Chapter 85

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I walked out of the set with my mind set on one thing, I was going to go and see my mum, I hate not speaking to her and I need to stick with my family because they have been there with me through everything and I can’t give up on them. I know that my mum being pregnant isn’t exactly something I asked for but I need to be there for my mum and Josh, I haven’t seen either of them in so long! ‘Lace I think I’m going to go and see my mum’ I mumbled as I picked my stuff up from the dressing room ‘I think you should, she was texting me like every day that you were away asking if I knew how you were’ she admitted ‘I feel bad’ I sighed ‘don’t’ Lacey said ‘your reaction was only normal and you needed some time to calm down’ she added ‘I guess’ I sighed once again ‘I’ll see you… whenever’ I laughed as I threw on my leather jacket and walked out of the back entrance of the studio because apparently there were loads of people outside so it would be easier to go out the back. Stepping out of the studio I let the cold autumn air hit my bare legs making goose bumps immediately rise to the surface of my skin, as soon as the door open flashes stung my eyes as people took pictures of me, I smiled at the people waiting for me and took pictures with as many people as I could, I still don’t know why people want to take pictures with me I mean I still don’t class myself as famous I’m only a model, but whatever. I smiled and waved at them all before heading over to my car only to see a figure standing there leaning against my car… er what? I squinted my eyes in attempt to try and see who the person was, I was hoping and praying that it would be Justin but I knew for a fact it wasn’t because of two reasons one: Justin is performing right now and two: Justin would never wear those jeans. I giggled to myself just at the thought of Justin but instantly stopped myself as I approached the person leaning against my car, I was only a few meters away when I saw who it was, what was he doing here? why was he here? how did he know I was here?!

‘What are you doing here Jamie?’ I asked rolling my eyes as I stood in front of him ‘I want to talk to you’ he mumbled ‘I don’t really want to talk to you to be honest’ I sighed, I have been so bitter towards Jamie ever since me and Justin broke up because still to this day I think that it is partly Jamie’s fault because he was the one texting me every day telling me he loved me and then Justin saw the texts and got angry, so I have been doing everything in my possible human life to avoid him –not answer calls, texts, twitter, letters- and it has worked, until now that it. But I must say him being here leaning against my car is slightly stalker-ish ‘I love you!’ he raised his voice unexpectedly ‘Jamie please get off my car’ I gritted through my teeth ‘tell me you love me back and then I’ll leave you alone because I know you do’ he said taking a step towards me, which I instantly took a step back ‘I don’t love you, in fact right now I hate you’ I spat quickly walking over to my side and jumping in my car only for him to stand in front of the car not allowing me to move anywhere ‘tell me you love me’ he demanded ‘no’ I shrugged opening my car window ‘can we just talk?’ he begged ‘fine’ I mumbled ‘get in’ I said winding up my window, Jamie walked around to the passenger seat of my car but as soon as he moved out of the way, I sped off. Did he really think I was going to talk to him? Is he stupid? I got back onto the main road and my phone began to ring in my bag, I quickly dug around for it as I reached a red light. I pulled it out and saw Justin was calling me, I picked up, put it on loud speaker before starting to drive ‘hey!’ I chirped through the phone ‘hey baby’ Justin said ‘how was your show?’ I asked ‘good, but I wish you were here’ he muttered ‘I wish I was there too’ I sighed ‘how was your interview?’ he yawned ‘good’ I smiled ‘go to bed you sound tired’ I told him ‘no, I’ll go in a bit I just want to talk to you’ he said firmly ‘okay’ I giggled ‘I need to tell you something’ I sighed ‘what?’ he asked eagerly, I decided it would be best to tell him about Jamie because if somebody had caught a picture of me and Jamie together he would have got annoyed so it is probably best for me just to tell him now ‘I walked out of the studio and Jamie was leaning on my car’ I muttered ‘Jamie?’ he questioned ‘yeah, you know the one who used to text me’ I re-jogged my memory ‘what did that prick want?’ Justin spat down the phone now sounding fully awake ‘I wanted to know the same thing’ I sighed ‘he said he just wanted to talk and shit so I agreed but then drove off just because he would leave me alone’ I muttered ‘can’t he find some other girl to terrorise?’ Justin asked sounding angry ‘it’s fine, I just ignored him’ I promised ‘good’ he sighed ‘and I’m going to go and see my mum’ I told him ‘I’m glad baby’ Justin mumbled ‘I’m just about to pull up so I’ll text you or call you later, but go to sleep!’ I told him in a motherly tone ‘yes mum’ he yawned once again ‘I love you baby’ he said sheepishly ‘I love you too’ I giggled and hung up and just as I did I pulled up to my old house, feels like forever since I have been here, and I’m nervous.

I jumped out of the car and straightened out my dress (outfit if you don’t remember it: ) before taking a big breathe in and heading to the big brown wooden front door, my hands were all clammy and I was nervous for many reasons. I brought my shaky hands up to the door and knocked on it waiting anxiously for it to be opened. Within moments it did to reveal my little brother ‘hey kid’ I smiled giving him a big hug ‘YN’ he said excitedly giving me a massive hug ‘what are you doing here?’ he asked pulling out of our hug ‘I came to see mum… and you’ I smiled walking into my old house letting the warmth hit my legs ‘oh, she’s in’ he smiled weakly ‘who’s at the door J- YN?’ mum asked as she stepped down the stairs ‘hey’ I muttered looking down, Josh took that as his cue to leave leaving me and mum just standing there awkwardly, she was bigger now, you could see this small bump forming on her stomach ‘w-what are you doing here?’ she questioned stepping down from the stairs ‘I wanted to talk’ I admitted ‘oh’ she said and looked up at me ‘do you want a drink?’ she asked me as I shook my head and followed her into the kitchen, nothing had changed her, and in some way I was glad it hadn’t ‘how have you been?’ I asked sitting down on the small red couch in the kitchen ‘I’ve been better’ she said referring to her pregnancy ‘William left when I told him’ she scoffed ‘I’m sorry’ I furrowed my eyebrows, how could he leave her when she needs him at the most, but then again when I think about it that’s what I did. And that breaks my heart just to think about ‘don’t be’ she sighed sitting down on the bar stool in front of me ‘how have you been?’ she asked me ‘I’ve been good I guess busy. But I went on tour with Justin so that’s always good’ I said nodding my head ‘I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself’ she smiled weakly ‘yeah’ I sighed ‘how’s Justin?’ she asked me ‘he’s good, working hard as always’ I laughed awkwardly and for what seemed like hours we sat in silence just looking at each other both of us were unsure as to what to say until we both spoke up, I stopped and nodded my head telling her to talk first ‘what are you doing here?’ she asked trying not to sound rude ‘I want to apologise’ I said in honestly ‘I shouldn’t have walked out, I guess I was just shocked and didn’t know how to react but I know now that I way I did react was the worst way, so I’m sorry’ I mumbled ‘oh sweetie you know I was never mad at you, if anything I was mad at myself’ she said coming over and giving me a hug making tears slowly fall from my eyes ‘I shouldn’t have done it though, I shouldn’t have left’ I sobbed into her shoulder ‘it doesn’t matter’ she said shaking her head ‘we’ll be fine’ she comforted me ‘I missed you’ she said tears brimming her eyes ‘I missed you too’ I muttered sighing once again ‘let’s not cry’ she said wiping away her tears and standing up quickly ‘everything is all good now’ she smiled as I nodded, I didn’t expect her to forgive me so easily but I wasn’t going to complain ‘does this mean you’re moving back in?’ she asked hopeful ‘no’ I shook my head ‘I was going to move in with Justin anyway’ I shrugged ‘oh’ she said ‘you’re pretty serious then?’ she questioned ‘yeah’ I nodded without any hesitation ‘I’m glad you found love sweetie’ she said kissing my forehead ‘I do love him’ I confirmed as she smiled at me ‘if you don’t want to that’s fine b-but you and Justin could come over for Christmas, it’s only a few weeks away’ she muttered ‘I was actually thinking of inviting everyone round to mine and Justin’s’ I smiled ‘really?’ she asked with hopeful eyes ‘yeah, u haven’t spoken to him yet, but I’m sure he’ll love the idea’ I giggled ‘that would be lovely’ she smiled wrapping her arms around my waist hugging me tight ‘I think I’m going to go home’ I yawned lightly ‘okay’ she nodded ‘but maybe me you and Josh can all go out tomorrow?’ I smiled walking towards the front door ‘yeah’ she nodded her head fast ‘I’ll see you tomorrow kid!’ I called out to Josh which I only got a mumble in response ‘bye mum’ I smiled giving her once last hug and jogging back to my car –in heels- to go home, cuddle up on the couch with Bell and just think about how much I miss him, even though it has only been two days. 

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