Another Step [82]

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This is what a real family was meant to feel like. Frisk could hardly stop herself from smiling at all the people around her: the goat parents, Chara and Asriel and of course one of the best things to ever happen to her, Sans.  It felt nice to all be sitting at the table like this, even if Toriel was shooting Asgore threatening glances every few minutes whenever he said something that she must have redeemed distasteful. He would just give her a nervous laugh in return, and she would simply smile a little as she looked back to her food. There was no denying it that those two still were in love with each other, even if they had their difficulties.

'How do you think I'm getting on, mom, dad?' Frisk had thought to herself as she was eating her food. She hoped they wouldn't be upset that she had found a new family. Not that she felt anyone could replace her birth parents; she still missed them dearly to this day. However, she felt happy with the family she now had. She liked to think that just maybe they would be cheerful for her that she was able to recover from their deaths. Instead of dying with them, or dying on the streets, she had managed to gain her life back. 

Yes, they likely wouldn't be proud of the questionable things she had done along the way. Like joining the Mafia, and killing someone for Sans (sometimes she still had nightmares back to that day), but if she hadn't been a part of the Mafia, she would not have gotten her life back. Looking towards Sans, there was another thought that came to her mind as he rose his eyebrows towards her and then smiled in return. Had she not been in the Mafia, she never would have met this amazing man. A man she hoped to spend the rest of her days with.

Truth be told she hoped that they got to talk about their future more. That perhaps they could talk about the possibility of them living together again. In a strange way Frisk had missed being in that apartment, especially when it meant she could wake up to the face of the person she loved so dearly every day. From under the table, Frisk decided to gently grab hold of Sans' hand, which did make him glance towards her once more in surprise, but he could only grin and happily hold onto her hand in return, giving it a small squeeze as he did.

"Alright you two love birds, maybe you should focus on eating your food before it gets cold rather than having googly eyes over each other." Chara teased from where she was sitting, causing everyone but Sans and Frisk to chuckle as they nervously looked away from each other and began to blush. Even Asgore had laughed at such a comment, which was admittedly surprising to Sans and Frisk. But maybe the big tall goat wasn't as intimidating as many had come to think.

"I do wonder how you two came to be. Of course I have been missing out a little on the action of everything that has  been going on." Asgore sheepishly chuckled, while Toriel sighed and frowned towards her husband. 

"Perhaps if you had spent less time doing your work you would be more knowledgeable." Toriel grumbled, which caused Asgore to laugh nervously once more. "But they simply fell in love after I told Sans to look after her. I'll be honest, it wasn't something I was entirely expecting from Sans." She went on, letting her eyes land on the skeleton who was now frowning in her direction. "However, you did prove me wrong, Sans. And it does appear that you truly care for her. I see how happy you make her. And if you continue to do so, then I would have no problem with allowing her into your care if you two were to last." She admitted, which shocked Sans. 

Toriel was trusting him with Frisk? Hell, they didn't even live together yet and already Frisk's goat mother was talking about letting him have responsibility over her romantically. Though, maybe Toriel had a sense that they had been talking about the idea of one day living together again. Perhaps she just knew that one of these days there would be a time where Frisk was no longer living underneath her roof because she would be living with him again. Smiling, Sans quietly chuckled, until he replied. "...thanks." He said, earning a nod and a look of what might have been respect from Toriel as he had actually given her a kind, sincere answer. 

Without a doubt, Frisk had turned Sans into a greater person. Everyone at the table had to know that by now. Toriel knew they were obviously happy together, not only that but she trusted Frisk to come to her for advice if there were any problems that was being faced in their relationship. She wanted to be a protective mother of Frisk, but knew the girl was an adult now and could make her own decisions. She couldn't go deciding what was best for her. So, she had to trust that dating Sans was the best thing for her child.

"Thank you, mom." Frisk also thanked her, being really glad that Toriel was actually willing to really give her relationship with Sans a chance. Then again, Frisk felt like her mother had kind of accepted it when she had been extremely embarrassing over the phone during her and Sans' date. Her mom knew that she couldn't always protect her from everything. Perhaps she had given into that. 

"Of course, my child. Now, eat up. I don't want this to go to waste." Toriel said not unkindly, as she continued to eat, as did everyone else. They just continued to eat as a family, conversing here and there, until the time would eventually come where Sans would have to head on home. Which saddened Frisk admittedly. She wished he could have stayed, but unfortunately that wouldn't happen. 

While she was saying goodbye to her boyfriend at the door, Asriel suggested "Why don't you just stay at his place if you want to be with him so bad?" Frisk wasn't sure that that was a great idea. She didn't want to upset Toriel by no longer spending any time at home, and she didn't want to always bother Sans just because she was his girlfriend now. Though, Sans actually seemed to like the sound of that idea which instantly shot down the thought of her being a bother. And her mother had been happy for her relationship, so...

"Okay, but I'll probably be back tomorrow." Frisk told her family, before saying her goodbyes to them. With her coat and shoes put on, she headed out of the door with her skeleton boyfriend, holding hands with him all the while. For the moment, they were in comfortable silence, just walking along to his car while they were in thought. That's when Frisk decided to speak up. "Sans?"

"yeah?" He simply answered, looking towards her once they reached his car. Though, they both came to a stop, rather than climbing inside as he wanted to hear whatever she had to say. It was easier to talk to her like this rather than fussing over getting inside the car and still trying to listen to what she wanted to tell him. "what is it?"

"You mentioned how we could have stayed living together." Frisk mentioned, twiddling her thumbs a little as she spoke, going to stare down at the ground for a moment. Sans stood, staring at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue with what she was saying. It took a few seconds until she looked at him again. "And I was just wondering if... If I could actually live with you again." She admitted, seeing a wide-eyed look appear on his face. "If it's too soon, we don't have to but--" She stopped suddenly, when Sans pulled her in for a hug, almost as if he was trying to stop her from rambling. "S-Sans?" 

"if ya really wanna live with me again... then i'd love it if ya moved in with me." Sans murmured over her shoulder, blushing a little as he said that. He hoped he hadn't been too eager by hugging her happily in response to what she said. But it made him feel joyful that she wanted to live with him again. To tell the honest truth he had missed waking up to her every day. To seeing her face whenever he wanted. At least this time she wouldn't have to sleep on the couch, but instead she could actually cuddle up with him in his bed. 

Before meeting Frisk, he never could have seen himself acting this way towards another person ever again. He thought Blair would have been the only person he would have ever loved before she betrayed him. But even then his love for Blair, it wasn't as strong as it had become for Frisk. The love he had for Frisk, it was so, so much stronger. Which made him all the more desperate never to lose her. 

Hugging Sans in return, Frisk had began to quietly cry, which instantly made the skeleton monster concerned that he had said something that had scared her. He was almost ready to apologise or at least say something that made her feel better. But before he spoke, she put a finger to his mouth to shush him. She shook her head at his worried expression and she smiled widely through her tears. "They're happy tears." She told him. "Because I'm happy that you want us to live together too." 

"heh... of course i do. i love ya, frisk." Sans murmured, going to kiss her on the cheek, all while continuing to hug her. Frisk giggled a tiny bit at his comment, before replying with her words of: "I love you too, Sans." 

Just like that, the couple stayed hugging for a little longer, excited for the time ahead of when they would get to start living together. They had never felt happier. 

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