Bad First Impression [1]

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[A/N] - This story doesn't continue from any of the past Frans stories I've written considering it's a whole other AU. But I hope you enjoy it.


The human man ran down the darkened streets in the pouring rain, trying his hardest in a panic to escape his morbid fate. He was being followed by a pair of dark figures, who seemed happy to put him six feet under to his demise.

He turned left into an alley way, hoping that it would be his escape, only to have horror fill his eyes as he was met with a brick wall - a dead end. "Oh shit... Oh shit..." He spoke under his breath to himself, his tone quick and full of fear. He turned on his heel, hoping that if he was quick enough, he could still get away. However, the moment he turned to run, he bumped into a tall goat figure, causing him to stumble back into the ground, his back meeting harshly with the wall.

"well, well, well... what do we have here?" The shorter shadow spoke from the dark, before he stepped forward to stand just in front of the taller monster. "it looks like we found you." He smirked, right before he grabbed the man by the collar, pulled him up without care and slammed him against the wall.

"W-Wait! I can explain!" He yelped. "P-please! Just give me a chance to explain myself and--!"

"you've had enough chances buddy boy. let me guess, another excuse as to why you decided to betray the mafia? toriel and asgore had already given ya enough chances, and every time you threw it into their face. asgore doesn't take traitors like you lightly. and neither do i." Sans growled, before letting go of his collar and dropping him to the filthy ground once more.

"What... What are you going to do?" The man stammered. Sans smirked, looming over him with that bright blue glowing eye of his.

"the same thing we do with every traitor. give them a bad time."

The man stared up at the two monsters, scared for his life. The taller monster had been silent the entire time, but it was clear Asriel had no sympathy for him, neither was he going to stop Sans from doing what he had to do.

Sans held his hand out to his side, magically forming a bone to fit nicely within his grip, before he held it over his shoulder, ready to take a swing as if he was holding a baseball bat. He was almost ready to strike, but he was stopped when he heard a rustle beside him where a bunch of empty boxes, and bin bags full of nothing but rubbish led along the walls.

To the skeleton's shock, a brown haired girl suddenly jumped out from among the stack of rubbish, taking Sans completely off guard as she pushed him into Asriel. "Run!" She told the man, who didn't even wait for a moment to climb to his feet and dash off out of the alley.

"ugh, what the fuck?!" Sans seethed, also seeing that the girl was already beginning to run. "asriel! grab her!" He pointed, only to exhale with annoyance as the girl managed to escape from Asriel's out held hands. He just had to catch her himself.

She continued to run, not even looking back in the hope she'd lose those two monsters. Honestly she had no clue who they were, or who even that man was, but she was someone who didn't believe in killing. She was more of a merciful person. So seeing as she had the opportunity to save a life, she did.

To her dismay, that same short skeleton from before, who was only slightly taller than her, dressed in black trousers, with a plain white shirt, and a buttoned up black sleeveless suit vest atop that, suddenly appeared in front of her out of thin air. The goat had literally just been dressed in a dark suit with a red coloured buttoned shirt.

"boo." Sans simply said, before he grabbed hold of her and covered her mouth. To his luck, there was no one around to stop him from doing this to her as she tried to struggle. "quit your squirmin'." Sans told her sternly, as he had pushed her down onto her front upon the ground and he sat on her back to stop her from picking herself up and escaping again. "do you have any idea what you've just done, ya damn brat? who the hell do you think you are?" He looked to his partner who had managed to catch up with the car they had driven, as he was pulling up to the kerb and then climbing out. "asriel, give me some rope. we're going to have to take this little missy to headquarters."

"What are we going to do with her?" Asriel wondered as he got some rope and even duct tape out of the back of the car. Sans grinned.

"we're going to take her to toriel and asgore of course and see what they think we should do with her. she was the one who let that bastard get away after all. and i am NOT getting shit for that." He said. The girl's eyes seem to widen in fear as the two spent their time tying her up, along with putting duct tape across her lips.

Climbing off her, Sans proceeded to pick her up as Asriel opened the car door and the skeleton pushed her inside, before sitting down next to her and closing the door. His reasoning to sit beside this annoying little pest was to ensure that she didn't escape, while Asriel decided to drive the car in the driver's seat. It was clear that she was scared, considering she could hear the sound of her heart beating within her ears, and her lungs were just trying to pump as much oxygen as possible, in and out through her nose. 

Wanting the duct tape off, she tried to speak and whine, which only irritated Sans, causing him to glare towards her. "what do ya want, brat? will you just shut up and keep quiet?" When she seemed to be giving him a desperate look, he rose a brow in bewilderment. "what? what do you want?" Seeing her look downwards, he understood what she meant, she wanted him to remove the duct tape. "oh, so you can try to make noise eh or something? i ain't that stupid.

However, when she would not keep quiet, Sans gave in. "alright, alright! if you stop being a pest, i'll take it off!" He snapped, and it was then that she fell silent, waiting for him to pull it off. She winced in pain, as anyone knew that when removing tape from any part on your body or your face, it hurt like hell.

"Thank you..." She spoke after a moment. Sans rolled his eyes. 

"whatever kid." Sans grumbled. "what's your name?

"It's... Uh, it's Frisk." She answered in return. When he didn't reply, she continued. "What are you going to do with me?"

"that's up to toriel and asgore. we don't have any input on what's going to happen. i mean, we could have killed you right there if we wanted." Sans spoke grimly, glaring towards her. "however, because we lost that guy, which was your fault, there's no way in hell that i am getting crap for it. it's you that's going to get that.

That's when Frisk fell silent, worried that something horrible was going to happen to her. When they were dealing with that man, Frisk had heard him mention something about being in the Mafia. She had every right to feel terrified. From what she saw they didn't seem like a merciful bunch, and for all she knew this could be the end of the line for her. The end of her life. 

Well, at least she'd die with a clear conscience, knowing that she had done a good thing. 

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