Madly In Love [53]

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Had Sans had a heart within his ribcage, he knew it would have been hammering like crazy, like a fluttering butterfly and Frisk would have heard it without a doubt. He was just hoping with all his being that he wasn't a cyan blushing mess, and if he was, that Frisk assumed it was for some other reason. It was just hard not to feel like a billion fireworks were going off inside him when being this close to her. Not to mention with her having her hands on his shoulders, while he held onto her waist.

"So... How have you been?" Frisk decided to speak first. The monster rose his eyebrows a little. He hadn't been expecting her to start talking, not that he minded. He missed getting to hear her voice lately. Especially when all they had were really brief conversations as of recently.

"i've been... okay..." Sans knew he couldn't really tell her the truth of how he really had been feeling. How he was going through heartbreak every time he saw her with Andrew. How he longed to be with her. If time travel was possible, he knew he would have gone back and probably punched himself in the face. He would have convinced himself that rejecting Frisk would be the worst mistake he could ever make.

"Yeah?" Frisk weakly beamed. "That's good to hear. I guess you've been doing better since you don't have me bothering you all the time..." Frisk muttered, looking down at their feet, rather than looking into the eye sockets of the skeleton. Sans remained quiet for just a moment.

"why do ya act like i totally hate ya?" Sans demanded, causing Frisk to look back towards him. "just because i said no to ya when ya told me your feelings? are ya forgettin' i apologised to ya about that?" He frowned. "ya know i don't hate ya."

"You don't?" Frisk paused. "Yeah, I guess you don't... I don't know. I've just felt so awkward since that day. I thought I must have looked like an idiot." Frisk said. No, I was the idiot, Sans thought to himself sadly.

Not really being sure what to say, the pair fell quiet - a reoccurring theme between the two. This was utter torture. Being so close to Frisk, and not being able to tell her the truth, not being able to kiss her, or just show her how he felt, despite the fact that was all he wanted to do. Doing that though would spoil her happiness. While seeing her happy with Andrew destroyed him, it also just made him glad to see her smile.

" have things been with andrew? he keepin' ya happy?" He knew asking such a question was risky. That there was the chance she would realise something was up with him. He was asking about her happiness after all, about her relationship, which had nothing to do with him.

"Huh? Oh, um... We've been good. He's really sweet." Frisk smiled for a moment, before pulling a bewildered expression. "Why do you ask?"

"no reason." So, she probably did find the question weird. It was pretty out of character for him to ask about such things, when he normally had said he couldn't give a shit about relationships. "i still have that promise to toriel to keep. so, if he hurt ya, i'd have to beat him to a pulp." Sans joked with a slight grin. Frisk laughed a little, before shaking her head.

"You won't have to worry about that. Really." Frisk beamed. Right... He must have treated her right then. Better than he probably ever could. Still, Sans wasn't entirely sure if Andrew was capable of protecting her from anything bad happening but... His opinion didn't matter.

"well, good." Sans answered, before saying no more. They just continued to slowly dance with one another, and Sans couldn't keep himself looking at Frisk, otherwise he'd really just blush up a storm. Man... Once he swore that he would never ever fall in love... And yet Frisk just had to show up and throw him through a loop. She changed him. Most likely for the better.

Soon enough, Chara and Andrew came back over and Andrew wanted to go back to spending time with Frisk. Sadly, Sans had to agree, feeling the warmth leave his phalanges which were no longer on Frisk's waist. Being back with Chara, they headed back to the sidelines, and that is when Sans let out a miserable sigh.

"That didn't make you feel better at all?" Chara grumbled with a risen eyebrow. Sans shook his head.

"no..." Sans continued to stare at the couple dancing together with eye sockets of sadness. "i so badly wanna tell her how i feel. but i can't."

"I would say I told you so, but you've already seemed to get that." Chara said, glancing towards the silent skeleton. Sighing, she glanced to the watch on her wrist. "Listen, the party will probably be over in a few more hours. So just... Try to keep yourself entertained."


Waiting for the party to end, Sans had kept to himself for the remainder of it. His mood was already soured, so it's not like he was really up to doing much else. He just watched people conversing with one another, and dancing. He was surprised to find Toriel and Asgore dancing with one another, but Toriel looked a little frustrated. It got a small chuckle out of the skeleton, but it wasn't enough to make him feel better.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the party was coming to an end. Sans was the first to make it to his dad's car, going to open his car door, before pausing when he saw Frisk and Andrew heading to their car together. Sans rose his eyebrows when she gave him a small smile and a wave. He decided to do the same in return, the smile likely being more forced. After that, he climbed into the back of the car, waiting for Gaster and Grillby to show up. Eventually, the two arrived.

"Hello, Sans. We didn't see you much during the party. Did you have fun?" Grillby was the first to speak. Sans shrugged.

"I noticed you dancing with Frisk." Gaster spoke up, looking at the rear view mirror to see Sans' face. Just his dad talking about that was enough to make him scoff.

"can we not talk about frisk, please?" Sans said. His whole night had been nothing but thinking about Frisk. He didn't want to go talking about her on the way home too. So, he stayed silent at the back as Grillby and Gaster talked about how much fun they had. Gaster still couldn't believe Grillby had forced him to dance, but it had been a laugh.

Arriving at Sans' apartment, the youngest monster thanked his father for driving him home. He said bye to both monsters, until he got out of the car and closed the door. He waited for them to drive away, waving until they were out of sight.

"dammit..." Sans exhaled under his breath, going to head up to his apartment. His lonely, quiet apartment. If only Frisk was still here...

He missed seeing her every day.

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