Serious [78]

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Almost the moment Frisk had gotten through the front door, and she had placed her coat on the coat rack near the door, while then going to slip off her high heeled shoes, maybe she shouldn't have been so surprised when she was suddenly tackled by Chara. Asriel on the other hand had a more calm greeting and just stood, waving to Frisk when she had yelped out and looked to her two siblings in confusion. "And where have you been all night?" Oh right. Toriel must not have told her children that Frisk was going to be staying over at Sans' last night. Frisk nervously smiled.

"O-Oh. I was on a date with Sans yesterday, and I, um... Stayed over for the night." Frisk said, trying to make that sound as innocent as possible. The last thing she needed was her siblings figuring out what had really happened. Though, the way she had said that nervously was already getting weird looks from her goat brother and her human sister. "What? What's with the looks?" 

"You're acting weird." Chara said, raising an eyebrow at her. "Firstly, you're blushing." When Chara said that, Frisk quickly went to cover her cheeks with her hands in embarrassment. "Secondly, you were smiling like a complete idiot when you got through the door. You were unbelievably happy..." Chara murmured, narrowing her eyes at her older sister, who was now getting super, super embarrassed when Chara was eyeing her carefully, like she was trying to carefully pick her apart. "No way! You guys slept together, didn't y--" But as she was saying that, Frisk quickly covered her mouth.

"Shut up!" Frisk whined, her face going utterly bright red. Asriel stood, standing with a shocked expression across his face, while the two girls were fussing back and forth. Frisk felt so humiliated that she was having such a conversation right now, especially with her own family - even if they weren't actually related. 

"Woah, you two must be really serious, huh?" Asriel commented, just as Chara had finally got Frisk's hand off of her mouth. Gulping, Frisk then proceeded to nod. Yeah, her and Sans were really serious. How could they not be when they had spent such an amazing time together? They had even spoken about the possibilities of their future. If they weren't serious, it's not like they would talk about such things, would they? 

"He didn't hurt you, did he? Because if he did I might just have to kick his ass." Chara grumbled with a roll of the eyes, while Frisk went to try and dispel her worries. Clearly, she knew her sibling was trying to be protective, that she wanted the best for Frisk. Still, Frisk couldn't believe they were actually having this conversation. But they were too deep into it now for her to just dismiss it and not talk about it. 

"No! He didn't. He was actually, um... R-Really sweet and understanding..." Frisk reassured her, only to get a look that seemed unsure. Probably because people were not used to seeing the kinder and softer side to Sans. However, Chara was aware that Sans did seem to act... Different around Frisk. So, maybe around her he really was a sweeter guy. Frisk would know that better than anyone. Being the only person who had ever gotten so close to him. (Unless you were counting Blair, but Chara was not aware of the relationship that that fox had with the skeleton. No one knew, apart from Frisk, Sans and Blair of course). 

"Okay, if you say so... But wow, Frisk is really growing up, huh?" Chara teased, lightly nudging her in the side which only made Frisk blush once again. She loved her sister so, so much. Sometimes though she could be so utterly humiliating. Seeing Frisk's face only get redder, Chara chuckled and decided that for now she would stop teasing her. "Alright, I'll leave you alone. Though mom missed you all evening yesterday, so she hopes you're staying to eat." Chara told her, just as she was heading towards the stairs to go up to her room to get changed.

"Yeah, I'm home all day today, I won't be going anywhere." Frisk responded, before going up the stairs to get changed out of her black dress. Though just as she was getting changed she got a text from Sans. She went to look at it to see what he said, only to smile. He was just saying how he was going to take a nap and that he'd call her later so that they could chat. He even put a little kiss at the end, which she found so cute. It would never stop making her smile how they used to not even get along, and yet look at them now. They had come far.

Meanwhile, at the Mafia headquarters, Andrew was starting up his job at Grillby's for the day. Though when confronted by the flame monster, the monster mentioned how Asgore had mentioned how the cells could do with a clean. What made Andrew nervous was how Blair was down there - their recent prisoner. And to make matters worse, for some reason he was the one chosen to do the dusting? People really just wanted him to die, didn't they? But because she was behind metal bars, it's not like she could really  get to him, right?

Sitting with her back to the wall, the fox had her eyes closed in thought, seemingly trying to plan of possible ways to get out of here. So far, she hadn't thought of a good plan, and obviously no one was coming to save her. Sans really must have meant it when he said that he was just going to leave her here to die. No one had been feeding her, so she had been getting skinnier and skinnier as the days passed. Her stomach decided to let out the sound of a whale call at  the thought of food, and it only made her groan as she curled up into a ball on the floor.

Andrew stood anxiously in the doorway with a broom, before he let out a small sigh and decided to step into the cold room. Blair had instantly heard the sound of footsteps, and it caused her ears to twitch. "Sans, if that's you, I swear to fuck--!" Blair growled suddenly, sitting up with a fierce expression across her face, only to see that it was only Andrew. Andrew look a tad startled by her sudden yelling; he tried to ignore her though as he began sweeping the floor. "Oh. You. The fuck you doing down here, little errand boy?" Blair mocked, only to furrow her brow when Andrew ignored her. "Hey, dick! I'm talking to you!" 

"And I'm not talking to you." Andrew murmured under his breath as he was focusing on sweeping the floor. "Sans doesn't want anyone to have anything to do with you, and I'd rather keep my head on my shoulders and listen to what he says, so..." Andrew shrugged. Plus this fox didn't really come off as a very nice person anyway. Truth be told she frightened him. His heart was racing in fear at the fact that they were even anywhere near each other, even though there was the metal bars of her cell keeping them apart. 

"Ugh. Of course you'd listen to that shit head." Blair grumbled, crossing her arms in annoyance. She thought for a moment, before looking back to Andrew. "Hey, how about this? How about you help me escape?" She asked, going to get up and grab the bars as she smiled kindly at him, while then proceeding to flutter her eyelashes as if to try and seduce him. Andrew stared back at her, a confused expression across his face until he nervously laughed.

"Yeah, right. If I did that, I'd be killed. Sans would hate me more than he already does, and Frisk wouldn't approve. She clearly doesn't like you either." Andrew replied, continuing to sweep the floor with his broom. Blair sighed.

"Oh, right, Frisk. The one Sans is dating... What's so special about her anyway? She looks like she was dragged through a hedge backwards." Blair commented in disgust, which did poke at a nerve of Andrew's, as he didn't like the way the fox monster was talking about his ex girlfriend. Even if he wasn't with her anymore, he still cared about her deeply. He'd be willing to stick up for her, even when she wasn't around.

"You're wrong. Don't talk that way about Frisk. You don't know what you're talking about." Andrew told her. "If you didn't want to be locked up, maybe you should have just tried to focus on being a nicer person. Because clearly you are not that, so it's not like Sans just locked you up for no reason." Andrew growled at her. Sweeping the floor one last time, that's when he turned to stomp off to leave. Blair gritted her teeth, growling after him.

"Hey, we're not done talking!" She yelled, but he continued walking. Once again, her stomach had to make another gurgle. Dammit, she was so, so hungry... She really couldn't take it much longer. "Wait! Please!" Blair pleaded, relieved when Andrew actually seemed to stop for a moment at her sudden desperate plea. With a frown, he turned to face her. She sighed. "...Look, I'm really hungry. Really, REALLY  hungry. Can you bring me some food?" Maybe she could rely on this stupid idiot to keep her alive for a little longer. At least until she figured out how to get out of here. Andrew appeared unsure, knowing the skeleton wouldn't approve. But somehow, desperately letting out the word "please" had made him feel uneasy about the idea of just ignoring it. 

"...I'll see what I can do..." Andrew sighed with defeat. 

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