything onto the passenger seat, I pulled out my phone and looked through the contacts… see in any situation like this I would go to Kendall without a doubt but I haven’t spoken to her in a long while, since the whole Zack situation, we haven’t spoken in months and to just ask her suddenly would be awkward and not good so I didn’t even think about going there I doubt she would want to see me anyway, she told me we were friends again but I know that’s not true because she made no effort to speak to me… so why should I make any effort with her? I can’t ask Demi to stay with her for a bit she’s working on X-Factor, I continued to scroll through my phone contacts wondering who to call… I can’t Justin about this but then I reached Miley, we have always been good friends and she said if ever need anything to call her… But this is a lot to ask for, I sucked it up and called her as I sat in my car that was still parked in the driveway ‘hey YN!’ Miley beamed through the phone ‘hey Miley!’ I sighed ‘are you okay?’ she asked sounding concerned ‘erm not really look say no if you want because this is a huge favour to ask but do you think I could stay with you for a couple of days?’ I asked trying not to sound like I was begging but I was desperate ‘of course hun! Liam is filming a movie at the moment so I’m all alone’ she giggled ‘thank you so much! You’re a life saver!’ I sighed in relief ‘you’re always welcome’ ‘thank you so much’ I said right before I hung up, I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to stay in a hotel I hate staying in hotel’s by myself I just always feel so lonely.

It’s around nine in the evening now and I had just arrived at Miley's house it was so big so lovely. i walked up to the front door and knocked lightly on the door moments later she opened the door and smiled wide when she saw me ‘come in come in!’ she said dragging me in, it always amazed me how amazing she looked no matter what she was wearing, she was only in sweats and a top but I still envied her and wish I looked like her.

‘so what happened?’ Miley asked as she joined me on the couch with a cup of tea ‘I had a massive argument with my mum and she told me to get out of her house and I said no because technically it’s my house because I paid for it and then she went like ape shit and left, but then Josh –my little brother- blamed me for it all and was like I don’t want mum to leave so I left, and she came back’ I said all in one breathe, holding back my tears ‘oh hun I’m so sorry you can stay here as long as you like’ she said giving me a hug, and let’s just when I broke down in tears uncontrollably, I was sobbing and gasping for breath ‘a-and Justin’s n-n-not here and h-h-he’s on-ly b-been g-gone a day and i-i-I mi-ss him so much al-al-already’ I said in-between sobs ‘shhh shhh, it’s okay YN don’t worry’ she said giving me a tight warm comforting hug ‘th-thank you’ I said as I forced myself to stop crying ‘I’ll go make some food, stay here watch tv, make yourself at home’ she said smiling widely at me ‘thank you so much’ I whispered and she disappeared. I needed to call Justin, I need to hear his voice I need to hear him tell me that everything is going to be okay, do without any thought or hesitation I picked up my phone and called him, In the first two rings he picked up ‘baby’ she sighed happily into the phone ‘h-hi’ I said sinking my teeth into my lip to stop me from crying ‘YN, baby, baby why are you crying?’ Justin said his voice in total panic ‘n-no I’m fine’ I lied ‘baby do you need me to come back? I can come back tonight?!’ he said once again his voice was in a total state of panic ‘no Justin don’t’ I said straight without crying I wasn’t going to let him come home ‘what’s happened?’ he said sounding sad almost as if he wanted to come home… ‘just me and my mum arguing and basically she kicked me out-‘ I began but was interrupted by Justin going crazy again ‘what?!? Oh gosh?! I need to be there! Where are you?! Are you okay?!go to my mum’s house and get my spare key, go stay as long as you need baby please I love you baby’ he said really really fast I couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness and cuteness ‘baby I’m fine, I’m at Miley’s and she said I can stay as long as I need to’ I said still giggling from his sweetness ‘okay just so you know if you want to stay at mine feel free for as long as you want, keep that big empty house company’ he said and chuckled a little bit ‘thank you’ I mumbled ‘it’s okay baby, I love you so much, but I have to go Scooter wants me to go and see fans for a bit, I’ll call you when I can, I love you’ he promised ‘okay have fun, I love you too!’ I said before he hung up

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