Chapter 170

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Hearing the wails of a baby, my baby to be specific, I let out a loud breathe of relief, it was over, I had given birth, and yet I had just experienced the most excruciating pain for almost four hours... I was done, it was over, and thank the lord because I couldn't have carried on with that for much longer.

"you did it baby, I'm so so so proud of you" Justin whispered as he pressed his forehead to my temple and let out a small sigh of relief "I love you baby" he whispered in my ear as I nodded my head, telling him i love him to, not physically, because I really didn't have the energy.

"w-wait where are you going?" I asked widening my eyes as the sissies began to walk out of the room "what's wrong? is he okay?" I panicked, my mother insticts coming out "no, everything is perfectly well, we're just going to clean him off, wrap him up in a blanket and then bring him back" she smiled as I let out a sigh of relief "oh, okay, thank you" I smiled weakly, the midwife merely nodded before walking out of the door carrying my baby in her arms.

"can I get changed?" I mumbled, fighting to keep my eyes open "of course Mrs Bieber, we will just leave you in here for a moment" the doctor smiled as the rest of the staff walked out of the room.

"Justin, can you grab my clothes for me?" I asked him sweetly "of course I can baby" he smiled as he jogged across the room and handed me my clothes, well Justin's clothes, I pulled out a pair of sweats and an oversize jumper, assuming these are for me

"I couldnt fond any clothes you'd want to wear so I just grabbed some of mine, sorry" Justin murmured from behind me "don't be sorry, I prefer your clothes anyway" I shrugged as I shimmied on the clothes before climbing back into bed.

"can you lay with me?" I asked, Justin smiled and nodded, shuffling up I made enough room for Justin to lie down.

"hey Justin. can you promise me something?" I whispered "anything" he whispered back "now Dylan is here, we're stil going to find time for eachother, for moments like this" I muttered "of course baby, this isn't going to change" he whispered in my ear before the door opened to reveal out midwife carrying our baby boy in a light blue blanket.

my whole face lot up upon seeing him, his eyes still closed as his body curled into the blanket, I was smiling beyond anything, I was just so happy.

"any names?" the midwife asked quietly as I sat up in bed, Justin by my side as she handed him to me, as I cradled him in my arms, admiring his face.

"yeah, Dylan" I smiled as I looked up and smiled at Justin who ha tears building up in his eyes "aww, well I'm just going to leave you two, we will allow your baby to stay in here for the night in a cot, so if you need anything please, just let us know" she smiled before exiting the room once again, leaving me, Justin and Dylan, our family.

"he looks like you" I whispered as j stared at his Rose bud lips, that he definitely inherited from his father and his button nose, similar to mine, although he looked like a mini Justin.

"you think?" Justin whispered as he sniffled a little, now crying lightly as he placed his head on my shoulder "yeah" I nodded my head as I turned to look at him "I love you so much" I bit my lips "I love you to baby" he smiled through the tears, happy tears.

"and I love you too" I whispered as I leaned down and kissed Dylan's forehead making him move slightly in my grasp before laying still again.

"both me and mummy love you" Justin whispered as he ran his finger across Dylan's small plump cheek.

"should I get the others?" Justin asked "no, I will, you stay with Dylan, I need to stretch" I smiled sheepishly as I gently passed Dylan to Justin, who was still crying, he nodded his head and cradled Dylan in his arms, staring down at him in nothing bit love and protection.

I smiled to myself as I waddled out of the room, still feeling sore, but the nurse did tell me it's good to move a little, eases the pain apparently.

I opened the door gently until both my mum's and Pattie's head snapped into my direction, both of them smile wide an stood up to give me both light mothering hugs.

"how are you feeling?" they both asked as they both asked at the same time, making me giggle "I'm okay" I shrugged "just super tired" I yawned "but you guys can come in and see Dylan" I smiled at them as they both nodded eagerly.

opening the door once again, I walked in first as I stared at Justin who was lightly rocking Dylan back and forth in his arms, as he whispered in-audible words to him.

upon hearing the door open, Justin lifted his head and smiled at us all softly, lifting one hand away from Dylan and wiping his tears away, although at this point, both mum and Pattie were sobbing.

Justin nodded his head telling me to come over, so doing as I was told I walked back over and climbed under the covers with Justin as he placed Dylan in both of our arms, smiling at me softly.

"he's beautiful" Mum gasped as she rushed over to our side excitedly "he looks jus like you Justin" Pattie added "like a spitting image of you when you were born, wow" Pattie sobbed even more "imagine if he grows up like him" I scoffed playfully earning laughs from everyone in the room.

"you want to hold him?" I asked mum as she bit her lip, nodding her head, I smiled and passed a currently sleeping Dylan to her, she stopped her tears as she rocked him back and forth smiling.

"Justin, Scooter has been calling me, wondering if she has given birth yet? she saw pictures of you two rushing here, maybe you should call him, he seemed resolve excited" Pattie smiled, briefly taking her eyes off of Dylan before looking back at him, smiling down at him in my mums arms.

"okay" he nodded, pulling out his phone and risking Scooters number. Justin slithered his arm around my waist as he kissed my temple waiting for Scooter to answer.

"Justin?! how is she?! is everything okay?!" Justin's loud voice rang through the phone "yes everything is good, perfect in fact, he looks just like me" Justin beamed "no way!" Scooter replied "yeah, you should come up here to see him" he replied smoothly "I'll be there in a bit!" Scooter replied before hanging up, as if he was waiting for the invite down here.

"maybe you should tweet, I could only imagine everyone is going crazy" I giggled into Justin's tweet as he nodded before writing a tweet.

"yes, YN has just given birth, to a beautiful baby boy, thank you for all the kind words!!" Justin tweeted before logging off and placing his phone down on the side.

"can you believe he is ours?" Justin whispered "no, it just doesn't seem real" I shook my head "he is finally here though" I sighed happily followed by another yawn.

"why don't you go to sleep gorgeous" Justin suggested "I don't want to sleep, not yet anyway" I shook my head, almost scared to to asleep because if I did I would miss everything.

"come on baby, we'll be here when you wake up, promise" he smiled, but still I refused, I didn't want to miss a single thing.

"I can see you are about to fall asleep, so why don't you?" he asked, chuckling small "because, I want to watch Dylan" I yawned making him laugh.

"hey mum, can I have Dylan?" Justin asked looking at Pattie smiling, Pattie nodded as she handed Dylan go Justin who laid back, resting Dylan on his chest as he motioned for me to lay down as well.

"look what you're doing to your mummy and you only just got here" Justin whispered to Dylan as he placed a little kiss on his forehead, Dylan remained asleep as Justin rubbed his hand lightly up and down his back "now will you go to sleep, your son is doing the same" Justin asked "fine" I gave in, although I wasn't putting up much of a fight in the first place.

"night Dylan, I love you, and night Justin, I love you" I smiled as I shut my eyes.

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