Chapter 18

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last night i spent the night watching girly romance films in bed and stuffing my face with all sorts of junk food you could imagine.. chocolate, sweets, crisps, cakes, EVERYTHING! i am going to need to go for a run to work all that off.

i was happily asleep curled up in a ball in my head when i felt the bed sink lower meaning some one had climbed into bed with me and honestly i am just to tired to even open my eyes to see who it is but i felt warm hands run up my shirt and pull me towards them. right then and there i knew it was Justin i could tell by his scent and when i was in his arms i forgot everything and i wasn't angry anymore i just wanted everything to be perfect again. i suddenly remembered that i was asleep in what i call pajama's which for me is just an over sized shirt. Justin run his hands up my top and drew shapes, numbers, letters, words everything but i was still half asleep with my eyes shut. i intertwined our legs and he wrapped his legs around mine and i could tell that he was wearing sweats as the material rubbed against my bare legs i wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my hands up his shirt resting on his bare back. 

i slowly fluttered my eyes open and looked up to him 'morning' i whispered 'morning baby' he said and kissed my forehead 'i'm sorry' he said 'it's fine i just want to forget it' i mumbled against kiss skin as i kissed his bare chest that was exposed from his low cut v-neck 'how did i get you?' Justin asked softly 'what do you mean?' i asked as i adjusted myself so i could look at his face 'i mean you're just amazing you like me for me not the fame or money and in this world it's hard to find. and on top of that you are THE most beautiful person in the whole world' he said as he looked into my eyes, i just blushed 'thanks' i said as i blushed i never know what to say when some one complements me i just always blush 'i-i er brought you some flowers' Justin said with a crocked smile as he pointed to the gigantic bunch of red roses set down on my dressing table. i jumped out of bed and walked over to them 'they're gorgeous, but why?' i asked as i looked at them and smelt them 'because i wanted to make it up to you, and er baby why don't you have trousers on?' Justin asked with a laugh 'oh my god!' i said as i ran back over to my bed and jumped under the covers trying to hide myself, although i had underwear on it is still embarrassing 'not that i mind...' Justin trailed off 'it's just a little odd' he said 'i never do i always just wear a big top, and how was i to know that you would appear at my house!' i said in my defense 'it's cool baby you have a nice ass' he said as he squeezed my bum and pulled me closer to his body, this boy i swear.

'what are you doing today?' Justin asked 'nothing, you?' i asked 'spending the day with you' he said as he kissed the tip of my nose 'who said i wanna spend the day with you?' i asked with a smirk 'you. don't. have. a. choice.' he told me in-between kisses 'fine' i said and sighed jokingly. i rolled out of bed so i could get to my phone, i had a missed call from both Lacey and Kendall i haven't spoken to Kendall since 3 weeks ago when i left her house quickly after that slight argument with Zack, i decided to call Lacey back first.. her bring my manager and all 'hello' i called as she answered the phone 'morning sleepy head' she said 'morning' i moaned, i put my phone on loudspeaker so i could lay down on the floor, only Justin came and sat down on me, straddling my waist and kissing me all over my face as she was talking to me 'so you have been asked to do a charity cat walk in 3 days, it's in LA so you don't need to travel in fact you don't need to worry about anything, just be there i will tell you where and you get five tickets to give to people' Lacey told me 'okay, sounds fun!' i said 'great i gotta run, catch ya later!' she said and quickly hung up..hmm how strange but either way i was excited for the charity cat walk it sounds fun 'i wanna come!' Justin yelled bouncing up and done on my stomach 'ouch!' i yelled out 'shit sorry baby' Justin said and as he climbed off me and laid down next to me 'can i come? i wanna see you do you thing!' Justin sang happily as he kissed my cheek sloppily 'yes you can come! and you can invite your mum and scooter or someone because i only have my mum and Josh' i said and laughed a little 'you sure?' he asked 'sure' i said and smiled 'i love you' he said and both our bodies froze it was like the words just poured out of his mouth uncontrollably.

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